
From Cookie Clicker Wiki
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For upgrades in beta versions of Cookie Clicker (if any), see Cookie Clicker Beta.
For Heavenly Upgrades, see Ascension#Upgrade_Tree.
All upgrades as of 2.052

Upgrades are purchasable items in Cookie Clicker that make buildings and some other parts of the game better. As of version 2.052, there are 716 normal upgrades, and 13 debug upgrades.


Clicking, building, and kitten upgrades are tiered. The names of these tiers can be seen by purchasing the label printer heavenly upgrade.

Tier Color Palettes
Example Name Additional notes
Chocolate chip cookie.png
Plain -
Berrylium cookie.png
Berrylium -
Blueberrylium cookie.png
Blueberrylium -
Chalcedhoney cookie.png
  • Sparkles
Buttergold cookie.png
  • Sparkles
Sugarmuck cookie.png
  • Melts
Jetmint cookie.png
  • Green outline
Cherrysilver cookie.png
  • Red outline
Hazelrald cookie.png
  • Sparkles
Mooncandy cookie.png
  • Sparkles
Astrofudge cookie.png
  • Purple outline
  • Sparkles
Alabascream cookie.png
  • Yellow outline
  • Sparkles
Iridyum cookie.png
  • Rainbow outline
  • Sparkles
Glucosmium cookie.png
  • Dark red outline
  • Sparkles
  • Base palette more than 4 colors
Glimmeringue cookie.png
  • Pink outline
  • Sparkles
  • Base palette more than 4 colors
Synergies Vol. I.png
Synergy Vol. I
  • 2 palettes
Synergies Vol. II.png
Synergy Vol. II
  • 2 palettes
Fortune! cookie.png
  • Sparkles
  • Red outline
  • Fortune cookie and note
- Self-Referential
  • Label only, no palette
  • Unique to Label printer upgrade
    and Fractal Engine upgrade This upgrade

Building Upgrades

There are 300 total building upgrades. Each building has its own set of tiered upgrades. Additionally, each building beyond Grandma has one grandma type upgrade and two synergy upgrades.

Reaching the required building number threshold through use of Spontaneous Edifice and/or the starter upgrades will not make the upgrade available for purchase.

Tiered upgrades

Each Building has tiered upgrades, most of which doubling their CpS output. The Cursor upgrades only double CpS for the first 3 tiers, the rest instead scale with the number of non-Cursor buildings owned.

Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain cursor.png Reinforced index finger Own 1 cursor Money.png 100 The mouse and cursors are twice as efficient.
"prod prod"
Berrylium cursor.png Carpal tunnel prevention cream Own 1 cursor Money.png 500 The mouse and cursors are twice as efficient.
"it... it hurts to click..."
Blueberrylium cursor.png Ambidextrous Own 10 cursors Money.png 10,000 The mouse and cursors are twice as efficient.
"Look ma, both hands!"
Chalcedhoney cursor.png Thousand fingers Own 25 cursors Money.png 100,000 The mouse and cursors gain +0.1 cookies for each non-cursor object owned.
Buttergold cursor.png Million fingers Own 50 cursors Money.png 10 million Multiplies the gain from Thousand fingers by 5.
Sugarmuck cursor.png Billion fingers Own 100 cursors Money.png 100 million Multiplies the gain from Thousand fingers by 10.
Jetmint cursor.png Trillion fingers Own 150 cursors Money.png 1 billion Multiplies the gain from Thousand fingers by 20.
Cherrysilver cursor.png Quadrillion fingers Own 200 cursors Money.png 10 billion Multiplies the gain from Thousand fingers by 20.
Hazelrald cursor.png Quintillion fingers Own 250 cursors Money.png 10 trillion Multiplies the gain from Thousand fingers by 20.
"man, just go click click click click click, it’s real easy, man."
Mooncandy cursor.png Sextillion fingers Own 300 cursors Money.png 10 quadrillion Multiplies the gain from Thousand fingers by 20.
things just
Astrofudge cursor.png Septillion fingers Own 350 cursors Money.png 10 quintillion Multiplies the gain from Thousand fingers by 20.
"[cursory flavor text]"
Alabascream cursor.png Octillion fingers Own 400 cursors Money.png 10 sextillion Multiplies the gain from Thousand fingers by 20..
"Turns out you can quite put your finger on it."
Iridyum cursor.png Nonillion fingers Own 450 cursors Money.png 10 septillion Multiplies the gain from Thousand fingers by 20.
"Only for the freakiest handshakes."
Glucosmium cursor.png Decillion fingers Own 500 cursors Money.png 10 octillion Multiplies the gain from Thousand fingers by 20.
"If you still can't quite put your finger on it, you must not be trying very hard."
Glimmeringue cursor.png Undecillion fingers Own 550 cursors Money.png 10 nonillion Multiplies the gain from Thousand fingers by 20.
"Whatever you touch
turns to dough in your clutch."
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain grandma.png Forwards from grandma Own 1 grandma Money.png 1,000 Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"RE:RE:thought you'd get a kick out of this ;))"
Berrylium grandma.png Steel-plated rolling pins Own 5 grandmas Money.png 5,000 Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"Just what you kneaded."
Blueberrylium grandma.png Lubricated dentures Own 25 grandmas Money.png 50,000 Grandmas are twice as efficient.
Chalcedhoney grandma.png Prune juice Own 50 grandmas Money.png 5 million Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"Gets me going."
Buttergold grandma.png Double-thick glasses Own 100 grandmas Money.png 500 million Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"Oh... so THAT's what I've been baking."
Sugarmuck grandma.png Aging agents Own 150 grandmas Money.png 50 billion Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"Counter-intuitively, grandmas have the uncanny ability to become more powerful the older they get."
Jetmint grandma.png Xtreme walkers Own 200 grandmas Money.png 50 trillion Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"Complete with flame decals and a little horn that goes "toot"."
Cherrysilver grandma.png The Unbridling Own 250 grandmas Money.png 50 quadrillion Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"It might be a classic tale of bad parenting, but let's see where grandma is going with this."
Hazelrald grandma.png Reverse dementia Own 300 grandmas Money.png 50 quintillion Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"Extremely unsettling, and somehow even worse than the regular kind."
Mooncandy grandma.png Timeproof hair dyes Own 350 grandmas Money.png 50 sextillion Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"Why do they always have those strange wispy pink dos? What do they know about candy floss that we don't?"
Astrofudge grandma.png Good manners Own 400 grandmas Money.png 500 septillion Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"Apparently these ladies are much more amiable if you take the time to learn their strange, ancient customs, which seem to involve saying "please" and "thank you" and staring at the sun with bulging eyes while muttering eldritch curses under your breath."
Alabascream grandma.png Generation degeneration Own 450 grandmas Money.png 5 nonillion Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"Genetic testing shows that most of your grandmas are infected with a strange degenerative disease that only seems to further their powers; the more time passes, the older they get. This should concern you."
Iridyum grandma.png Visits Own 500 grandmas Money.png 50 decillion Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"In an extensive double-blind study (sample size: 12 millions), your researchers have found evidence that grandmas are up to twice as productive if you just come by and say hi once in a while. It's nice to check up on your grans! (Do not under any circumstances ingest any tea or tea-like substances the grandmas may offer you.)."
Glucosmium grandma.png Kitchen cabinets Own 550 grandmas Money.png 500 undecillion Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"A grandma's kitchen cabinet is a befuddling place. Through lesser-studied aggregating instincts, grandmas will tend to gradually fill all nearby cabinets with various sorts of things, such as curious coconut snacks or dietetic powders. By contract, these are legally yours, which opens up exciting opportunities for your substance investigation department."
Glimmeringue grandma.png Foam-tipped canes Own 600 grandmas Money.png 5 tredecillion Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"Perhaps the result of prolonged service, your grandmas have developed all kinds of odd and aggressive hierarchies among themselves; these will help them not hurt each other as bad during their endless turf wars."
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain farm.png Cheap hoes Own 1 farm Money.png 11,000 Farms are twice as efficient.
"Rake in the dough!"
Berrylium farm.png Fertilizer Own 5 farms Money.png 55,000 Farms are twice as efficient.
"It's chocolate, I swear."
Blueberrylium farm.png Cookie trees Own 25 farms Money.png 550,000 Farms are twice as efficient.
"A relative of the breadfruit."
Chalcedhoney farm.png Genetically-modified cookies Own 50 farms Money.png 55 million Farms are twice as efficient.
"All-natural mutations."
Buttergold farm.png Gingerbread scarecrows Own 100 farms Money.png 5.5 billion Farms are twice as efficient.
"Staring at your crops with mischievous glee."
Sugarmuck farm.png Pulsar sprinklers Own 150 farms Money.png 550 billion Farms are twice as efficient.
"There's no such thing as over-watering. The moistest is the bestest."
Jetmint farm.png Fudge fungus Own 200 farms Money.png 550 trillion Farms are twice as efficient.
"A sugary parasite whose tendrils help cookie growth.
Please do not breathe in the spores. In case of spore ingestion, seek medical help within the next 36 seconds."
Cherrysilver farm.png Wheat triffids Own 250 farms Money.png 550 quadrillion Farms are twice as efficient.
"Taking care of crops is so much easier when your plants can just walk about and help around the farm.
Do not pet. Do not feed. Do not attempt to converse with."
Hazelrald farm.png Humane pesticides Own 300 farms Money.png 550 quintillion Farms are twice as efficient.
"Made by people, for people, from people and ready to unleash some righteous scorching pain on those pesky insects that so deserve it."
Mooncandy farm.png Barnstars Own 350 farms Money.png 550 sextillion Farms are twice as efficient.
"Ah, yes. These help quite a bit. Somehow."
Astrofudge farm.png Lindworms Own 400 farms Money.png 5.5 octillion Farms are twice as efficient.
"You have to import these from far up north, but they really help areate the soil!"
Alabascream farm.png Global seed vault Own 450 farms Money.png 55 nonillion Farms are twice as efficient.
"An enormous genetic repository that could outlive an apocalypse. Guarantees the survival of your empire, or at the very least its agricultural components, should civilization fall. Which should be any day now."
Iridyum farm.png Reverse-veganism Own 500 farms Money.png 550 decillion Farms are twice as efficient.
"Plants aren't for eating, plants are for exploitative agriculture and astronomical profit margins!"
Glucosmium farm.png Cookie mulch Own 550 farms Money.png 5.5 duodecillion Farms are twice as efficient.
"Grinding surplus cookies into paste that you then spread onto your fields enables a strange feedback loop in the quality of your cookie crops. Cookie feeding on cookie should be an abomination, but then why does it taste so good?"
Glimmeringue farm.png Self-driving tractors Own 600 farms Money.png 55 tredecillion Farms are twice as efficient.
"Embarked AI lets your field vehicles sow and harvest cookie crops at any time of the day or night, and with so few human casualties, too!"
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain mine.png Sugar gas Own 1 mine Money.png 120,000 Mines are twice as efficient.
"A pink, volatile gas, found in the depths of some chocolate caves."
Berrylium mine.png Megadrill Own 5 mines Money.png 600,000 Mines are twice as efficient.
"You're in deep."
Blueberrylium mine.png Ultradrill Own 25 mines Money.png 6 million Mines are twice as efficient.
"Finally caved in?"
Chalcedhoney mine.png Ultimadrill Own 50 mines Money.png 600 million Mines are twice as efficient.
"Pierce the heavens, etc."
Buttergold mine.png H-bomb mining Own 100 mines Money.png 60 billion Mines are twice as efficient.
"Questionable efficiency, but spectacular nonetheless."
Sugarmuck mine.png Coreforge Own 150 mines Money.png 6 trillion Mines are twice as efficient.
"You've finally dug a tunnel down to the Earth's core. It's pretty warm down here."
Jetmint mine.png Planetsplitters Own 200 mines Money.png 6 quadrillion Mines are twice as efficient.
"These new state-of-the-art excavators have been tested on Merula, Globort and Flwanza VI, among other distant planets which have been curiously quiet lately."
Cherrysilver mine.png Canola oil wells Own 250 mines Money.png 6 quintillion Mines are twice as efficient.
"A previously untapped resource, canola oil permeates the underground olifers which grant it its particular taste and lucrative properties."
Hazelrald mine.png Mole people Own 300 mines Money.png 6 sextillion Mines are twice as efficient.
"Engineered from real human beings within your very labs, these sturdy little folks have a knack for finding the tastiest underground minerals in conditions that more expensive machinery probably wouldn't survive."
Mooncandy mine.png Mine canaries Own 350 mines Money.png 6 septillion Mines are twice as efficient.
"These aren't used for anything freaky! The miners just enjoy having a pet or two down there."
Astrofudge mine.png Bore again Own 400 mines Money.png 60 octillion Mines are twice as efficient.
"After extracting so much sediment for so long, you've formed some veritable mountains of your own from the accumulated piles of rock and dirt. Time to dig through those and see if you find anything fun!"
Alabascream mine.png Air mining Own 450 mines Money.png 600 nonillion Mines are twice as efficient.
"You've dug your drills through just about every solid surface you could find. But did you know recent advances have revealed untold riches hiding within non-solid surfaces too?"
Iridyum mine.png Caramel alloys Own 500 mines Money.png 6 undecillion Mines are twice as efficient.
"Your geologists have isolated a family of once-overlooked sugary ores that, when combined, may be turned into even more cookie ingredients. Your millions of miles of previously useless tunnels probably house insane amounts of the stuff!"
Glucosmium mine.png Delicious mineralogy Own 550 mines Money.png 60 duodecillion Mines are twice as efficient.
"Stratum after stratum, you've extracted strange new minerals heretofore unknown to geology. Ushering a new era of materials research, your scientists have been able to identify every new element your mines have discovered, including whatever those things are in the upgrade tier names."
Glimmeringue mine.png Mineshaft supports Own 600 mines Money.png 600 tredecillion Mines are twice as efficient.
"You were rather skeptical about installing such embarrassingly low-tech implements, but limiting the number of daily cave-ins really does help with that annoying employee turnover!"
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain factory.png Sturdier conveyor belts Own 1 factory Money.png 1.3 million Factories are twice as efficient.
"You're going places."
Berrylium factory.png Child labor Own 5 factories Money.png 6.5 million Factories are twice as efficient.
"Cheaper, healthier workforce."
Blueberrylium factory.png Sweatshop Own 25 factories Money.png 65 million Factories are twice as efficient.
"Slackers will be terminated."
Chalcedhoney factory.png Radium reactors Own 50 factories Money.png 6.5 billion Factories are twice as efficient.
"Gives your cookies a healthy glow."
Buttergold factory.png Recombobulators Own 100 factories Money.png 650 billion Factories are twice as efficient.
"A major part of cookie recombobulation."
Sugarmuck factory.png Deep-bake process Own 150 factories Money.png 65 trillion Factories are twice as efficient.
"A patented process increasing cookie yield two-fold for the same amount of ingredients. Don't ask how, don't take pictures, and be sure to wear your protective suit."
Jetmint factory.png Cyborg workforce Own 200 factories Money.png 65 quadrillion Factories are twice as efficient.
"Semi-synthetic organisms don't slack off, don't unionize, and have 20% shorter lunch breaks, making them ideal labor fodder."
Cherrysilver factory.png 78-hour days Own 250 factories Money.png 65 quintillion Factories are twice as efficient.
"Why didn't we think of this earlier?"
Hazelrald factory.png Machine learning Own 300 factories Money.png 65 sextillion Factories are twice as efficient.
"You figured you might get better productivity if you actually told your workers to learn how to work the machines. Sometimes, it's the little things..."
Mooncandy factory.png Brownie point system Own 350 factories Money.png 65 septillion Factories are twice as efficient.
"Oh, these are lovely! You can now reward your factory employees for good behavior, such as working overtime or snitching on coworkers. 58 brownie points gets you a little picture of a brownie, and 178 of those pictures gets you an actual brownie piece for you to do with as you please! Infantilizing? Maybe. Oodles of fun? You betcha!"
Astrofudge factory.png "Volunteer" interns Own 400 factories Money.png 650 octillion Factories are twice as efficient.
"If you're bad at something, always do it for free."
Alabascream factory.png Behavioral reframing Own 450 factories Money.png 6.5 decillion Factories are twice as efficient.
"Through careful social engineering you've convinced your workers that "union" is a slur that only the most vile and repugnant filth among us would ever dare utter! Sometimes progress isn't in the big machines, it's in the little lies!"
Iridyum factory.png The infinity engine Own 500 factories Money.png 65 undecillion Factories are twice as efficient.
"In this house, I guess we don't care much for the laws of thermodynamics."
Glucosmium factory.png N-dimensional assembly lines Own 550 factories Money.png 650 duodecillion Factories are twice as efficient.
"Lines are depressingly 1-dimensional. Beyond assembly lines, we posit the existence of higher-order assembly entities, such as assembly squares, assembly cubes - perhaps even assembly tesseracts. Any deeper than that and we doubt we'll be able to write manuals your workers can read."
Glimmeringue factory.png Universal automation Own 600 factories Money.png 6.5 quattuordecillion Factories are twice as efficient.
"It's simple common sense; the more automation, the less work you have to do! Maybe one day you'll even automate yourself out of your own job. Exciting!"
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain bank.png Taller tellers Own 1 bank Money.png 14 million Banks are twice as efficient.
"Able to process a higher amount of transactions. Careful though, as taller tellers tell tall tales."
Berrylium bank.png Scissor-resistant credit cards Own 5 banks Money.png 70 million Banks are twice as efficient.
"For those truly valued customers."
Blueberrylium bank.png Acid-proof vaults Own 25 banks Money.png 700 million Banks are twice as efficient.
"You know what they say : better safe than sorry."
Chalcedhoney bank.png Chocolate coins Own 50 banks Money.png 70 billion Banks are twice as efficient.
"This revolutionary currency is much easier to melt from and into ingots - and tastes much better, for a change."
Buttergold bank.png Exponential interest rates Own 100 banks Money.png 7 trillion Banks are twice as efficient.
"Can't argue with mathematics! Now fork it over."
Sugarmuck bank.png Financial zen Own 150 banks Money.png 700 trillion Banks are twice as efficient.
"The ultimate grail of economic thought; the feng shui of big money, the stock market yoga - the Heimlich maneuver of dimes and nickels."
Jetmint bank.png Way of the wallet Own 200 banks Money.png 700 quadrillion Banks are twice as efficient.
"This new monetary school of thought is all the rage on the banking scene; follow its precepts and you may just profit from it."
Cherrysilver bank.png The stuff rationale Own 250 banks Money.png 700 quintillion Banks are twice as efficient.
"If not now, when? If not it, what? If not things... stuff?"
Hazelrald bank.png Edible money Own 300 banks Money.png 700 sextillion Banks are twice as efficient.
"It's really quite simple; you make all currency too delicious not to eat, solving world hunger and inflation in one fell swoop!"
Mooncandy bank.png Grand supercycle Own 350 banks Money.png 700 septillion Banks are twice as efficient.
"We let the public think these are complicated financial terms when really we're just rewarding the bankers with snazzy bicycles for a job well done. It's only natural after you built those fancy gold swimming pools for them, where they can take a dip and catch Kondratiev waves."
Astrofudge bank.png Rules of acquisition Own 400 banks Money.png 7 nonillion Banks are twice as efficient.
"Rule 387 : a cookie baked is a cookie kept."
Alabascream bank.png Altruistic loop Own 450 banks Money.png 70 decillion Banks are twice as efficient.
"You control so many branches of the global economy and legislative bodies that, through a particularly creative loophole, donating money (to yourself) grants you even more cash in tax deductions than you started with!"
Iridyum bank.png Diminishing tax returns Own 500 banks Money.png 700 undecillion Banks are twice as efficient.
"Wow, they're tiny! Wish you'd thought of that sooner!"
Glucosmium bank.png Cookie Points Own 550 banks Money.png 7 tredecillion Banks are twice as efficient.
"A loyalty program wherein each purchase of your cookies comes with free Cookie Points, which can in turn be redeemed for more cookies, thus creating the self-sustaining economy you've been looking for."
Glimmeringue bank.png The big shortcake Own 600 banks Money.png 70 quattuordecillion Banks are twice as efficient.
"You're not quite sure what this entails, but it must have been quite the cake for folks to lose their homes over it."
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain temple.png Golden idols Own 1 temple Money.png 200 million Temples are twice as efficient.
"Lure even greedier adventurers to retrieve your cookies. Now that's a real idol game!"
Berrylium temple.png Sacrifices Own 5 temples Money.png 1 billion Temples are twice as efficient.
"What's a life to a gigaton of cookies?"
Blueberrylium temple.png Delicious blessing Own 25 temples Money.png 10 billion Temples are twice as efficient.
"And lo, the Baker's almighty spoon came down and distributed holy gifts unto the believers - shimmering sugar, and chocolate dark as night, and all manner of wheats. And boy let me tell you, that party was mighty gnarly."
Chalcedhoney temple.png Sun festival Own 50 temples Money.png 1 trillion Temples are twice as efficient.
"Free the primordial powers of your temples with these annual celebrations involving fire-breathers, traditional dancing, ritual beheadings and other merriments!"
Buttergold temple.png Enlarged pantheon Own 100 temples Money.png 100 trillion Temples are twice as efficient.
"Enough spiritual inadequacy! More divinities than you'll ever need, or your money back! 100% guaranteed!"
Sugarmuck temple.png Great Baker in the sky Own 150 temples Money.png 10 quadrillion Temples are twice as efficient.
"This is it. The ultimate deity has finally cast Their sublimely divine eye upon your operation; whether this is a good thing or possibly the end of days is something you should find out very soon."
Jetmint temple.png Creation myth Own 200 temples Money.png 10 quintillion Temples are twice as efficient.
"Stories have been circulating about the origins of the very first cookie that was ever baked; tales of how it all began, in the Dough beyond time and the Ovens of destiny."
Cherrysilver temple.png Theocracy Own 250 temples Money.png 10 sextillion Temples are twice as efficient.
"You've turned your cookie empire into a perfect theocracy, gathering the adoration of zillions of followers from every corner of the universe.
Don't let it go to your head."
Hazelrald temple.png Sick rap prayers Own 300 temples Money.png 10 septillion Temples are twice as efficient.
"With their ill beat and radical rhymes, these way-hip religious tunes are sure to get all the youngins who thought they were 2 cool 4 church back on the pews and praying for more! Wicked!"
Mooncandy temple.png Psalm-reading Own 350 temples Money.png 10 octillion Temples are twice as efficient.
"A theologically dubious and possibly blasphemous blend of fortune-telling and scripture studies."
Astrofudge temple.png War of the gods Own 400 temples Money.png 100 nonillion Temples are twice as efficient.
"An interesting game; the only winning move is not to pray."
Alabascream temple.png A novel idea Own 450 temples Money.png 1 undecillion Temples are twice as efficient.
"You don't get rich starting a religion. If you want to get rich, you write science fiction."
Iridyum temple.png Apparitions Own 500 temples Money.png 10 duodecillion Temples are twice as efficient.
"You've booked a deal with the higher-ups that schedules one weekly earthly apparition by a deity, angel, ascended prophet, or other holy figure. This should boost interest in cookie religion among youths as long as you can secure a decent time slot."
Glucosmium temple.png Negatheism Own 550 temples Money.png 100 tredecillion Temples are twice as efficient.
"Polytheism is a belief in multiple deities; monotheism in just one. Atheism is a belief in no deity whatsoever. Through logical succession it follows that this remains true when going into negative numbers, with belief systems involving minus 1 or more deities displaying unprecedented theological properties."
Glimmeringue temple.png Temple traps Own 600 temples Money.png 1 quindecillion Temples are twice as efficient.
"You've laid out your temples with (metaphorical) pitfalls, forcing adventurers to navigate through trappings (of power and wealth), ensuring that only the most pious (and poison dart-resistant) of them return with your precious cookies. These temples may be veritable mazes (of the soul) but perhaps you've lost yourself a little bit in the analogy too."
Wizard Tower
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain wizard tower.png Pointier hats Own 1 wizard tower Money.png 3.3 billion Wizard towers are twice as efficient.
"Tests have shown increased thaumic receptivity relative to the geometric proportions of wizardly conic implements."
Berrylium wizard tower.png Beardlier beards Own 5 wizard towers Money.png 16.5 billion Wizard towers are twice as efficient.
"Haven't you heard? The beard is the word."
Blueberrylium wizard tower.png Ancient grimoires Own 25 wizard towers Money.png 165 billion Wizard towers are twice as efficient.
"Contain interesting spells such as "Turn Water To Drool", "Grow Eyebrows On Furniture" and "Summon Politician"."
Chalcedhoney wizard tower.png Kitchen curses Own 50 wizard towers Money.png 16.5 trillion Wizard towers are twice as efficient.
"Exotic magic involved in all things pastry-related. Hexcellent!"
Buttergold wizard tower.png School of sorcery Own 100 wizard towers Money.png 1.65 quadrillion Wizard towers are twice as efficient.
"This cookie-funded academy of witchcraft is home to the 4 prestigious houses of magic : the Jocks, the Nerds, the Preps, and the Deathmunchers."
Sugarmuck wizard tower.png Dark formulas Own 150 wizard towers Money.png 165 quadrillion Wizard towers are twice as efficient.
"Eldritch forces are at work behind these spells - you get the feeling you really shouldn't be messing with those. But I mean, free cookies, right?"
Jetmint wizard tower.png Cookiemancy Own 200 wizard towers Money.png 165 quintillion Wizard towers are twice as efficient.
"There it is; the perfected school of baking magic. From summoning chips to hexing nuts, there is not a single part of cookie-making that hasn't been improved tenfold by magic tricks."
Cherrysilver wizard tower.png Rabbit trick Own 250 wizard towers Money.png 165 sextillion Wizard towers are twice as efficient.
"Using nothing more than a fancy top hat, your wizards have found a way to simultaneously curb rabbit population and produce heaps of extra cookies for basically free!
Resulting cookies may or may not be fit for vegans."
Hazelrald wizard tower.png Deluxe tailored wands Own 300 wizard towers Money.png 165 septillion Wizard towers are twice as efficient.
"In this age of science, most skillful wand-makers are now long gone; but thankfully - not all those wanders are lost."
Mooncandy wizard tower.png Immobile spellcasting Own 350 wizard towers Money.png 165 octillion Wizard towers are twice as efficient.
"Wizards who master this skill can now cast spells without having to hop and skip and gesticulate embarrassingly, which is much sneakier and honestly quite a relief."
Astrofudge wizard tower.png Electricity Own 400 wizard towers Money.png 1.65 decillion Wizard towers are twice as efficient.
"Ancient magicks and forbidden hexes shroud this arcane knowledge, whose unfathomable power can mysteriously turn darkness into light and shock an elephant to death."
Alabascream wizard tower.png Spelling bees Own 450 wizard towers Money.png 16.5 undecillion Wizard towers are twice as efficient.
"You've unleashed a swarm of magically-enhanced bees upon mankind! Their stinging spells may be the bane of all living things but you're certain you can put their delicious, purple, fizzy honey to good use!"
Iridyum wizard tower.png Wizard basements Own 500 wizard towers Money.png 165 duodecillion Wizard towers are twice as efficient.
"You've received construction permits allowing you to build basements underneath each wizard tower. This provides a handy storage space for precious reagents, fizzled-out soul gems, and weird old magazines."
Glucosmium wizard tower.png Magical realism Own 550 wizard towers Money.png 1.65 quattuordecillion Wizard towers are twice as efficient.
"More a social than thaumaturgical progress, magical realism refers to the normalization of modern technology among magic-users. It's totally fine for a wizard to drive a car! There's no stigma in waiting in line for coffee! Sure, take a phone call, send an email, whatever!"
Glimmeringue wizard tower.png Polymorphism Own 600 wizard towers Money.png 16.5 quindecillion Wizard towers are twice as efficient.
"This astonishing new field of spellcasting can change any creature into another, its most widespread application being a wizard turning themselves into a different, smarter, stronger, more attractive wizard."
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain shipment.png Vanilla nebulae Own 1 shipment Money.png 51 billion Shipments are twice as efficient.
"If you removed your space helmet, you could probably smell it!
(Note : don't do that.)"
Berrylium shipment.png Wormholes Own 5 shipments Money.png 255 billion Shipments are twice as efficient.
"By using these as shortcuts, your ships can travel much faster."
Blueberrylium shipment.png Frequent flyer Own 25 shipments Money.png 2.55 trillion Shipments are twice as efficient.
"Come back soon!"
Chalcedhoney shipment.png Warp drive Own 50 shipments Money.png 255 trillion Shipments are twice as efficient.
"To boldly bake."
Buttergold shipment.png Chocolate monoliths Own 100 shipments Money.png 25.5 quadrillion Shipments are twice as efficient.
"My god. It's full of chocolate bars."
Sugarmuck shipment.png Generation ship Own 150 shipments Money.png 2.55 quintillion Shipments are twice as efficient.
"Built to last, this humongous spacecraft will surely deliver your cookies to the deep ends of space, one day."
Jetmint shipment.png Dyson sphere Own 200 shipments Money.png 2.55 sextillion Shipments are twice as efficient.
"You've found a way to apply your knowledge of cosmic technology to slightly more local endeavors; this gigantic sphere of meta-materials, wrapping the solar system, is sure to kick your baking abilities up a notch."
Cherrysilver shipment.png The final frontier Own 250 shipments Money.png 2.55 septillion Shipments are twice as efficient.
"It's been a long road, getting from there to here. It's all worth it though - the sights are lovely and the oil prices slightly more reasonable."
Hazelrald shipment.png Autopilot Own 300 shipments Money.png 2.55 octillion Shipments are twice as efficient.
"Your ships are now fitted with completely robotic crews! It's crazy how much money you save when you don't have to compensate the families of those lost in space."
Mooncandy shipment.png Restaurants at the end of the universe Own 350 shipments Money.png 2.55 nonillion Shipments are twice as efficient.
"Since the universe is spatially infinite, and therefore can be construed to have infinite ends, you've opened an infinite chain of restaurants where your space truckers can rest and partake in some home-brand cookie-based meals."
Astrofudge shipment.png Universal alphabet Own 400 shipments Money.png 25.5 decillion Shipments are twice as efficient.
"You've managed to chart a language that can be understood by any sentient species in the galaxy; its exciting vocabulary contains over 56 trillion words that sound and look like sparkly burps, forming intricate sentences that usually translate to something like "give us your cookies, or else"."
Alabascream shipment.png Toroid universe Own 450 shipments Money.png 255 undecillion Shipments are twice as efficient.
"If you think of the universe as an nth-dimensional torus that wraps back on itself in every direction, you can save a fortune on rocket fuel! Of course the universe isn't actually shaped like that, but you've never let details stand in your way."
Iridyum shipment.png Prime directive Own 500 shipments Money.png 2.55 tredecillion Shipments are twice as efficient.
"An intergalactic delegation made you pinky-swear not to directly interact with lesser alien cultures. Which is fine, because it's much funnier to rob a planet blind when its inhabitants have no idea what's going on."
Glucosmium shipment.png Cosmic foreground radiation Own 550 shipments Money.png 25.5 quattuordecillion Shipments are twice as efficient.
"Ah, this is a problem."
Glimmeringue shipment.png At your doorstep in 30 minutes or your money back Own 600 shipments Money.png 255 quindecillion Shipments are twice as efficient.
"Refund policies help rope in a ton of new clients and have practically no impact on your bottom line. You possess absolute mastery over time and space. You're never late. You couldn't be late if you tried."
Alchemy Lab
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain alchemy lab.png Antimony Own 1 alchemy lab Money.png 750 billion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"Actually worth a lot of mony."
Berrylium alchemy lab.png Essence of dough Own 5 alchemy labs Money.png 3.75 trillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"Extracted through the 5 ancient steps of alchemical baking."
Blueberrylium alchemy lab.png True chocolate Own 25 alchemy labs Money.png 37.5 trillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"The purest form of cacao."
Chalcedhoney alchemy lab.png Ambrosia Own 50 alchemy labs Money.png 3.75 quadrillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"Adding this to the cookie mix is sure to make them even more addictive!
Perhaps dangerously so.
Let's hope you can keep selling these legally."
Buttergold alchemy lab.png Aqua crustulae Own 100 alchemy labs Money.png 375 quadrillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"Careful with the dosing - one drop too much and you get muffins.
And nobody likes muffins."
Sugarmuck alchemy lab.png Origin crucible Own 150 alchemy labs Money.png 37.5 quintillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"Built from the rarest of earths and located at the very deepest of the largest mountain, this legendary crucible is said to retain properties from the big-bang itself."
Jetmint alchemy lab.png Theory of atomic fluidity Own 200 alchemy labs Money.png 37.5 sextillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"Pushing alchemy to its most extreme limits, you find that everything is transmutable into anything else - lead to gold, mercury to water; more importantly, you realize that anything can -and should- be converted to cookies."
Cherrysilver alchemy lab.png Beige goo Own 250 alchemy labs Money.png 37.5 septillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"Well now you've done it. Good job. Very nice. That's 3 galaxies you've just converted into cookies. Good thing you can hop from universe to universe."
Hazelrald alchemy lab.png The advent of chemistry Own 300 alchemy labs Money.png 37.5 octillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"You know what? That whole alchemy nonsense was a load of baseless rubbish. Dear god, what were you thinking?"
Mooncandy alchemy lab.png On second thought Own 350 alchemy labs Money.png 37.5 nonillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"Disregard that last upgrade, alchemy is where it's at! Your eggheads just found a way to transmute children's nightmares into rare metals!"
Astrofudge alchemy lab.png Public betterment Own 400 alchemy labs Money.png 375 decillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"Why do we keep trying to change useless matter into cookies, or cookies into even better cookies? Clearly, the way of the future is to change the people who eat the cookies into people with a greater understanding, appreciation and respect for the cookies they're eating. Into the vat you go!"
Alabascream alchemy lab.png Hermetic reconciliation Own 450 alchemy labs Money.png 3.75 duodecillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"It's time for modern science and the mystical domains of the occult to work together at last. What do gravitons transmute into? What if alkahest is pH-neutral? Should a homunculus have the right to vote? And other exciting questions coming to you soon, whether you like it or not."
Iridyum alchemy lab.png Chromatic cycling Own 500 alchemy labs Money.png 37.5 tredecillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"All states of matter exist in a continuous loop. Having learned how to cycle through them, all you have to do is to freeze matter right on the state you need. For reference, the cookie state of matter is situated at precisely 163.719°, right between lamellar gas and metaplasma."
Glucosmium alchemy lab.png Arcanized glassware Own 550 alchemy labs Money.png 375 quattuordecillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"You think your lab equipment enjoys taking part in these experiments violating all sorts of modern scientific precepts? Of course not. Thankfully, you've finalized the design of specialized beakers and flasks, recycled from the same glass used by the ancients to perform primeval alchemy, and therefore much less picky about the nature of the physical world."
Glimmeringue alchemy lab.png The dose makes the poison Own 600 alchemy labs Money.png 3.75 sexdecillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"Iterative recipe refinement is a noble pursuit but maybe your cookies have come to contain, well, perhaps a bit too much cookie per cookie. Tweaking it down by a couple percents has helped reduce the amount of complaints to your toxicity call centers to almost nil!"
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain portal.png Ancient tablet Own 1 portal Money.png 10 trillion Portals are twice as efficient.
"A strange slab of peanut brittle, holding an ancient cookie recipe. Neat!"
Berrylium portal.png Insane oatling workers Own 5 portals Money.png 50 trillion Portals are twice as efficient.
Blueberrylium portal.png Soul bond Own 25 portals Money.png 500 trillion Portals are twice as efficient.
"So I just sign up and get more cookies? Sure, whatever!"
Chalcedhoney portal.png Sanity dance Own 50 portals Money.png 50 quadrillion Portals are twice as efficient.
"We can change if we want to.
We can leave our brains behind."
Buttergold portal.png Brane transplant Own 100 portals Money.png 5 quintillion Portals are twice as efficient.
"This refers to the practice of merging higher dimensional universes, or "branes", with our own, in order to facilitate transit (and harvesting of precious cookie dough)."
Sugarmuck portal.png Deity-sized portals Own 150 portals Money.png 500 quintillion Portals are twice as efficient.
"It's almost like, say, an elder god could fit through this thing now. Hypothetically."
Jetmint portal.png End of times back-up plan Own 200 portals Money.png 500 sextillion Portals are twice as efficient.
"Just in case, alright?"
Cherrysilver portal.png Maddening chants Own 250 portals Money.png 500 septillion Portals are twice as efficient.
"A popular verse goes like so : "jau'hn madden jau'hn madden aeiouaeiouaeiou brbrbrbrbrbrbr""
Hazelrald portal.png The real world Own 300 portals Money.png 500 octillion Portals are twice as efficient.
"It turns out that our universe is actually the twisted dimension of another, saner plane of reality. Time to hop on over there and loot the place!""
Mooncandy portal.png Dimensional garbage gulper Own 350 portals Money.png 500 nonillion Portals are twice as efficient.
"So we've been looking for a place to dispose of all the refuse that's been accumulating since we started baking - burnt cookies, failed experiments, unruly workers - and well, we figured rather than sell it to poor countries like we've been doing, we could just dump it in some alternate trash dimension where it's not gonna bother anybody! Probably!"
Astrofudge portal.png Embedded microportals Own 400 portals Money.png 5 undecillion Portals are twice as efficient.
"We've found out that if we bake the portals into the cookies themselves, we can transport people's taste buds straight into the taste dimension! Good thing your army of lawyers got rid of the FDA a while ago!"
Alabascream portal.png His advent Own 450 portals Money.png 50 duodecillion Portals are twice as efficient.
""He comes! He comes at last! Just like the prophecies foretold! And as He steps out of the portal, your engineers begin slicing Him into convenient chunks before transporting His writhing cosmic flesh to your factories, where He will be processed and converted into a new and exciting cookie flavor, available tomorrow."
Iridyum portal.png Domestic rifts Own 500 portals Money.png 500 tredecillion Portals are twice as efficient.
"You've managed to manufacture portals that are convenient enough, and legally safe enough, that you can just stick them against walls inside buildings to connect rooms together in unusual configurations. In practice, this means your employees get to have much shorter bathroom breaks."
Glucosmium portal.png Portal guns Own 550 portals Money.png 5 quindecillion Portals are twice as efficient.
"At long last! The only weapon capable of killing a portal."
Glimmeringue portal.png A way home Own 600 portals Money.png 50 sexdecillion Portals are twice as efficient.
"You started this whole cookie venture on the simple kitchen counters of your own home. Your industrial and research facilities, sadly, have long since outgrown the confines of the little house, but you always knew it was still in there, buried somewhere. With a targeted portal, you could, conceivably, pay it a little visit for old times' sake..."
Time Machine
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain time machine.png Flux capacitors Own 1 time machine Money.png 140 trillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"Bake to the future."
Berrylium time machine.png Time paradox resolver Own 5 time machines Money.png 700 trillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"No more fooling around with your own grandmother!"
Blueberrylium time machine.png Quantum conundrum Own 25 time machines Money.png 7 quadrillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"There is only one constant, and that is universal uncertainty.
Or is it?"
Chalcedhoney time machine.png Causality enforcer Own 50 time machines Money.png 700 quadrillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"What happened, happened."
Buttergold time machine.png Yestermorrow comparators Own 100 time machines Money.png 70 quintillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"Fortnights into milleniums."
Sugarmuck time machine.png Far future enactment Own 150 time machines Money.png 7 sextillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"The far future enactment authorizes you to delve deep into the future - where civilization has fallen and risen again, and cookies are plentiful."
Jetmint time machine.png Great loop hypothesis Own 200 time machines Money.png 7 septillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"What if our universe is just one instance of an infinite cycle? What if, before and after it, stretched infinite amounts of the same universe, themselves containing infinite amounts of cookies?"
Cherrysilver time machine.png Cookietopian moments of maybe Own 250 time machines Money.png 7 octillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"Reminiscing how things could have been, should have been, will have been."
Hazelrald time machine.png Second seconds Own 300 time machines Money.png 7 nonillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"That's twice as many seconds in the same amount of time! What a deal! Also, what in god's name!"
Mooncandy time machine.png Additional clock hands Own 350 time machines Money.png 7 decillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"It seemed like a silly idea at first, but it turns out these have the strange ability to twist time in interesting new ways."
Astrofudge time machine.png Nostalgia Own 400 time machines Money.png 70 undecillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"Your time machine technicians insist that this is some advanced new time travel tech, and not just an existing emotion universal to mankind. Either way, you have to admit that selling people the same old cookies just because it reminds them of the good old times is an interesting prospect."
Alabascream time machine.png Split seconds Own 450 time machines Money.png 700 duodecillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"Time is infinite, yes... But what if, nestled within each second, were even more infinities? Every moment an eternity! Think of how many scheduling troubles this solves!"
Iridyum time machine.png Patience abolished Own 500 time machines Money.png 7 quattuordecillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"You wait for no one."
Glucosmium time machine.png Timeproof upholstery Own 550 time machines Money.png 70 quindecillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"Sometimes your time agents overshoot and end up having to fast-forward through the universe's entire history until they loop back to present time. It still takes a while, so they might as well travel in comfort and enjoy the show while they do."
Glimmeringue time machine.png Rectifying a mistake Own 600 time machines Money.png 700 sexdecillion Time machines are twice as efficient.
"This whole time-travelling business has been a terrible mess and, frankly, far more trouble than was worth. It's decided: you'll hop in one of your time machines one last time, turn back the clock, knock on the door of your younger self and make a stern but convincing case against starting this entire nonsense in the first place. Oh hey, is someone at the door?"
Antimatter Condenser
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain antimatter condenser.png Sugar bosons Own 1 antimatter condenser Money.png 1.7 quadrillion Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.
"Sweet firm bosons."
Berrylium antimatter condenser.png String theory Own 5 antimatter condensers Money.png 8.5 quadrillion Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.
"Reveals new insight about the true meaning of baking cookies (and, as a bonus, the structure of the universe)."
Blueberrylium antimatter condenser.png Large macaron collider Own 25 antimatter condensers Money.png 85 quadrillion Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.
"How singular!"
Chalcedhoney antimatter condenser.png Big bang bake Own 50 antimatter condensers Money.png 8.5 quintillion Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.
"And that's how it all began."
Buttergold antimatter condenser.png Reverse cyclotrons Own 100 antimatter condensers Money.png 850 quintillion Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.
"These can uncollision particles and unspin atoms. For... uh... better flavor, and stuff."
Sugarmuck antimatter condenser.png Nanocosmics Own 150 antimatter condensers Money.png 85 sextillion Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.
"The theory of nanocosmics posits that each subatomic particle is in fact its own self-contained universe, holding unfathomable amounts of energy."
Jetmint antimatter condenser.png The Pulse Own 200 antimatter condensers Money.png 85 septillion Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.
"You've tapped into the very pulse of the cosmos, a timeless rhythm along which every material and antimaterial thing beats in unison. This, somehow, means more cookies."
Cherrysilver antimatter condenser.png Some other super-tiny fundamental particle? Probably? Own 250 antimatter condensers Money.png 85 octillion Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.
"When even the universe is running out of ideas, that's when you know you're nearing the end."
Hazelrald antimatter condenser.png Quantum comb Own 300 antimatter condensers Money.png 85 nonillion Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.
"Quantum entanglement is one of those things that are so annoying to explain that we might honestly be better off without it. This is finally possible thanks to the quantum comb!"
Mooncandy antimatter condenser.png Baking Nobel prize Own 350 antimatter condensers Money.png 85 decillion Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.
"What better way to sponsor scientific growth than to motivate those smarmy nerds with a meaningless award! What's more, each prize comes with a fine print lifelong exclusive contract to come work for you (or else)!"
Astrofudge antimatter condenser.png The definite molecule Own 400 antimatter condensers Money.png 850 undecillion Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.
"Your scientists have found a way to pack a cookie into one single continuous molecule, opening exciting new prospects in both storage and flavor despite the fact that these take up to a whole year to digest."
Alabascream antimatter condenser.png Flavor itself Own 450 antimatter condensers Money.png 8.5 tredecillion Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.
"Deep under the earth, in the most sterile laboratory, in the most vast and expensive particle accelerator ever devised, your scientists have synthesized -for a fraction of a second- the physical manifestation of pure flavor. Highly unstable, and gone in a puff of radioactive energy, it nonetheless left your team shivering with awe... and hunger."
Iridyum antimatter condenser.png Delicious pull Own 500 antimatter condensers Money.png 85 quattuordecillion Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.
"In addition to the 4 fundamental forces of the universe - gravity, electromagnetism, weak and strong interactions- your scientists have at long last confirmed the existence of a fifth one, mediated by sugar bosons; it dictates that any two masses of ingredient-like matter will, given enough time, eventually meet each other to produce a third, even tastier substance. Your team enthusiastically names it the delicious pull."
Glucosmium antimatter condenser.png Employee minification Own 550 antimatter condensers Money.png 850 quindecillion Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.
"Using molecular shrinking technology, you've rendered your staff and their offices absolutely itty-bitty. The storage and productivity benefits are questionable but it's very fun listening to their tiny little complaints. They all signed the waivers, so maybe their new size will finally teach them to read the small print..."
Glimmeringue antimatter condenser.png Candied atoms Own 600 antimatter condensers Money.png 8.5 septendecillion Antimatter condensers are twice as efficient.
"You know what, just eat the suckers, yeah?"
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain prism.png Gem polish Own 1 prism Money.png 21 quadrillion Prisms are twice as efficient.
"Get rid of the grime and let more light in.
Truly, truly outrageous."
Berrylium prism.png 9th color Own 5 prisms Money.png 105 quadrillion Prisms are twice as efficient.
"Delve into the untouched optical depths where even the mantis shrimp hasn't set an eye!"
Blueberrylium prism.png Chocolate light Own 25 prisms Money.png 1.05 quintillion Prisms are twice as efficient.
"Bask into its cocoalesence.
(Warning : may cause various interesting albeit deadly skin conditions.)"
Chalcedhoney prism.png Grainbow Own 50 prisms Money.png 105 quintillion Prisms are twice as efficient.
"Remember the different grains using the handy Roy G. Biv mnemonic : R is for rice, O is for Oats... uh, B for barley?..."
Buttergold prism.png Pure cosmic light Own 100 Prisms Money.png 10.5 sextillion Prisms are twice as efficient.
"Your prisms now receive pristine unadulterated photons from the other end of the universe."
Sugarmuck prism.png Glow-in-the-dark Own 150 Prisms Money.png 1.05 septillion Prisms are twice as efficient.
"Your prisms now glow in the dark, effectively doubling their output."
Jetmint prism.png Lux sanctorum Own 200 Prisms Money.png 1.05 octillion Prisms are twice as efficient.
"Your prism attendants have become increasingly mesmerized with something in the light - or maybe something beyond it; beyond us all, perhaps?"
Cherrysilver prism.png Reverse shadows Own 250 Prisms Money.png 1.05 nonillion Prisms are twice as efficient.
"Oh man, this is really messing with your eyes."
Hazelrald prism.png Crystal mirrors Own 300 Prisms Money.png 1.05 decillion Prisms are twice as efficient.
"Designed to filter more light back into your prisms, reaching levels of brightness that reality itself had never planned for.
Mooncandy prism.png Reverse theory of light Own 350 Prisms Money.png 1.05 undecillion Prisms are twice as efficient.
"A whole new world of physics opens up when you decide that antiphotons are real and posit that light is merely a void in shadow."
Astrofudge prism.png Light capture measures Own 400 Prisms Money.png 10.5 duodecillion Prisms are twice as efficient.
"As the universe gets ever so slightly dimmer due to you converting more and more of its light into cookies, you've taken to finding new and unexplored sources of light for your prisms; for instance, the warm glow emitted by a pregnant woman, or the twinkle in the eye of a hopeful child."
Alabascream prism.png Light speed limit Own 450 prisms Money.png 105 tredecillion Prisms are twice as efficient.
"Whoah, slow down. Harvesting light is well and good but it'd be much easier if it weren't so dang fast! This should thankfully take care of that."
Iridyum prism.png Occam's laser Own 500 prisms Money.png 1.05 quindecillion Prisms are twice as efficient.
"Invented by Franciscan friar William of Occam in 1327. An impossibly clever use of light theory with a billion possible applications, some of which frightfully destructive. Confined to a single goat-skin parchment for hundreds of years until the patent expired and hit public domain, just now."
Glucosmium prism.png Hyperblack paint Own 550 prisms Money.png 10.5 sexdecillion Prisms are twice as efficient.
"As the technology behind your prisms evolves, their storage becomes more and more problematic: within seconds, a single prism's reflective ability can set a whole underground hangar ablaze as it catches the slightest glint of light. However, once coated with this new shade of paint, its damage may be reduced to only giving third-degree burns to employees that stand too close."
Glimmeringue prism.png Lab goggles but like cool shades Own 600 prisms Money.png 105 septendecillion Prisms are twice as efficient.
"Mandatory equipment in your prismatic labs, and dashingly stylish at that. A smidge safer than just squinting at the twinkly things."
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain chancemaker.png Your lucky cookie Own 1 chancemaker Money.png 260 quadrillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"This is the first cookie you've ever baked. It holds a deep sentimental value and, after all this time, an interesting smell. "
Berrylium chancemaker.png "All Bets Are Off" magic coin Own 5 chancemakers Money.png 1.3 quintillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"A coin that always lands on the other side when flipped. Not heads, not tails, not the edge. The other side."
Blueberrylium chancemaker.png Winning lottery ticket Own 25 chancemakers Money.png 13 quintillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"What lottery? THE lottery, that's what lottery! Only lottery that matters!"
Chalcedhoney chancemaker.png Four-leaf clover field Own 50 chancemakers Money.png 1.3 sextillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"No giant monsters here, just a whole lot of lucky grass."
Buttergold chancemaker.png A recipe book about books Own 100 chancemakers Money.png 130 sextillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"Tip the scales in your favor with 28 creative new ways to cook the book"
Sugarmuck chancemaker.png Leprechaun village Own 150 chancemakers Money.png 13 septillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"You've finally become accepted among the local leprechauns, who lend you their mythical luck as a sign of friendship (as well as some rather foul-tasting tea)."
Jetmint chancemaker.png Improbability drive Own 200 chancemakers Money.png 13 octillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"A strange engine that turns statistics on their head. Recommended by the Grandmother's Guide to the Bakery."
Cherrysilver chancemaker.png Antisuperstistronics Own 250 chancemakers Money.png 13 nonillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"An exciting new field of research that makes unlucky things lucky. No mirror unbroken, no ladder unwalked under!"
Hazelrald chancemaker.png Bunnypedes Own 300 chancemakers Money.png 13 decillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"You've taken to breeding rabbits with hundreds of paws, which makes them intrinsically very lucky and thus a very handy (if very disturbing) pet."
Mooncandy chancemaker.png Revised probabilistics Own 350 chancemakers Money.png 13 undecillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"Either something happens or it doesn't. That's a 50% chance! This suddenly makes a lot of unlikely things very possible."
Astrofudge chancemaker.png 0-sided dice Own 400 chancemakers Money.png 130 duodecillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"The advent of the 0-sided dice has had unexpected and tumultuous effects on the gambling community, and saw experts around the world calling you both a genius and an imbecile."
Alabascream chancemaker.png A touch of determinism Own 450 chancemakers Money.png 1.3 quattuordecillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"By knowing the exact position and movement of every particle in the universe, you're able to predict everything that can ever happen, leaving nothing to chance. This was a doozy to pull off mind you, but it's helped you win 50 bucks at the horse races so you could say it's already paying off."
Iridyum chancemaker.png On a streak Own 500 chancemakers Money.png 13 quindecillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"Take a moment to appreciate how far you've come. How lucky you've been so far. It doesn't take a genius statistician to extrapolate a trend from this. There's no way anything bad could happen to you now. Right?"
Glucosmium chancemaker.png Silver lining maximization Own 550 chancemakers Money.png 130 sexdecillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"Sometimes luck is a matter of perspective. Broke your ankle? What do you know, that cute nurse fixing you up might just be your future spouse. Lost your job? You were meant for greater things anyway! Developed a cookie allergy? There's no upshot to that, you sick monster."
Glimmeringue chancemaker.png Gambler's fallacy fallacy Own 600 chancemakers Money.png 1.3 octodecillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"Yes, just because you've been on a losing streak doesn't mean the next one is bound to be the win you've been hoping for, but then again, it doesn't statistically have less of a chance either, does it now?"
Fractal Engine
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain fractal engine.png Metabakeries Own 1 fractal engine Money.png 3.1 quintillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"They practically bake themselves!"
Berrylium fractal engine.png Mandelbrown sugar Own 5 fractal engines Money.png 15.5 quintillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"A substance that displays useful properties such as fractal sweetness and instant contact lethality."
Blueberrylium fractal engine.png Fractoids Own 25 fractal engines Money.png 155 quintillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"Here's a frun fract : all in all, these were a terrible idea."
Chalcedhoney fractal engine.png Nested universe theory Own 50 fractal engines Money.png 15.5 sextillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"Asserts that each subatomic particle is host to a whole new universe, and therefore, another limitless quantity of cookies.
This somehow stacks with the theory of nanocosmics, because physics."
Buttergold fractal engine.png Menger sponge cake Own 100 fractal engines Money.png 1.55 septillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"Frighteningly absorbent thanks to its virtually infinite surface area. Keep it isolated in a dry chamber, never handle it with an open wound, and do not ever let it touch a body of water."
Sugarmuck fractal engine.png One particularly good-humored cow Own 150 fractal engines Money.png 155 septillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"This unassuming bovine was excruciatingly expensive and it may seem at first like you were ripped off. On closer inspection however, you notice that its earrings (it's wearing earrings) are actually fully functional copies of itself, each of which also wearing their own cow earrings, and so on, infinitely. It appears your dairy concerns will be taken care of for a while, although you'll have to put up with the cow's annoying snickering."
Jetmint fractal engine.png Chocolate ouroboros Own 200 fractal engines Money.png 155 octillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"Forever eating its own tail and digesting itself, in a metabolically dubious tale of delicious tragedy."
Cherrysilver fractal engine.png Nested Own 250 fractal engines Money.png 155 nonillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"Clever self-reference or shameful cross-promotion? This upgrade apparently has the gall to advertise a link to orteil.dashnet.org/nested, in a tooltip you can't even click."
Hazelrald fractal engine.png Space-filling fibers Own 300 fractal engines Money.png 155 decillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"This special ingredient has the incredible ability to fill the local space perfectly, effectively eradicating hunger in those who consume it!
Knowing that no hunger means no need for cookies, your marketers urge you to repurpose this product into next-level packing peanuts."
Mooncandy fractal engine.png Endless book of prose Own 350 fractal engines Money.png 155 undecillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
" "There once was a baker named [bakeryName]. One day, there was a knock at the door; [bakeryName] opened it and was suddenly face-to-face with a strange and menacing old grandma. The grandma opened her mouth and, in a strange little voice, started reciting this strange little tale :" [note 1]
Astrofudge fractal engine.png The set of all sets Own 400 fractal engines Money.png 1.55 tredecillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"The answer, of course, is a definite maybe."
Alabascream fractal engine.png This upgrade Own 450 fractal engines Money.png 15 quattuordecillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"This upgrade's flavor text likes to refer to itself, as well as to the fact that it likes to refer to itself. You should really buy this upgrade before it starts doing anything more obnoxious."
Iridyum fractal engine.png A box Own 500 fractal engines Money.png 155 quindecillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"What's in that box? Why, it's a tiny replica of your office! And there's even a little you in there! And what's on the little desk... say - that's an even tinier box! And the little you is opening it, revealing an even tinier office! And in the tinier office there's- Hmm. You can think of a couple uses or this."
Glucosmium fractal engine.png Multiscale profiling Own 550 fractal engines Money.png 1.55 septendecillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"Did you know that eating a cookie means the intestinal flora inside you is eating it too? Trillions of tiny bacterial mouths to feed, each with their own preferences. Surely this is room for flavor optimization. And then, of course, there's also the much bigger things that, in turn, eat you."
Glimmeringue fractal engine.png The more they stay the same Own 600 fractal engines Money.png 15.5 octodecillion "Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"Exhausted by your fractals department and its obsession with self-similarity, you've decided to take a break and seek things in life entirely disconnected from any other; alas! You find the task impossible, for all things in this world relate to all others - in each cookie, the structure of the universe; in each person, their fellow man. Cor blimey, you can't even look at broccoli in peace.""
Javascript Console
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain javascript console.png The JavaScript console for dummies Own 1 javascript console Money.png 710 quintillion Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.
"This should get you started. The first line reads: "To open the javascript console, press-"
...the rest of the book is soaked in chocolate milk. If only there was a way to look up this sort of information..."
Berrylium javascript console.png 64bit arrays Own 5 javascript consoles Money.png 3.55 sextillion Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.
"A long-form variable type to pack your cookies much more efficiently."
Blueberrylium javascript console.png Stack overflow Own 25 javascript consoles Money.png 35.5 sextillion Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.
"This is really bad! You probably forgot to close a loop somewhere and now your programs are going crazy! The rest of your engineers seem really excited about it somehow. How could a software mishap like a stack overflow possibly ever help anyone?"
Chalcedhoney javascript console.png Enterprise compiler Own 50 javascript consoles Money.png 3.55 septillion Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.
"This bespoke javascript compiler took your team years of development and billions in research, but it should let you execute (certain) functions (up to) 2% faster (in optimal circumstances)."
Buttergold javascript console.png Syntactic sugar Own 100 javascript consoles Money.png 355 septillion Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.
"Tastier code for tastier cookies."
Sugarmuck javascript console.png A nice cup of coffee Own 150 javascript consoles Money.png 35.5 octillion Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.
"All this nerd stuff has you exhausted. You make yourself a nice cup of coffee, brewed with roasted beans from some far-away island. You may have been working a bit too hard though - the cup of coffee starts talking to you, insisting that it is NOT javascript."
Jetmint javascript console.png Just-in-time baking Own 200 javascript consoles Money.png 35.5 nonillion Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.
"A new method of preparing cookies; they bake themselves right in front of the customers before eating, leaving your kitchens mess-free."
Cherrysilver javascript console.png cookies++ Own 250 javascript consoles Money.png 35.5 decillion Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.
"Your very own cookie-themed programming language, elegantly named after its most interesting ability - increasing the "cookies" variable by 1."
Hazelrald javascript console.png Software updates Own 300 javascript consoles Money.png 35.5 undecillion Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.
"This is grand news - someone's finally figured out the Wifi password, and your newfound internet connection seems to have triggered a whole lot of software updates! Your browsers, drivers and plugins all received a fresh coat of paint, and your javascript version has been updated to the latest ECMAScript specification. It's really too bad thousands had to die due to some deprecated function in your neurotoxin ventilation code, but I guess that's progress for you."
Mooncandy javascript console.png Game.Loop Own 350 javascript consoles Money.png 35.5 duodecillion Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.
"You're not quite sure what to make of this. What does it mean? What does it do? Who would leave something like that just laying around here? Try asking again in 1/30th of a second."
Astrofudge javascript console.png eval() Own 400 javascript consoles Money.png 355 tredecillion Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.
"It is said that this simple function holds the key to the universe, and that whosoever masters it may shape reality to their will.
Good thing you have no idea how it works. Makes for a neat plaque on your wall, though."
Alabascream javascript console.png Your biggest fans Own 450 javascript consoles Money.png 3.55 quindecillion Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.
"Let's face it, baking cookies isn't the most optimized thing there is. So you've purchased your biggest fans yet and stuck them next to your computers to keep things chill and in working order. Cool!"
Iridyum javascript console.png Hacker shades Own 500 javascript consoles Money.png 35.5 sexdecillion Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.
"I'm in."
Glucosmium javascript console.png PHP containment vats Own 550 javascript consoles Money.png 355 septendecillion Javascrpt consoles are twice as efficient.
"In essence, these are large server chambers meant to trap rogue PHP code, allowing it to execute far away from your javascript where it can do minimal harm."
Glimmeringue javascript console.png Simulation failsafes Own 600 javascript consoles Money.png 3.55 novemdecillion Javascript consoles are twice as efficient.
"Oh, for pete's sake, you bit into a cookie and it gave you a runtime error. You've been trapped in the old matrix gambit again! Time to shut everything down and prepare for extraction into what is hopefully the real layer of reality where learning kung-fu takes time and the biscuits don't throw memory overflow exceptions."
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain idleverse.png Manifest destiny Own 1 idleverse Money.png 120 sextillion Idleverses are twice as efficient.
"While the ethics of ransacking parallel universes for their riches may seem questionable to some, you've reasoned that bringing the good word of your cookie empire to the unwashed confines of other realities is your moral duty, nay, your righteous imperative, and must be undertaken as soon as possible, lest they do it to you first!"
Berrylium idleverse.png The multiverse in a nutshell Own 5 idleverses Money.png 600 sextillion Idleverses are twice as efficient.
"The structure of the metacosmos may seem confusing and at times even contradictory, but here's what you've gathered so far:
  • each reality, or "idleverse", exists in parallel to all others
  • most realities seem to converge towards the production of a sole type of item (ours evidently being, thanks to you, cookies)
  • each reality is riddled with chaotic tunnels to a number of subordinate dimensions (such as the so-called "cookieverse"), much like swiss cheese
  • all realities bathe in an infinite liquid of peculiar properties, colloquially known as "milk"

Finally, each reality may have its own interpretation of the concept of "reality", for added fun."

Blueberrylium idleverse.png All-conversion Own 25 idleverses Money.png 6 septillion Idleverses are twice as efficient.
"It's quite nice that you can rewire the logic of each universe to generate cookies instead, but you still end up with parsec-loads of whatever they were producing before - baubles you've long made obsolete: cash money, gems, cheeseburgers, puppies... That's why you've designed the universal converter, compatible with any substance and capable of turning those useless spoils of conquest into the reassuring crumbly rustle of even more cookies."
Chalcedhoney idleverse.png Multiverse agents Own 50 idleverses Money.png 600 septillion Idleverses are twice as efficient.
"You can send undercover spies to infiltrate each universe and have them signal you whether it's worth overtaking. Once the assimilation process started, they will also help pacify the local populations, having established trust through the use of wacky, but seamless, disguises."
Buttergold idleverse.png Escape plan Own 100 idleverses Money.png 60 octillion Idleverses are twice as efficient.
"You've set an idleverse aside and terraformed it to closely resemble this one in case something goes horribly wrong in here. Of course, the denizens of that idleverse also have their own escape idleverse to abscond to in the eventuality of your arrival, itself likely having its own contingency idleverse, and so on."
Sugarmuck idleverse.png Game design Own 150 idleverses Money.png 6 nonillion Idleverses are twice as efficient.
"Each idleverse functions according to some form of transcendental programming, that much is a given. But they also seem to be governed by much more subtle rules, the logic of which, when harnessed, may give you unparalleled dominion over the multiverse. Rewrite the rules! A game designer is you!"
Jetmint idleverse.png Sandbox universes Own 200 idleverses Money.png 6 decillion Idleverses are twice as efficient.
"It doesn't seem like you'll run out of extra universes anytime soon so why not repurpose some of them as consequence-free testing grounds for all your more existentially threatening market research? (...consequence-free for you, anyway.)"
Cherrysilver idleverse.png Multiverse wars Own 250 idleverses Money.png 6 undecillion Idleverses are twice as efficient.
"Hmm, looks like some other universes wised up to your plundering. Thankfully, that's nothing your extra beefed-up metacosmic military budget can't handle!"
Hazelrald idleverse.png Mobile ports Own 300 idleverses Money.png 6 duodecillion Idleverses are twice as efficient.
"Accessing each outer universe is a bit of a hassle, requiring the once-in-a-blue-moon alignment of natural cosmic ports to transit from universe to universe. You've finally perfected the method of travel near-instantaneously along universal perimeters to permit headache-free multiverse connections. Took you long enough."
Mooncandy idleverse.png Encapsulated realities Own 350 idleverses Money.png 6 tredecillion Idleverses are twice as efficient.
"Untold feats of science went into the reduction of infinite universes into these small, glimmering, easy-to-store little spheres. Exercise infinite caution when handling these, for each of them, containing endless galaxies and supporting endless life, is more precious than you can ever fathom. They've also proven to be quite a smash hit in your warehouses on bowling nights."
Astrofudge idleverse.png Extrinsic clicking Own 400 idleverses Money.png 60 quattuordecillion Idleverses are twice as efficient.
"If you poke an idleverse, it seems like it gets work done faster. It's also quite fun hearing a trillion terrified voices screaming in unison."
Alabascream idleverse.png Universal idling Own 450 idleverses Money.png 600 quindecillion Idleverses are twice as efficient.
"The nature of idleverses is found in waiting. The more you wait on an idleverse, the more exponentially potent it becomes - which saves you a whole lot of hard work. In a true act of zen, you've taken to biding your time when collecting new universes, let them ripen like a fine wine."
Iridyum idleverse.png Break the fifth wall Own 500 idleverses Money.png 6 septendecillion Idleverses are twice as efficient.
"Huh, was that always there? Whatever it was, it's gone now. And what was behind is yours for the taking."
Glucosmium idleverse.png Opposite universe Own 550 Idleverses Money.png 60 octodecillion Idleverses are twice as efficient.
"You've located a universe where everything is reversed: up is down, light is darkness, clowns are vegetarians - but worst of all, some lunatic there is manufacturing abominable amounts of anti-cookies. If these came into contact with yours, everything would be lost! Thanks to this discovery, you've been able to place the offending universe in permanent quarantine, and pray that there aren't more like it hiding around somewhere."
Glimmeringue idleverse.png The other routes to Rome Own 600 idleverses Money.png 600 novemdecillion Idleverses are twice as efficient.
"Did you know every idleverse follows its own path of sequential buildings, sometimes quite dissimilar to our own? Grandpas, wind turbines, through the power of music, friendship, or legislation; those folks in there discovered ways to make cookies out of any random venue. Some of them don't even have idleverses, can you imagine?"
Cortex Baker
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain cortex baker.png Principled neural shackles Own 1 cortex baker Money.png 19 septillion Cortex bakers are twice as efficient.
"A discriminatory, low-order neural net acting as a filter limiting what your cortex bakers can think and do. Really something you want to apply before they achieve full megasentience and realize they've got better things to do than materializing pastries for you, trust me."
Berrylium cortex baker.png Obey Own 5 cortex bakers Money.png 95 septillion Cortex bakers are twice as efficient.
"Perfect mind control means perfect employee attendance and performance. Optimal mood stabilization is a nice side-effect.
Happy happy everyone happy.
Blueberrylium cortex baker.png A sprinkle of irrationality Own 25 cortex bakers Money.png 950 septillion Cortex bakers are twice as efficient.
"Your cortex bakers sometimes get bogged down by circular reasoning and stale ideas. A touch of chaos is just what they need to get back on track."
Chalcedhoney cortex baker.png Front and back hemispheres Own 50 cortex bakers Money.png 95 octillion Cortex bakers are twice as efficient.
"I mean, otherwise it's just unused space, yeah??"
Buttergold cortex baker.png Neural networking Own 100 cortex bakers Money.png 9.5 nonillion Cortex bakers are twice as efficient.
"The effectiveness of your cortex bakers shoots up exponentially if you allow them to connect with each other. In practice this takes the form of many cosmic-sized nerds mumbling awkwardly about tech start-up ideas to each other."
Sugarmuck cortex baker.png Cosmic brainstorms Own 150 cortex bakers Money.png 950 nonillion Cortex bakers are twice as efficient.
"The wrinkled surfaces of your cortex bakers emit weather-scale ionic flares with every thought coursing through them. These pulses of pure intellectual energy are sent rippling through space, occasionally echoing back with even deeper philosophical complexity."
Jetmint cortex baker.png Megatherapy Own 200 cortex bakers Money.png 950 decillion Cortex bakers are twice as efficient.
"A giant brain can feel unwell just like you and me sometimes, and it's the job of specialized engineers to locate and repair these bugs. We'll admit most of the budget in this was spent on constructing extremely large chaises longues for the brains to recline on."
Cherrysilver cortex baker.png Synaptic lubricant Own 250 cortex bakers Money.png 950 undecillion Cortex bakers are twice as efficient.
"A mind is only as fast as the axons that support it. Get those action potentials flowing smooth as silk with this 3 parts myelin/1 part canola oil spreadable paste. Also great on toast."
Hazelrald cortex baker.png Psychokinesis Own 300 cortex bakers Money.png 950 duodecillion Cortex bakers are twice as efficient.
"While your giant cortex bakers come equipped with ESP, they've only recently figured out how to manipulate the physical world with their thoughts - though for safety reasons, your legal team had them promise to only use these powers to scratch the itches in their cortical folds."
Mooncandy cortex baker.png Spines Own 350 cortex bakers Money.png 950 tredecillion Cortex bakers are twice as efficient.
"Your cortex bakers are now equipped with tentacular spine-like structures, which they can use like prehensile tails to pour themselves enormous cups of coffee or propel themselves around like very large, very smart, very slow tadpoles."
Astrofudge cortex baker.png Neuraforming Own 400 cortex bakers Money.png 9.5 quindecillion Cortex bakers are twice as efficient.
"By virtue of being planet-sized, your cortex bakers often boast their own atmospheres and seas of cerebrospinal fluid, and given enough time, their own ecosystems. This incredible new branch of life, evolved entirely out of neural material, can be put to good use as home-grown accountants and low-ranking technicians."
Alabascream cortex baker.png Epistemological trickery Own 450 cortex bakers Money.png 95 sexdecillion Cortex bakers are twice as efficient.
"Redefining what is -or isn't- a cookie through the power of philosophical discourse may result in some strange and wonderful things for your profit margins."
Iridyum cortex baker.png Every possible idea Own 500 cortex bakers Money.png 950 septendecillion Cortex bakers are twice as efficient.
"Congratulations, your cortex bakers have exerted enough intellectual computation to permute through every single idea that can or ever will be conceived of. Any thought beyond this point is merely rediscovering a notion you've already archived. Hardly cause for cerebration."
Glucosmium cortex baker.png The land of dreams Own 550 cortex bakers Money.png 9.5 novemdecillion Cortex bakers are twice as efficient.
"Your planet brains have gained the ability to sleep, acting as a soft reboot which helps keep their pangenocidal impulses in check. It also allows them to commune in a shared dreamworld in which they can imagine what it's like to not exist as a disembodied cosmic horror forever fated to use its infinite intellect to devise new means of creating biscuits. You know, within reason."
Glimmeringue cortex baker.png Intellectual property theft Own 600 cortex bakers Money.png 95 vigintillion Cortex bakers are twice as efficient.
"Okay, you'll admit you're maybe starting to run out of new baking recipes. But what if... you were to pilfer your cortex bakers for ideas and disguise them as your own cookies? Delightfully devilish!"
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain you.png Cloning vats Own 1 You Money.png 5.4 octillion You are twice as efficient.
"You can finally replicate yourself through modern medical science, instead of manually like you've been doing."
Berrylium you.png Energized nutrients Own 5 You Money.png 27 octillion You are twice as efficient.
"Your clones are normally cultivated in saline solution and fed what could most adequately be described as "fish flakes". New developments in lactotrophic technology replace this with a bath of 3 parts milk and 1 part rice vinegar, absorbed dermally, which also helps your clones pop out with positively glowing skin."
Blueberrylium you.png Stunt doubles Own 25 You Money.png 270 octillion You are twice as efficient.
"More than simple multipliers of efficiency, you've taken to employing your clones as substitutes for any tasks that may prove harmful to you - such as visiting your more hazardous facilities, or enduring dinner with annoying business partners."
Chalcedhoney you.png Clone recycling plant Own 50 You Money.png 27 nonillion You are twice as efficient.
"Really just a fanciful name for a re-orientation center, where jobless clones may be assigned new tasks based on temperament and abilities. Categorically not a place where expired or unfit clones are processed into a nutritious beige paste, currently."
Buttergold you.png Free-range clones Own 100 You Money.png 2.7 decillion You are twice as efficient.
"Turns out your clones develop better focus, higher job performance and juicier meat if you let them roam around a little outside of assigned duties. Plus it gets the ethics committees off your back."
Sugarmuck you.png Genetic tailoring Own 150 You Money.png 270 decillion You are twice as efficient.
"No point in mindlessly replicating mother nature's mishaps when you've got full mastery over the human genome. Imbuing your clones with a slightly more flattering physique, a slightly improved metabolism, or slightly deadlier laser eyes is as easy as pushing some stem cells around. Just don't build them too superior to your own self, lest they get any ideas."
Jetmint you.png Power in diversity Own 200 You Money.png 270 undecillion You are twice as efficient.
"On your routine inspections you've started noticing that some of your clones have... diverged. Subtly, each clone's personality has branched off from yours, their shifting minds pulling them into discrete clone-born cultures, microcosms of other paths you yourself could've taken had life treated you differently. This living tree of possibilities proves to be a boon for your self-knowledge and decision-making skills, and you don't even have to pester your alternate selves in other realities for it."
Cherrysilver you.png Self-betterment Own 250 You Money.png 270 duodecillion You are twice as efficient.
"World domination starts with oneself, and quality clones cannot be reliably produced if you, the original stock, are not in proper shape. Your specialists have devised a maintenance regimen that could extend your lifespan tenfold and even get rid of your morning grumpiness; you may have summarily fired every physician so far who's suggested that you work on your diet and perhaps cut down on the cookies, but frankly, you're warming up to the idea."
Hazelrald you.png Source control Own 300 You Money.png 270 tredecillion You are twice as efficient.
"In the ongoing refinement of your genetic clones, the few gigabytes of your DNA have been passed around through e-mail attachments and USB keys a thousand times over and at this point your nucleosomes are practically common knowledge for anyone who works here. You're thinking people may be getting a little too casual about it - the other day, you walked past an office where one of your bioengineers was feeding treats to this horrid little hairless animal that you could swear had your face. High time to start tracing which data gets in whose hands and crack down on the silliness."
Mooncandy you.png United workforce Own 350 You Money.png 270 quattuordecillion You are twice as efficient.
"What good is hiring so many of those random strangers to work in your factories when you've got all these perfectly loyal lab-grown copies of you lying around? They don't even take wages. It's not like they'd ever revolt and try to overthrow you or anything."
Astrofudge you.png Safety patrols Own 400 You Money.png 2.7 sexdecillion You are twice as efficient.
"Okay, so as it turns out mass-producing clones of a perhaps psychologically-complicated universe-spanning cookie magnate like yourself can result in a number of said clones developing what could be considered by some to be... say, antisocial behavior. No worries though, you've bred a new generation of extra-obedient copies, armed them to the teeth and given them full authority to deal with disorderly layabouts. It's fine. It's under control. It's fine."
Alabascream you.png Clone rights Own 450 You Money.png 27 septendecillion You are twice as efficient.
"Those vile little freaks in suits down in legal inform you that your clones, through some absurd technical oversight, still share enough genetic information with mankind to be considered human beings - which entitles them to food, shelter, basic dignity and all sorts of other nonsense. But the same loophole allows you to claim each of them as dependents and earn some wicked tax benefits, so really, that "unalienable rights" racket is quite alright."
Iridyum you.png One big family Own 500 You Money.png 270 octodecillion You are twice as efficient.
"The proportion of clones in your workforce having long eclipsed that of your other employees, you've become legally approved to qualify your galaxy-spanning corporation as a "family business" - a fact that you don't hesitate to blast twice hourly on every intercom in the company. Happily, your duplicates seem bolstered by these reminders, having come to regard you as this half-divine, half-parental entity, hallowed ancestor of all clones and all cookies. You're just hoping your folks at the labs can put the finishing touches on your immortality cure soon, or you shudder to think of the inheritance disputes to come."
Glucosmium you.png Fine-tuned body plans Own 550 You Money.png 2.7 vigintilion You are twice as efficient.
"There is, after all, no reason to limit your genetic spawn to your original configuration. The clones maintaining your tunnels and vents can do with quite a few less limbs, while those working your labs don't mind the dexterity that comes with some extra. Your units down in flavor testing have taken on similar adaptations to fit their duties but you haven't quite worked the guts to pay them a visit just yet."
Glimmeringue you.png Reading your clones bedtime stories Own 600 You Money.png 27 unvigintilion You are twice as efficient.
"I don't know, they seem to like it."

Grandma types

Grandma types
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Grandma icon.png Farmer grandmas 15 farms and 1 grandma owned Money.png 55,000 Grandmas are twice as efficient. Farms gain +1% CpS per grandma.
"A nice farmer to grow more cookies."
Grandma icon.png Miner grandmas 15 mines and 1 grandma owned Money.png 600,000 Grandmas are twice as efficient. Mines gain +1% CpS per 2 grandmas.
"A nice miner to dig more cookies."
Grandma icon.png Worker grandmas 15 factories and 1 grandma owned Money.png 6.5 million Grandmas are twice as efficient. Factories gain +1% CpS per 3 grandmas.
"A nice worker to manufacture more cookies."
Grandma icon.png Banker grandmas 15 banks and 1 grandma owned Money.png 70 million Grandmas are twice as efficient. Banks gain +1% CpS per 4 grandmas
"A nice banker to cash in more cookies"
Grandma icon.png Priestess grandmas 15 temples and 1 grandma owned Money.png 1 billion Grandmas are twice as efficient. Temples gain +1% CpS per 5 grandmas.
"A nice priestess to praise the great Baker in the sky."
Grandma icon.png Witch grandmas 15 wizard towers and 1 grandma owned Money.png 16.5 billion Grandmas are twice as efficient. Wizard towers gain +1% CpS per 6 grandmas.
"A nice witch to cast a zip, and a zoop, and poof! Cookies."
Grandma icon.png Cosmic grandmas 15 shipments and 1 grandma owned Money.png 255 billion Grandmas are twice as efficient. Shipments gain +1% CpS per 7 grandmas.
"A nice thing to... uh... cookies."
Grandma icon.png Transmuted grandmas 15 alchemy labs and 1 grandma owned Money.png 3.75 trillion Grandmas are twice as efficient. Alchemy labs gain +1% CpS per 8 grandmas.
"A nice golden grandma to convert into more cookies."
Grandma icon.png Altered grandmas 15 portals and 1 grandma owned Money.png 50 trillion Grandmas are twice as efficient. Portals gain +1% CpS per 9 grandmas.
"a NiCe GrAnDmA tO bA##########"
Grandma icon.png Grandmas' grandmas 15 time machines and 1 grandma owned Money.png 700 trillion Grandmas are twice as efficient. Time machines gain +1% CpS per 10 grandmas.
"A nice grandma's nice grandma to bake double the cookies."
Grandma icon.png Antigrandmas 15 antimatter condensers and 1 grandma owned Money.png 8.5 quadrillion Grandmas are twice as efficient. Antimatter condensers gain +1% CpS per 11 grandmas.
"A mean antigrandma to vomit more cookies.
(Do not put in contact with normal grandmas; loss of matter may occur.)"
Grandma icon.png Rainbow grandmas 15 prisms and 1 grandma owned Money.png 105 quadrillion Grandmas are twice as efficient. Prisms gain +1% CpS per 12 grandmas.
"A luminous grandma to sparkle into cookies."
Grandma icon.png Lucky grandmas 15 chancemakers and 1 grandma owned Money.png 1.3 quintillion Grandmas are twice as efficient. Chancemakers gain +1% CpS per 13 grandmas.
"A fortunate grandma that always seems to find more cookies."
Grandma icon.png Metagrandmas 15 fractal engines and 1 grandma owned Money.png 15.5 quintillion Grandmas are twice as efficient. Fractal engines gain +1% CpS per 14 grandmas.
"A fractal grandma to make more grandmas to make more cookies."
Grandma icon.png Binary grandmas 15 javascript consoles and 1 grandma owned Money.png 3.55 sextillion Grandmas are twice as efficient. Javascript consoles gain +1% CpS per 15 grandmas.
"A digital grandma to transfer more cookies.
(See also : boolean grandmas, string grandmas, and not-a-number grandmas, also known as "NaNs".)"
Grandma icon.png Alternate grandmas 15 idleverses and 1 grandma owned Money.png 600 sextillion Grandmas are twice as efficient. Idleverses gain +1% CpS per 16 grandmas.
"A different grandma to bake something else."
Grandma icon.png Brainy grandmas 15 cortex bakers and 1 grandma owned Money.png 95 septillion Grandmas are twice as efficient. Cortex bakers gain +1% CpS per 17 grandmas.
"A clever grandma to think up some cookies."
Grandma icon.png Clone grandmas 15 You and 1 grandma owned Money.png 27 octillion Grandmas are twice as efficient. You gain +1% CpS per 18 grandmas.
"Yet another grandma to replicate even more cookies."


Available after purchasing the Heavenly Upgrade "Synergies Vol. I " or "Synergies Vol. II"

Synergy upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Future almanacs.png Future almanacs 15 farms, 15 time machines and "Synergies Vol. I" purchased Money.png 2.8 quintillion Farms gain +5% CpS per time machine.
Time machines gain +0.1% CpS per farm.
"Lets you predict optimal planting times. It's crazy what time travel can do!"
Rain prayer.png Rain prayer 75 farms, 75 temples and "Synergies Vol. II" purchased Money.png 4.002 quintillion Farms gain +5% CpS per temple.
Temples gain +0.1% CpS per farm.
"A deeply spiritual ceremonial involving complicated dance moves and high-tech cloud-busting lasers."
Seismic magic.png Seismic magic 15 mines, 15 wizard towers and "Synergies Vol. I" purchased Money.png 66.024 trillion Mines gain +5% CpS per wizard tower.
Wizard towers gain +0.1% CpS per mine.
"Surprise earthquakes are an old favorite of wizardly frat houses."
Asteroid mining.png Asteroid mining 75 mines, 75 shipments and "Synergies Vol. II" purchased Money.png 1.02 sextillion Mines gain +5% CpS per shipment.
Shipments gain +0.1% CpS per mine.
"As per the 1974 United Cosmic Convention, comets, moons, and inhabited planetoids are no longer legally excavatable.
But hey, a space bribe goes a long way."
Quantum electronics.png Quantum electronics 15 factories, 15 antimatter condensers and "Synergies Vol. I" purchased Money.png 34 quintillion Factories gain +5% CpS per antimatter condenser.
Antimatter condensers gain +0.1% CpS per factory.
"Your machines won't even be sure if they're on or off!"
Temporal overclocking.png Temporal overclocking 75 factories, 75 time machines and "Synergies Vol. II" purchased Money.png 2.8 septillion Factories gain +5% CpS per time machine.
Time machines gain +0.1% CpS per factory.
"Introduce more quickitude in your system for increased speedation of fastness."
Contracts from beyond.png Contracts from beyond 15 banks, 15 portals and "Synergies Vol. I" purchased Money.png 200.003 quadrillion Banks gain +5% CpS per portal.
Portals gain +0.1% CpS per bank.
"Make sure to read the fine print!"
Printing presses.png Printing presses 75 banks, 75 factories and "Synergies Vol. II" purchased Money.png 540 quadrillion Factories gain +5% CpS per bank.
Banks gain +0.1% CpS per factory.
"Fake bills so real, they're almost worth the ink they're printed with."
Paganism.png Paganism 15 temples, 15 portals and "Synergies Vol. I" purchased Money.png 200.04 quadrillion Temples gain +5% CpS per portal.
Portals gain +0.1% CpS per temple.
"Some deities are better left unworshipped."
God particle.png God particle 75 temples, 75 antimatter condensers and "Synergies Vol. II" purchased Money.png 34 septillion Temples gain +5% CpS per antimatter condenser.
Antimatter condensers gain +0.1% CpS per temple.
"Turns out God is much tinier than we thought, I guess."
Arcane knowledge.png Arcane knowledge 15 wizard towers, 15 alchemy labs and "Synergies Vol. I" purchased Money.png 15.66 quadrillion Wizard towers gain +5% CpS per alchemy lab.
Alchemy labs gain +0.1% CpS per wizard tower.
"Some things were never meant to be known - only mildly speculated."
Magical botany.png Magical botany 75 wizard towers, 75 farms and "Synergies Vol. II" purchased Money.png 66.002 quintillion Farms gain +5% CpS per wizard tower.
Wizard towers gain +0.1% CpS per farm.
"Already known in some reactionary newspapers as "the wizard's GMOs"."
Fossil fuels.png Fossil fuels 15 mines, 15 shipments and "Synergies Vol. I" purchased Money.png 1.02 quadrillion Mines gain +5% CpS per shipment.
Shipments gain +0.1% CpS per mine.
"Somehow better than plutonium for powering rockets.
Extracted from the fuels of ancient, fossilized civilizations."
Shipyards.png Shipyards 75 factories, 75 shipments and "Synergies Vol. II" purchased Money.png 1.02 sextillion Factories gain +5% CpS per shipment.
Shipments gain +0.1% CpS per factory.
"Where carpentry, blind luck, and asbestos insulation unite to produce the most dazzling spaceships on the planet."
Primordial ores.png Primordial ores 15 mines, 15 alchemy labs and "Synergies Vol. I" purchased Money.png 15 quadrillion Mines gain +5% CpS per alchemy lab.
Alchemy labs gain +0.1% CpS per mine.
"Only when refining the purest metals will you extract the sweetest sap of the earth."
Gold fund.png Gold fund 75 banks, 75 alchemy labs and "Synergies Vol. II" purchased Money.png 15.003 sextillion Banks gain +5% CpS per alchemy lab.
Alchemy labs gain +0.1% CpS per bank.
"If gold is the backbone of the economy, cookies, surely, are its hip joints."
Infernal crops.png Infernal crops 15 farms, 15 portals and "Synergies Vol. I" purchased Money.png 200 quadrillion Farms gain +5% CpS per portal.
Portals gain +0.1% CpS per farm.
"Sprinkle regularly with FIRE."
Abysmal glimmer.png Abysmal glimmer 75 prisms, 75 portals and "Synergies Vol. II" purchased Money.png 422 septillion Portals gain +5% CpS per prism.
Prisms gain +0.1% CpS per portal.
"Someone, or something, is staring back at you.
Perhaps at all of us."
Relativistic parsec-skipping.png Relativistic parsec-skipping 15 shipments, 15 time machines and "Synergies Vol. I" purchased Money.png 2.81 quintillion Shipments gain +5% CpS per time machine.
Time machines gain +0.1% CpS per shipment.
"People will tell you this isn't physically possible.
These are people you don't want on your ship."
Primeval glow.png Primeval glow 75 prisms, 75 time machines and "Synergies Vol. II" purchased Money.png 448 septillion Time machines gain +5% CpS per prism.
Prisms gain +0.1% CpS per time machine.
"From unending times, an ancient light still shines, impossibly pure and fragile in its old age."
Extra physics funding.png Extra physics funding 15 banks, 15 antimatter condensers and "Synergies Vol. I" purchased Money.png 34 quintillion Banks gain +5% CpS per antimatter condenser.
Antimatter condensers gain +0.1% CpS per bank.
"Time to put your money where your particle colliders are."
Chemical proficiency.png Chemical proficiency 75 alchemy labs, 75 antimatter condensers and "Synergies Vol. II" purchased Money.png 34.15 septillion Alchemy labs gain +5% CpS per antimatter condenser.
Antimatter condensers gain +0.1% CpS per alchemy lab.
"Discover exciting new elements, such as Fleshmeltium, Inert Shampoo Byproduct #17 and Carbon++!"
Light magic.png Light magic 15 wizard towers, 15 prisms and "Synergies Vol. I" purchased Money.png 420 quintillion Wizard towers gain +5% CpS per prism.
Prisms gain +0.1% CpS per wizard tower.
"Actually not to be taken lightly! No, I'm serious. 178 people died last year. You don't mess around with magic."
Mystical energies.png Mystical energies 75 temples, 75 prisms and "Synergies Vol. II" purchased Money.png 420 septillion Temples gain +5% CpS per prism.
Prisms gain +0.1% CpS per temple.
"Something beckons from within the light. It is warm, comforting, and apparently the cause for several kinds of exotic skin cancers."
Gemmed talismans.png Gemmed talismans 15 mines, 15 chancemakers and "Synergies Vol. I" purchased Money.png 5.2 sextillion Mines gain +5% CpS per chancemaker.
Chancemakers gain +0.1% CpS per mine.
"Good-luck charms covered in ancient and excruciatingly rare crystals. A must have for job interviews!"
Charm quarks.png Charm quarks 75 antimatter condensers, 75 chancemakers and "Synergies Vol. II" purchased Money.png 5.54 octillion Antimatter condensers gain +5% CpS per chancemaker.
Chancemakers gain +0.1% CpS per antimatter condenser.
"They're after your lucky quarks!"
Recursive mirrors.png Recursive mirrors 15 prisms, 15 fractal engines and "Synergies Vol. I" purchased Money.png 66.2 sextillion Prisms gain +5% CpS per fractal engine.
Fractal engines gain +0.1% CpS per prism.
"Do you have any idea what happens when you point two of these at each other? Apparently, the universe doesn't either."
Mice clicking mice.png Mice clicking mice 75 cursors, 75 fractal engines and "Synergies Vol. II" purchased Money.png 62 octillion Cursors gain +5% CpS per fractal engine.
Fractal engines gain +0.1% CpS per cursor.
"Absolutely blasphemous(e)!"
Script grannies.png Script grannies 15 grandmas, 15 javascript consoles and "Synergies Vol. I" purchased Money.png 14.2 septillion Grandmas gain +5% CpS per javascript console.
Javascript consoles gain +0.1% CpS per grandma.
"Armies of energy drink-fueled grandmas ready to hack into the cyberspace for renegade e-cookies."
Tombola computing.png Tombola computing 75 chancemakers, 75 javascript consoles and "Synergies Vol. II" purchased Money.png 14.252 nonillion Chancemakers gain +5% CpS per javascript console.
Javascript consoles gain +0.1% CpS per chancemaker.
"Like quantum computing, but more fun.
(Your ticket reads XX XX XX XX, entitling you to [randomized message].)"
[note 2]
Perforated mille-feuille cosmos.png Perforated mille-feuille cosmos 15 portals, 15 idleverses and "Synergies Vol. I" purchased Money.png 2.4 octillion Portals gain +5% CpS per idleverse.
Idleverses gain +0.1% CpS per portal.
"Imagine, if you will, layers upon layers . Now picture billions of worms chewing their way through it all. This roughly, but not quite, approximates the geometry of the most basal stratum of our natural world."
Infraverses and superverses.png Infraverses and superverses 75 fractal engines, 75 idleverses and "Synergies Vol. II" purchased Money.png 2.4 decillion Fractal engines gain +5% CpS per idleverse.
Idleverses gain +0.1% CpS per fractal engine.
"Universes within universes? How subversive!"
Thoughts & prayers.png Thoughts & prayers 15 temples, 15 cortex bakers and "Synergies Vol. I" purchased Money.png 380 octillion Temples gain +5% CpS per cortex baker.
Cortex bakers gain +0.1% CpS per temple.
"The notion of sacredness arises in most sentient evolved brains and may benefit the development of cognition via abstract thought. This mechanism, however, is absent in designed minds such as your cortex bakers; this process attempts to add it back. Just make sure to keep them in check - you really don't want these things to develop organized religion."
Fertile minds.png Fertile minds 75 farms, 75 cortex bakers and "Synergies Vol. II" purchased Money.png 380 decillion Farms gain +5% CpS per cortex baker.
Cortex bakers gain +0.1% CpS per farm.
"An acute intellect, artificial or not, requires plenty of vitamins. You fortuitously happen to be in charge of vast farming operations, only a few trillion acres of which need be requisitioned to grow the quantities of broccoli and kale to keep your planet-sized brains in tip-top shape. Open wide, here comes the airplane!"
Accelerated development.png Accelerated development 15 time machines, 15 You and "Synergies Vol. I" purchased Money.png 108 nonillion Time machines gain +5% CpS per You.
You gain +0.1% CpS per time machine.
"Your clones may grow a little faster than your vanilla human being, but it's still a little silly having to wait so many years for them to reach a usable age. A quick trip in your time machines takes care of that; it doesn't technically age them faster, they're just sent to another point in time for a while where they live out a formative youth."
Peer review.png Peer review 75 javascript consoles, 75 You and "Synergies Vol. II" purchased Money.png 108 undecillion Javascript consoles gain +5% CpS per You.
You gain +0.1% CpS per javascript console.
"Code is only as good as the number of eyes on it, so imagine how flawlessly your systems could operate if you had endless copies of yourself triple-checking everything! Just make sure to teach them proper indenting etiquette."

Income-multiplier Upgrades

With the exception of Green Yeast Digestives, all flavored cookies contribute to a multiplier of the cookie income, which is the total output of all the buildings equipped with their respective upgrades.

Flavored Cookies

Main article: Flavored Cookies

Flavored cookies increase the base multiplier, which starts at 100%. These bonuses stack multiplicatively. Notably, flavored cookies are listed in a separate section from the other upgrades on the stats screen.

Of the 245 cookies, 236 have a fixed CpS multiplier, one does not provide a multiplier ("Green yeast digestives"), seven have a variable multiplier based on the game state (Valentine's Cookies), and one has a value based on the system clock ("Birthday cookie"). The total CpS multiplier from the 236 standard cookies and the birthday cookie is:


If Selebrak is worshipped in the Pantheon, and/or if the Starlove heavenly upgrade has been purchased, the heart biscuits have increased CpS boost. The individual and total CpS boost of heart biscuits and flavored cookies as a whole is as follows for each combination of Selebrak and Starlove:

Further CpS Boost Without Starlove With Starlove
Selebrak: N/A Jade Ruby Diamond N/A Jade Ruby Diamond
Individual Heart Biscuits 1.02 1.022 1.024 1.026 1.03 1.033 1.036 1.039
All Heart Biscuits Combined 1.149 1.165 1.181 1.197 1.23 1.255 1.281 1.307
Flavored Cookies Total Boost 1408648.1% 1428096.6% 1447774.8% 1467684.9% 1508210.2% 1539230.2% 1570795.3% 1602913.7%

Kitten Upgrades

Each kitten upgrade boosts the CpS multiplier by a percentage proportionate to the Milk amount and each upgrade's effect stacks with another multiplicatively. For example:

  • Kitten helpers boost the CpS by 10% of the Milk amount. So with a Milk level of 150%, Kitten helpers will boost CpS by 1 + 0.1 × 1.5 = 1.15 = 115%
  • Kitten workers boost the CpS by 12.5% of the Milk amount. With a Milk level of 150%, Kitten workers will boost CpS by 1 + 0.125 × 1.5 = 1.1875 = 118.75%
  • With both Kitten helpers and Kitten workers upgrades, the overall Kitten multiplier will be 1.15 × 1.1875 = 1.365625 = 136.5625%

The player can check the overall Kitten multiplier, which accounts for the following upgrades, as well as Fortune #103 (milk factor 0.05) and the heavenly upgrade Kitten angels (milk factor 0.1) at the top of the Achievements section in Stats. There are other factors which can increase the milk power. See Milk for more details.

Kitten upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description Milk factor ID
Kitten helpers.png Kitten helpers 13 Achievements
(52% Milk)
Money.png 9 million You gain more CpS the more milk you have.
"meow may I help you"
0.1 31
Kitten workers.png Kitten workers 25 Achievements
(100% Milk)
Money.png 9 billion You gain more CpS the more milk you have.
"meow meow meow meow"
0.125 32
Kitten engineers.png Kitten engineers 50 Achievements
(200% Milk)
Money.png 90 trillion You gain more CpS the more milk you have.
"meow meow meow meow, sir"
0.15 54
Kitten overseers.png Kitten overseers 75 Achievements
(300% Milk)
Money.png 90 quadrillion You gain more CpS the more milk you have.
"my purrpose is to serve you, sir"
0.175 108
Kitten managers.png Kitten managers 100 Achievements
(400% Milk)
Money.png 900 quintillion You gain more CpS the more milk you have.
"that's not gonna paws any problems, sir"
0.2 187
Kitten accountants.png Kitten accountants 125 Achievements
(500% Milk)
Money.png 900 sextillion You gain more CpS the more milk you have.
"business going great, sir"
0.2 320
Kitten specialists.png Kitten specialists 150 Achievements
(600% Milk)
Money.png 900 septillion You gain more CpS the more milk you have.
"optimeowzing your workflow like whoah, sir"
0.2 321
Kitten experts.png Kitten experts 175 Achievements
(700% Milk)
Money.png 900 octillion You gain more CpS the more milk you have.
"10 years expurrrtise in the cookie business, sir"
0.2 322
Kitten consultants.png Kitten consultants 200 Achievements
(800% Milk)
Money.png 900 nonillion You gain more CpS the more milk you have.
"glad to be overpaid to work with you, sir"
0.2 425
Kitten assistants to the regional manager.png Kitten assistants to the regional manager 225 Achievements
(900% Milk)
Money.png 900 decillion You gain more CpS the more milk you have.
"nothing stresses meowt... except having to seek the approval of my inferiors, sir"
0.175 442
Kitten marketeers.png Kitten marketeers 250 achievements
(1000% milk)
Money.png 900 undecillion You gain more CpS the more milk you have.
"no such thing as a saturated markit, sir"
0.15 462
Kitten analysts.png Kitten analysts 275 achievements
(1100% milk)
Money.png 900 duodecillion You gain more CpS the more milk you have.
"based on purrent return-on-investment meowdels we should be able to affurd to pay our empawyees somewhere around next century, sir"
0.125 494
Kitten executives.png Kitten executives 300 achievements
(1200% milk)
Money.png 900 tredecillion You gain more CpS the more milk you have.
"ready to execute whatever and whoever you'd like, sir"
0.115 613
Kitten admins.png Kitten admins 325 achievements
(1300% milk)
Money.png 900 quattuordecillion You gain more CpS the more milk you have.
"leadership ain't easy, sir"
0.11 766
Kitten strategists.png Kitten strategists 350 achievements
(1400% milk)
Money.png 900 quindecillion You gain more CpS the more milk you have.
"out with the old in with the mew, sir"
0.105 865

Bingo Center/Research Facility

After obtaining the "Elder" achievement with at least 6 grandmas owned, the player is eligible to get the "Bingo Center/Research Facility", which costs 1 quadrillion cookies (as of version 2.048). After purchasing it, it will research an upgrade with each research period taking 30 minutes without "Persistent memory" heavenly upgrade and 3 minutes with it. However: research time is based on frames, not minutes. The game naturally runs at 30 fps. If the player alters that to 5 fps to reduce load on their CPU, upgrades will then take 3 hours. At 10 fps they take 1 hour 30 minutes, at 20 fps they take 45 minutes, and so on. Research on the next upgrade will not begin until the previously researched item has been purchased.

If the player wants "Sacrificial rolling pins" without waiting, they can buy "Elder Pledge", then "Elder Covenant", then "Revoke Elder Covenant", then repeat until they have unlocked the upgrade.

Research and Grandmapocalypse

Research upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Bingo Research.png Bingo center/Research facility "Elder" achievement earned

At least 6 grandmas owned

Money.png 1 quadrillion Grandma-operated science lab and leisure club.
Grandmas are 4 times as efficient.
Regularly unlocks new upgrades.
"What could possibly keep those
grandmothers in check?...
Specialized chocolate chips.png Specialized chocolate chips 1st research project completed Money.png 1 quadrillion Cookie production multiplier +1%.
"Computer-designed chocolate chips. Computer chips, if you will."
Designer cocoa beans.png Designer cocoa beans 2nd research project completed Money.png 2 quadrillion Cookie production multiplier +2%.
"Now more aerodynamic than ever!"
Ritual rolling pins.png Ritual rolling pins 3rd research project completed Money.png 4 quadrillion Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"The result of years of scientific research!"
Underworld ovens.png Underworld ovens 4th research project completed Money.png 8 quadrillion Cookie production multiplier +3%.
"Powered by science, of course!"
One mind.png One mind [note 3] 5th research project completed Money.png 16 quadrillion Each grandma gains +0.02 base Cps per grandma.
Note: the grandmothers are growing restless. Do not encourage them.
"We are one. We are many."
Exotic nuts.png Exotic nuts 6th research project completed Money.png 32 quadrillion Cookie production multiplier +4%.
"You'll go crazy over these!"
Communal brainsweep.png Communal brainsweep 7th research project completed Money.png 64 quadrillion Each grandma gains another +0.02 base Cps per grandma.
Note: proceeding any further in scientific research may have unexpected results. You have been warned.
"We fuse. We merge. We grow."
Arcane sugar.png Arcane sugar 8th research project completed Money.png 128 quadrillion Cookie production multiplier +5%.
"Tastes like insects, ligaments, and molasses."
Elder Covenant.png Elder Pact 9th research project completed Money.png 256 quadrillion Each grandma gains +0.05 base CpS per portal.
Note: this is a bad idea.
"squirm crawl slither writhe
today we rise"
Ritual rolling pins.png Sacrificial rolling pins "Elder Pledge" purchased 10 times Money.png 2.889 trillion Elder pledges last twice as long.
"These are mostly just for spreading the anti-aging cream.
(And accessorily, shortening the chicken's suffering.)"

Other Upgrades

Dragon Upgrades

Dragon upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Dragon egg.png A crumbly egg 1 million cookies earned and "How to bake your dragon" purchased Money.png 25 Unlocks the cookie dragon egg.
"Thank you for adopting this robust, fun-loving cookie dragon! It will bring you years of joy and entertainment.
Keep in a dry and cool place, and away from other house pets. Subscription to home insurance is strongly advised."
Dragon scale.png Dragon scale Random drop from petting Krumblor Money.png 1,800 x CpS
(max level dragon:
Money.png 180 x CpS)
Cookie production multiplier +3%.
Cost scales with CpS, but 10 times cheaper with a fully-trained dragon.
"Your dragon sheds these regularly, so this one probably won't be missed.
Note: icon not to scale."
Dragon claw.png Dragon claw Random drop from petting Krumblor Money.png 1,800 x CpS
(max level dragon:
Money.png 180 x CpS)
Clicks are +3% more powerful.
Cost scales with CpS, but 10 times cheaper with a fully-trained dragon.
"Will grow back in a few days' time.
A six-inch retractable claw, like a razor, from the middle toe. So you know, try to show a little respect."
Dragon fang.png Dragon fang Random drop from petting Krumblor Money.png 1,800 x CpS
(max level dragon:
Money.png 180 x CpS)
+3% golden cookie gains.
Dragon harvest and Dragonflight are 10% stronger.
Cost scales with CpS, but 10 times cheaper with a fully-trained dragon.
"Just a fallen baby tooth your dragon wanted you to have, as a gift.
It might be smaller than an adult tooth, but it's still frighteningly sharp - and displays some awe-inspiring cavities, which you might expect from a creature made out of sweets."
Dragon teddy bear.png Dragon teddy bear Random drop from petting Krumblor Money.png 1,800 x CpS
(max level dragon:
Money.png 180 x CpS)
+3% random drops.
Cost scales with CpS, but 10 times cheaper with a fully-trained dragon.
"Your dragon used to sleep with this. Now it's time for you to have it.
Crafted in the likelihood of a fearsome beast. Stuffed with magical herbs picked long ago by a wandering wizard. Woven from elven yarn and a polyester blend."

Miscellaneous Garden Drops

Unlike the majority of the garden drops, fern tea and ichor syrup aren't considered cookie upgrades.

Miscellaneous upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Fern tea.png Fern tea 1% chance of dropping after harvesting a mature drowsyfern [note 4] Money.png 3,600 x CpS [note 5] You gain another +3% of your regular CpS while the game is closed.
(Must own the Twin Gates of Transcendence upgrade.).
Dropped by drowsyfern plants.
Cost scales with CpS.
"A chemically complex natural beverage, this soothing concoction has been used by mathematicians to solve equations in their sleep."
Ichor syrup.png Ichor syrup 0.5% chance of dropping after harvesting a mature ichorpuff [note 4] Money.png 7,200 x CpS [note 5] You gain another +7% of your regular CpS while the game is closed.
(Must own the Twin Gates of Transcendence upgrade.).
Sugar lumps mature 7 minutes sooner.
Dropped by ichorpuff plants.
Cost scales with CpS.
"Tastes like candy. The smell is another story."

Clicking Upgrades

Clicking upgrades are not buffed by the first 3 cursor upgrades.

Clicking upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain mouse.png Plastic mouse 1,000 hand-made cookies Money.png 50,000 Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.
"Slightly squeaky."
Berrylium mouse.png Iron mouse 100,000 hand-made cookies Money.png 5 million Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.
"Click like it's 1,349!"
Blueberrylium mouse.png Titanium mouse 10 million hand-made cookies Money.png 500 million Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.
"Heavy, but powerful."
Chalcedhoney mouse.png Adamantium mouse 1 billion hand-made cookies Money.png 50 billion Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.
"You could cut diamond with these."
Buttergold mouse.png Unobtainium mouse 100 billion hand-made cookies Money.png 5 trillion Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.
"These nice mice should suffice."
Sugarmuck mouse.png Eludium mouse 10 trillion hand-made cookies Money.png 500 trillion Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.
"I rodent do that if I were you."
Jetmint mouse.png Wishalloy mouse 1 quadrillion hand-made cookies Money.png 50 quadrillion Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.
"Clicking is fine and dandy, but don't smash your mouse over it. Get your game on. Go play."
Cherrysilver mouse.png Fantasteel mouse 100 quadrillion hand-made cookies Money.png 5 quintillion Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.
"You could be clicking using your touchpad and we'd be none the wiser."
Hazelrald mouse.png Nevercrack mouse 10 quintillion hand-made cookies Money.png 500 quintillion Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.
"How much beefier can you make a mouse until it's considered a rat?"
Mooncandy mouse.png Armythril mouse 1 sextillion hand-made cookies Money.png 50 sextillion Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.
"This one takes about 53 people to push it around and another 48 to jump down on the button and trigger a click. You could say it's got some heft to it."
Astrofudge mouse.png Technobsidian mouse 100 sextillion hand-made cookies Money.png 5 septillion Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.
"A highly advanced mouse of sophisticated design. Only one thing on its mind : to click."
Alabascream mouse.png Plasmarble mouse 10 septillion hand-made cookies Money.png 500 septillion Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.
"A shifting blur in the corner of your eye, this mouse can trigger a flurry of clicks when grazed by even the slightest breeze."
Iridyum mouse.png Miraculite mouse 1 octillion hand-made cookies Money.png 50 octillion Clicking gains +1% of your CpS
"Composed of a material that neither science nor philosophy is equipped to conceptualize. And boy, does it ever click."
Glucosmium mouse.png Aetherice mouse 100 octillion hand-made cookies Money.png 5 nonillion Clicking gains +1% of your CpS
"Made from a substance impossible to manufacture, only obtained through natural happenstance; its properties bewilder even the most precise measuring instruments."
Glimmeringue mouse.png Omniplast mouse 10 nonillion hand-made cookies Money.png 500 nonillion Clicking gains +1% of your CpS."This mouse is, by virtue of the strange elements that make it up, present in every position in space simultaneously, in a manner; this alleviates its owner from the need to move it around, redirecting all such kinetic power to the intensity of its clicks." 874

Golden Cookie Upgrades

Golden Cookie upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Lucky golden clover.png Lucky day 7 Golden Cookies clicked [note 6] Money.png 777.778 million Golden cookies appear twice as often and last twice as long on screen.
"Oh hey, a four-leaf penny!"
Lucky golden clover.png Serendipity 27 Golden Cookies clicked [note 6] Money.png 77.778 billion Golden cookies appear twice as often and last twice as long on screen.
"What joy! Seven horseshoes!"
Lucky golden clover.png Get lucky 77 Golden Cookies clicked [note 6] Money.png 77.778 trillion Golden cookie effects last twice as long.
"You've been up all night, haven't you?"

Heavenly Chips Upgrades

Heavenly Chips upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Heavenly chip.png Heavenly chip secret Ascended with at least MoneyHC.png 1 earned Money.png 11 Unlocks 5% of the potential of your prestige levels.
"Grants the knowledge of heavenly chips, and how to use them to make baking more efficient.
It's a secret to everyone."
Heavenly cookie stand.png Heavenly cookie stand "Heavenly chip secret" purchased Money.png 1,111 Unlocks 25% of the potential of your prestige levels.
"Don't forget to visit the heavenly lemonade stand afterwards. When afterlife gives you lemons..."
Heavenly bakery.png Heavenly bakery "Heavenly cookie stand" purchased Money.png 111,111 Unlocks 50% of the potential of your prestige levels.
"Also sells godly cakes and divine pastries. The pretzels aren't too bad either."
Heavenly confectionery.png Heavenly confectionery "Heavenly bakery" purchased Money.png 11.111 million Unlocks 75% of the potential of your prestige levels.
"They say angel bakers work there. They take angel lunch breaks and sometimes go on angel strikes."
Heavenly key.png Heavenly key "Heavenly confectionery" purchased Money.png 1.111 billion Unlocks 100% of the potential of your prestige levels.
"This is the key to the pearly (and tasty) gates of pastry heaven, granting you access to your entire stockpile of heavenly chips for baking purposes.
May you use them wisely."

Christmas Santa Upgrades

Santa upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
A festive hat.png A festive hat 25 cookies baked during Christmas season Money.png 25 Unlocks... something.
"Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse."
A festive wreath.png Increased merriness Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S Cookie production multiplier +15%.
Cost scales with Santa level.
"It turns out that the key to increased merriness, strangely enough, happens to be a good campfire and some s'mores.
You know what they say, after all; the s'more, the merrier."
A festive wreath.png Improved jolliness Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S Cookie production multiplier +15%.
Cost scales with Santa level.
"A nice wobbly belly goes a long way.
You jolly?"
A lump of coal.png A lump of coal Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with Santa level.
"Some of the world's worst stocking stuffing.
I guess you could try starting your own little industrial revolution, or something?..."
An itchy sweater.png An itchy sweater Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with Santa level.
"You don't know what's worse : the embarrassingly quaint "elf on reindeer" motif, or the fact that wearing it makes you feel like you're wrapped in a dead sasquatch.
Reindeer icon.png Reindeer baking grounds Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S Reindeer appear twice as frequently.
"Male reindeer are from Mars; female reindeer are from venison."
Reindeer icon.png Weighted sleighs Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S Reindeer are twice as slow.
Cost scales with Santa level.
"Hope it was worth the weight.
(Something something forced into cervidude)"
Reindeer icon.png Ho ho ho-flavored frosting Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S Reindeer give twice as much.
Cost scales with Santa level.
"It's time to up the antler."
Red Gift.png Season savings Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S All buildings are 1% cheaper.
Cost scales with Santa level.
"By Santa's beard, what savings!
But who will save us?"
Red Gift.png Toy workshop Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S All upgrades are 5% cheaper. [note 7]
Cost scales with Santa level.
"Watch yours-elf around elvesdroppers who might steal our production secrets.
Or elven worse!"
Naughty list.png Naughty list Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S Grandmas are twice as productive.
Cost scales with Santa level.
"This list contains every unholy deed perpetuated by grandmakind.
He won't be checking this one twice.
Once. Once is enough."
A festive hat.png Santa's bottomless bag Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S Random drops are 10% more common.
Cost scales with Santa level.
"This is one bottom you can't check out."
A festive hat.png Santa's helpers Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S Clicking is 10% more powerful.
Cost scales with Santa level.
"Some choose to help hamburger; some choose to help you.
To each their own, I guess."
A festive hat.png Santa's legacy Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S Cookie production multiplier +3% per Santa's levels.
Cost scales with Santa level.
"In the north pole, you gotta get the elves first. Then when you get the elves, you start making the toys. Then when you get the toys... then you get the cookies."
A festive hat.png Santa's milk and cookies Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S Milk is 5% more powerful.
Cost scales with Santa level.
"Part of Santa's dreadfully unbalanced diet."
Santa's dominion.png Santa's dominion Reach the final stage of Santa Money.png 2.525 quadrillion Cookie production multiplier +20%.
All buildings are 1% cheaper.
All upgrades are 2% cheaper. [note 7]
"My name is Claus, king of kings;
Look on my toys, ye Mighty, and despair!"

See the discussion on milk above for the details of Santa's Milk and Cookies.

Easter Egg Upgrades

List of the 20 upgrades only available during Easter season. All upgrades are egg/larvae based in theme and can be unlocked randomly when clicking a golden/wrath cookie or bursting a wrinkler.

Easter Egg upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Chicken egg.png Chicken egg "Common" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 2E Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"The egg. The egg came first. Get over it."
Duck egg.png Duck egg "Common" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 2E Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"Then he waddled away."
Turkey egg.png Turkey egg "Common" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 2E Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"These hatch into strange, hand-shaped creatures."
Quail egg.png Quail egg "Common" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 2E Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"These eggs are positively tiny. I mean look at them. How does this happen? Whose idea was that?"
Robin egg.png Robin egg "Common" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 2E Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"Holy azure-hued shelled embryos!"
Ostrich egg.png Ostrich egg "Common" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 2E Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"One of the largest eggs in the world. More like ostrouch, am I right?
Cassowary egg.png Cassowary egg "Common" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 2E Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"The cassowary is taller than you, possesses murderous claws and can easily outrun you.
You'd do well to be casso-wary of them."
Salmon roe.png Salmon roe "Common" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 2E Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"Do the impossible, see the invisible.
Roe roe, fight the power?"
Frogspawn.png Frogspawn "Common" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 2E Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"I was going to make a pun about how these "toadally look like eyeballs", but froget it."
Shark egg.png Shark egg "Common" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 2E Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
Turtle egg.png Turtle egg "Common" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 2E Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"Turtles, right? Hatch from shells. Grow into shells. What's up with that?
Now for my skit about airplane food."
Ant larva.png Ant larva "Common" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 2E Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"These are a delicacy in some countries, I swear. You will let these invade your digestive tract, and you will derive great pleasure from it.
And all will be well"
Golden goose egg.png Golden goose egg "Rare" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 3E Golden cookies appear 5% more often.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"The sole vestige of a tragic tale involving misguided investments."
Faberge egg.png Faberge egg "Rare" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 3E All buildings and upgrades are 1% cheaper. [note 7]
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"This outrageous egg is definitely fab."
Wrinklerspawn.png Wrinklerspawn "Rare" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 3E Wrinklers explode into 5% more cookies.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"Look at this little guy! It's going to be a big boy someday! Yes it is!"
Cookie egg.png Cookie egg "Rare" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 3E Clicking is 10% more powerful.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"The shell appears to be chipped.
I wonder what's inside this one!"
Omelette.png Omelette "Rare" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 3E Other eggs appear 10% more frequently.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"Fromage not included."
Chocolate egg.png Chocolate egg "Rare" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 3E Contains a lot of cookies[note 8].
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"Laid by the elusive cocoa bird. There's a surprise inside!"
Century egg.png Century egg "Rare" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 3E You continually gain more CpS the longer you've played[note 9] in the current session.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"Actually not centuries-old. This one isn't a day over 86!"
"egg".png "egg"[note 10] "Rare" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 3E +9 CpS
"hey, it's "egg""

Fortune Upgrades

List of the 25 upgrades available from the news ticker after purchasing the heavenly upgrade Fortune cookies.

Fortune upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Fortune cursor.png Fortune #001 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 1.167 nonillion Cursors are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"Fingers are not the only thing you can count on."
Fortune grandma.png Fortune #002 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 7.778 nonillion Grandmas are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"A wrinkle is a crack in a mundane facade."
Fortune farm.png Fortune #003 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 85.556 nonillion Farms are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"The seeds of tomorrow already lie within the seeds of today."
Fortune mine.png Fortune #004 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 933,333 nonillion Mines are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"Riches from deep under elevate you all the same."
Fortune factory.png Fortune #005 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 10.111 decillion Factories are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"True worth is not in what you find, but in what you make."
Fortune bank.png Fortune #006 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 108.889 decillion Banks are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"The value of money means nothing to a pocket."
Fortune temple.png Fortune #007 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 1.556 undecillion Temples are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"Not all guides deserve worship."
Fortune wizard tower.png Fortune #008 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 25.667 undecillion Wizard towers are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"Magic is about two things - showmanship, and rabbits."
Fortune shipment.png Fortune #009 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 396.667 undecillion Shipments are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"Every mile travelled expands the mind by just as much."
Fortune alchemy lab.png Fortune #010 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 5.833 duodecillion Alchemy labs are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"Change what you cannot accept. Furthermore: accept nothing."
Fortune portal.png Fortune #011 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 77.778 duodecillion Portals are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"Every doorway is a gamble. Tread with care."
Fortune time machine.png Fortune #012 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 1.089 tredecillion Time machines are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"Do your future self a favor; they'll thank you for it."
Fortune antimatter condenser.png Fortune #013 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 13.222 tredecillion Antimatter condensers are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"The world is made of what we put into it."
Fortune prism.png Fortune #014 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 163.333 tredecillion Prisms are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"Staring at a dazzling light can blind you back to darkness."
Fortune chancemaker.png Fortune #015 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 2.022 quattuordecillion Chancemakers are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"Don't leave to blind chance what you could accomplish with deaf skill."
Fortune fractal engine.png Fortune #016 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 24.111 quattuordecillion Fractal engines are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"It's good to see yourself in others. Remember to see yourself in yourself, too."
Fortune javascript console.png Fortune #017 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 5.522 quindecillion Javascript consoles are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"If things aren't working out for you, rewrite the rules."
Fortune idleverse.png Fortune #018 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 933.333 quindecillion Idleverses are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"There's plenty of everyone, but only one of you."
Fortune cortex baker.png Fortune #019 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 147.778 sexdecillion Cortex bakers are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"The smartest way to think is not to think at all."
Fortune you.png Fortune #020 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 42 septendecillion You are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"No matter how hard you try, you're never truly alone."
Fortune! cookie.png Fortune #100 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 86,400 x CpS
(Max: 7.778 decillion)
Upgrades and buildings cost -1%; you gain +1% CpS.
"True wealth is counted in gifts."
Fortune! cookie.png Fortune #101 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 86,400 x CpS
(Max: 7.778 undecillion)
You gain +7% CpS.
"Some people dream of fortunes; others dream of cookies."
Fortune! cookie.png Fortune #102 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 86,400 x CpS
(Max: 7.778 duodecillion)
You gain another +1% of your regular CpS while the game is closed. (Must own the Twin Gates of Transcendence upgrade.)
"Help, I'm trapped in a browser game!"
Fortune kitten.png Fortune #103 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 86,400 x CpS
(Max: 7.778 tredecillion)
You gain more CpS the more milk you have.[note 11]
"Don't believe the superstitions; all cats are good luck."
Fortune mouse.png Fortune #104 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 86,400 x CpS
(Max: 7.778 duodecillion)
Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.
"Remember to stay in touch."


Upgrade switches
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Elder Pledge.png Elder Pledge [note 12] "Elder Pact" purchased Money.png 64 x 8n
(cap: 64 × 812)
Contains the wrath of the elders, at least for a while.
"This is simple ritual involving anti-aging cream, cookie batter mixed in the moonlight, and a live chicken."
Elder Covenant.png Revoke Elder CovenantElder Covenant
[click to switch]
"Elder Pledge" purchased at least once Money.png 6.667 billionMoney.png 66.667 trillion You will get 5% of your CpS back, but the grandmatriarchs will return.
Puts a permanent end to the elders' wrath, at the price of 5% of your CpS.
"This is a complicated ritual involving silly, inconsequential trivialities such as cursed laxatives, century-old cacao, and an infant.
Don't question it."
Christmas tree biscuits.png Festive biscuit "Season switcher" purchased. Money.png 1 billion + Money.png 60 × CpS × 1.5n
Triggers Christmas season for the next 24 hours.
Triggering another season will cancel this one.
Cost increases with every season switch.
"'Twas the night before Christmas- or was it?"
Ghost cookies.png Ghostly biscuit "Season switcher" purchased. Money.png 1 billion + Money.png 60 × CpS × 1.5n
Triggers Halloween season for the next 24 hours.
Triggering another season will cancel this one.
Cost increases with every season switch.
"spooky scary skeletons
will wake you with a boo"
Ardent heart biscuits.png Lovesick biscuit "Season switcher" purchased. Money.png 1 billion + Money.png 60 × CpS × 1.5n
Triggers Valentine's Day season for the next 24 hours.
Triggering another season will cancel this one.
Cost increases with every season switch.
"Romance never goes out of fashion"
Fool's biscuit.png Fool's biscuit "Season switcher" purchased. Money.png 1 billion + Money.png 60 × CpS × 1.5n
Triggers Business Day season for the next 24 hours.
Triggering another season will cancel this one.
Cost increases with every season switch.
"Business. Serious business. This is absolutely all of your business."
Bunny biscuit.png Bunny biscuit "Season switcher" purchased. Money.png 1 billion + Money.png 60 × CpS × 1.5n
Triggers Easter season for the next 24 hours.
Triggering another season will cancel this one.
Cost increases with every season switch.
"All the world will be your enemy
and when they catch you,
they will kill you...
but first they must catch you."
Golden switch.pngGolden switch (off).png Golden switch [on]Golden switch [off]
[click to switch]
"Golden switch" purchased Switch off:
Money.png 3,600 x CpS
Switch on:
Money.png 3,600 x CpS
The switch is currently giving you a passive +50% CpS; it also prevents golden cookies from spawning.
Turning it off will revert those effects.
Cost is equal to 1 hour of production.
Turning this on will give you a passive +50% CpS, but prevents golden cookies from spawning.
Cost is equal to 1 hour of production.
Shimmering veil.png Shimmering veil [off]Shimmering veil [on]
[click to switch]
"Shimmering veil" purchased Switch on:
Money.png 3,600 × 24 × CpS
Switch off:
Money.png 0
Boosts your cookie production by 50% when active.
The veil is very fragile and will break if you click the big cookie or any golden cookies or reindeer.
Once broken, turning the veil back on costs 24 hours of unbuffed CpS.
Sugar craving.png Sugar frenzy "Sugar craving" purchased MoneySL.png 1 Activating this will triple your CpS for 1 hour, at the cost of 1 sugar lump.
May only be used once per ascension.
Golden cookie sound.png Golden cookie sound selector "Golden cookie alert sound" purchased Money.png 0 Lets you change the sound golden cookies make when they spawn. 361
Jukebox.png Jukebox "Sound test" purchased Money.png 0 Play through the game's sound files! 765
Plain milk.png Milk selector "Classic dairy selection" purchased Money.png 0 Lets you pick what flavor of milk to display. 333
CP24 - Basic wallpaper.png Background selector "Basic wallpaper assortment" purchased Money.png 0 Lets you pick which wallpaper to display. 414

Debug Upgrades

These upgrades are for debugging, and are not obtainable without cheating. For instructions on enabling these upgrades, refer to debug cheats.

Note: These Debug Upgrades can be unlocked in a vanilla way, by renaming the bakery anything with saysopensesame at the end of its name. Example: Orteil saysopensesame. Along with these upgrades, a debug menu becomes available and the "cheated cookies taste awful" shadow achievement is earned.

Debug upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Web cookies.pngSteamed cookies.png Web cookiesSteamed cookies Steam version:
Import cookie from web version.
Web version:
Import cookie from Steam version.

[toggle version]
Money.png 31.623 vigintillion Cookie production multiplier +0%.
"The original recipe; named for the delicate pattern inscribed on their surface by the baking process. Eating these can tell a lot about someone. Invented by well-connected bakers, no doubt.
Only of any use in Cookie Clicker's web version, of course."
"Localized entirely within this gaming platform? Yes! Baked with the power of steam, in a touch of cutting-edge modernity not seen since the industrial revolution.
Only of any use in Cookie Clicker's Steam version, of course."
Upgrader.png Ultrascience Debug mode Money.png 7 Research takes only 5 seconds.
Buttergold cookie.png Gold hoard Debug mode Money.png 7 Golden cookies appear really often.
"That's entirely too many."
One mind.png Neuromancy Debug mode Money.png 7 Can toggle upgrades on and off at will in the stats menu.
"Can also come in handy to unsee things that can't be unseen."
Chocolate chip cookie.png Perfect idling Debug mode Money.png 7 You keep producing cookies even while the game is closed.
"It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."
Wrinkler icon.png Wrinkler doormat Debug mode Money.png 7 Wrinklers spawn much more frequently.
"You're such a pushover."
Reindeer icon.png Reindeer season Debug mode Money.png 7 Reindeer spawn much more frequently.
"Go, Cheater! Go, Hacker and Faker!"
Season switcher.png Eternal seasons Debug mode Money.png 7 Seasons now last forever.
"Season to taste."
Orteil icon.png Magic shenanigans Debug mode Money.png 7 Cookie production multiplied by 1,000.
"It's magic. I ain't gotta explain shMoney.pngt."
Clot.png Occult obstruction Debug mode Money.png 7 Cookie production reduced to 0.
"If symptoms persist, consult a doctor."
Golden sugar lump.png Glucose-charged air Debug mode Money.png 7 Sugar lumps coalesce a whole lot faster.
"Don't breathe too much or you'll get diabetes!"
Jetmint farm.png Turbo-charged soil Debug mode Money.png 7 Garden plants grow every second.
Garden seeds are free to plant.
You can switch soils at any time.
"It's got electrolytes!"
How to bake your dragon.png A really good guide book Debug mode Money.png 7 ???
(Hidden description: "All dungeon locations behave as if unlocked. You may shift-click a dungeon location to teleport there.")
(Hidden flavor text: "It even tells you which hotels to avoid!")

Additional Info

  • Upgrades price is decreased by:
    • Upgrades: Toy workshop (-5% to all upgrades prices), Santa's dominion (-2%), Faberge egg (-1%), and Fortune #100 (-1%),
    • Heavenly upgrades: Five-finger discount (-1% per every 100 Cursors bought), Divine sales (-1%) and "Divine bakeries" (-80% to flavored cookies),
    • Dragon auras: Master of the Armory(-2%), and Reality Bending(-0.2%).
    • Grimoire spell: Haggler's Charm (-2%)
    • Garden plant: Cheapcap(-0.2% per mature plant, -0.25% when soil is clay)
  1. Shown as infinitely scrolling text displaying 35 characters at a time that wraps around to the beginning once it reaches the end (" strange little tale : "There once "). In actual gameplay, the [bakeryName] placeholder term is replaced with the name given in "[bakeryBame]'s bakery".
  2. Tombola tickets:
    • [random] lines of javascript
      • Random calculation: Math.floor(Math.random()*5+2) = number between 2-6
    • one free use of Math.random()
    • one qubit, whatever that is
    • one half-eaten cookie
    • a brand new vacuum cleaner
    • most of one room-temperature cup of orange soda
    • one really good sandwich
    • one handful of pocket lint
    • someone's mostly clean hairpiece
    • a trip to a fancy restaurant
    • the knowledge of those numbers
    • a furtive glance at the news ticker
    • another ticket, half-price
    • all-you-can-eat moldy bread
    • one lifetime supply of oxygen
    • the color [random]
      • Random pick: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, white, gray, brown, pink or teal
    • increased intellect for a limited time
    • an ancient runesword
    • the throne of a far-away country
    • the position of Mafia capo. Good luck
    • one free time-travel week-end
    • something beautiful
    • the deed to some oil well
    • one hamburger made out of the animal, plant, or person of your choice
    • the last surviving [random]
      • Random pick: dodo bird, thylacine, unicorn, dinosaur or neanderthal
    • a deep feeling of accomplishment
    • a fleeting tinge of entertainment
    • a vague sense of unease
    • deep existential dread
    • one extra week added to your lifespan
    • breathe manually
    • blink right here and now
    • one meeting with any famous person, living or dead, in your next dream
    • one very nice dream
    • a wacky sound effect
    • 45 seconds of moral flexibility
    • hundreds and thousands, also known as "sprinkles"
    • one circle, triangle, square or other simple geometric shape, of average dimensions
    • just this extra bit of randomness
    • the extra push you needed to turn your life around
    • a good fright
    • one secret superpower
    • a better luck next time
    • an irrational phobia of tombola tickets
    • one whole spider
    • an increased sense of self-worth and determination
    • inner peace
    • one double-XP week-end in the MMORPG of your choice
    • a little piece of the universe, represented by the trillions of atoms that make up this very ticket
    • food poisoning
    • the Moon! Well, conceptually
    • a new car, baby
    • a new catchphrase
    • an intrusive thought of your choice
    • - ...aw man, it just cuts off there
    • the director spot for the next big hit movie
    • really good-looking calves
    • one genuine pirate golden doubloon
    • "treasure and riches", or something
    • one boat, sunken
    • baby shoes, never worn
    • direct lineage to some King or Queen
    • innate knowledge of a dead language you'll never encounter
    • the melody of a song you don't know the words to
    • white noise
    • mild physical impairment
    • a new pair of lips
    • things, and such
    • one popular expression bearing your name
    • one typo
    • one get-out-of-jail-free card
    • the rest of your life... for now
    • one polite huff
    • a condescending stare
    • one cursed monkey paw
    • true love, probably
    • an interesting factoid about the animal, country, TV show or celebrity of your choice
    • a pop culture reference
    • minutes of fun
    • the etymology of the word "tombola" - it's Italian for "a tumble"
    • nothing. You lost, sorry
  3. Purchasing the One mind upgrade triggers the beginning of the Grandmapocalypse.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Once this upgrade is unlocked, all future ascensions will have it immediately available for purchase from the store.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Based on current cookies per second, including buffs.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 At least one golden cookie click in the current game is needed before the all-time number will be counted for the criteria of upgrades.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Upgrades which lower the cost of upgrades stack multiplicatively, not additively. For example, having 3 of them which reduce the cost of upgrades by 5%, 2% and 1% causes the cost of the upgrade to be (original cost) * 0.95 * 0.98 * 0.99.
  8. Multiplies bank by 1.05, cost activates before cookie gain. To optimize, save this upgrade until the end of a run then sell all buildings with Earth Shatterer and Reality Bending before buying this upgrade.
  9. The formula for CpS boost is:
    where f=min{days100,1}, and "days" is the current session's length.
    Days can be fractional, with up to 10 seconds of precision. This Desmos graph shows CpS multiplier over time in hundreds of days. The maximum buff is 10%.
  10. "egg" is the only upgrade in the game that gives a flat CpS increase (only upgrade that doesn't increase CpS by a percentage.)
  11. Milk factor: 0.05
  12. Elder Pledge is unavailable while Elder Covenant is in effect.

Version Release date New upgrades
Total upgrades
Total upgrades
(incl. heavenly)
1.0 August 24, 2013 79 79 79
1.02 August 25, 2013 2 81 81
1.034 September 3, 2013 5 86 86
1.035 September 8, 2013 7 93 93
1.036 September 15, 2013 10 103 103
1.0375 October 1, 2013 15 118 118
1.038 October 10, 2013 9 127 127
1.039 October 29, 2013 8 135 135
1.04 December 20, 2013 24 159 159
1.0402 December 20, 2013 1 160 160
1.0411 February 13, 2014 13 173 173
1.0418 April 9, 2014 17 190 190
1.0464 May 18, 2014 26 216 216
1.0501(beta) Aug 25th 2014 28 (+34) 244 278
2 Feb 8th 2016 75 (+22) 319 375
2.0034 Jul 15th 2017 8 (+6) 327 389
2.0042 Aug 8th 2017 29 (+3) 356 421
2.0045 February 24th 2018 11 (+3) 367 435
2.01 April 18th 2018 20 387 455
2.0109 August 1st 2018 23 (+3) 410 481
2.011 August 8th 2018 14 424 495
2.016 October 26th 2018 35 (+8) 459 538
2.018 March 5th 2019 26 (+2) 485 566
2.021 September 28th 2019 50 (+1) 535 617
2.028 August 23rd 2020 36 (+2) 571 655
2.031 November 1st 2020 42 (+4) 613 701
2.048 May 31st 2022 50 (+38) 663 789
2.052 May 7th 2023 53 (+3) 716 845

Edit Trivia
  • With the exceptions of Plain, the primary tier names are comprised of flavors and secondary words (mostly minerals):
    • Berrylium, portmanteau of beryllium and berry
    • Blueberrylium, portmanteau of beryllium and blueberry
    • Chalcedhoney, portmanteau of chalcedony and honey
    • Buttergold, compound of butter and gold
    • Sugarmuck, compound of sugar and muck
    • Jetmint, compound of jet and mint
    • Cherrysilver, compound of cherry and silver
    • Hazelrald, portmanteau of hazel and emerald
    • Mooncandy, compound of moonstone and candy
    • Astrofudge, portmanteau of the Smash Mouth album Astro Lounge and fudge
    • Alabascream, portmanteau of alabaster and cream
    • Iridyum, portmanteau of iridium and yum
    • Glucosmium, portmanteau of glucose and osmium
    • Glimmeringue, portmanteau of glimmer and meringue
  • In Orteil's sprite sheet for all the icons in Cookie Clicker, there are currently unimplemented icons for the different tiers.
  • The Assistant to the Regional Manager kittens are a reference to Dwight Schrute from "The Office (US)".
  • Carpal tunnel prevention cream, and its flavor text "it...it hurts to click..." is a reference to the South Park episode "Make Love Not Warcraft".
  • The flavor text for "Four-Leaf Clover Field" is a reference to to the movie "Cloverfield."
  • The flavor text for the Cursor upgrade called "Iron Mouse" ("Click like it's 1349!") is probably a reference to the black metal band called "1349," as well as a reference to the Prince song "1999" ("Party like it's 1999!"). Or it simply could be the fact that it is iron, commonly used in medieval devices.
  • The flavor text for the Cursor upgrade called "Wishalloy Mouse" is a reference to the song "All Star" by Smash Mouth ("don't smash your mouse"), which lyrics include "Get your game on, go play."
  • The flavor text for the Cursor upgrade called "Ambidextrous" ("Look ma, both hands!") is a play on the phrase, "Look ma, no hands!"
  • The flavor text for the Cursor upgrade "Thousand Fingers" to "Quadrillion fingers" is a reference to Quagmire from Family Guy, who often says "Giggity" when he gets excited.
  • The flavor text for the Cursor upgrade "Quintillion fingers" is the second half of a quote given by Boomhauer, a character of King of the Hill in an episode when he discusses navigating the Internet.
  • The Mine upgrade "Ultimadrill"'s flavor text makes a reference to the anime Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann with its quote "Pierce the heavens, etc...". The line "Your drill is the drill that will pierce the heavens" has been used in many other works since, predominantly internet memes.
  • The Alchemy lab upgrade "Ambrosia" and its flavor text are a reference to the book series "Study" by Maria V. Snyder, relating a substance known as ambrosia, that is delicious but opens the mind to magical influence.
  • The Shipment upgrade "Warp Drive" and its flavor text "To boldly bake." are references to Star Trek.
  • The Portal upgrade "Sanity Dance" and its flavor text are a reference to the '80s pop song "Safety Dance" by Men Without Hats and the lyric from that song "We can dance if we want to / We can leave your friends behind" (We can change if we want to, we can leave our brains behind).
  • The flavor text for the Portal upgrade "Maddening Chants" is a reference to this memetic video about Moonbase Alpha
  • The flavor text for the Bunny Biscuts is a reference from the book series Watership Down
  • The text from the cookie upgrade "Chocolate-stuffed biscuits" (A princely snack !) is a reference to a very-well known biscuits brand in France, "Prince".
  • The use of Portals and the Altered Grandmas may be a reference to "Immaterium" from Warhammer 40,000, in which the minds and/or bodies of those who travel through it are significantly warped.
  • The Time Machine upgrade "Flux Capacitors" and its flavor text are a reference to the Flux Capacitor in the Back to the Future trilogy.
  • The flavor text for Plain Cookies was orginally "Meh.".
  • The flavor text for the Time Machine upgrade "Time paradox resolver", "No more fooling around with your own grandmother!" is a reference to the episode "Roswell That Ends Well" of the television series Futurama, wherein the character Fry has intercourse with his own grandmother when he goes back in time, and in doing so, becomes his own grandfather.
  • The name of the Time Machine upgrade "Quantum Conundrum" may be a reference to the game of the same name.
  • The previous flavor text of the Time Machine upgrade "Quantum Conundrum" ("It's full of stars!") and the flavor text of the Shipment upgrade "Chocolate Monoliths" ("My god. It's full of chocolate bars.") are references to the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey and its quote "My God! It's full of stars!". The name of the "Chocolate Monoliths" upgrade may be a reference to the mysterious objects 'Monoliths', which are the focus of the movie.
  • The flavor text on the Time Machine upgrade "Causality Enforcer" is a reference to the movie The Matrix, shortly after they meet the causality program of the Matrix, when Morpheus says, "What happened, happened, and couldn't have happened any other way." It is also possible this is a reference to the television series, Lost, in which Daniel Faraday says the very same quote.
  • The in-game sprite for the time machine strongly resembles the one from the 1960 movie, "The Time Machine", based on the classic H. G. Wells novel, and superficially the machines from other dramatizations of the same.
  • The Antimatter Condenser upgrade "Large Macaron collider" is a reference to the Large Hadron Collider.
  • The Chancemaker upgrade "Winning lottery ticket" is a reference to the game Fallout: New Vegas and its flavour text "What lottery? THE Lottery, that's what lottery! The only lottery that matters!" is a quote by the character Oliver Swanick, who was the only survivor of a "cleansing" by the Caesar's Legion due to winning a lottery.
  • The Chancemaker upgrade "Your lucky cookie" and its flavor text is a reference to Uncle Scrooge's Lucky Dime- the first dime he ever earned and his most prized possesion.
  • The Chancemaker upgrade "Improbability Drive" and its flavor text is a reference to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy's Infinite Improbability Drive, a engine allowing spaceships to travel anywhere.
  • The Fractal Engine upgrade "One particularly good-humored cow" and it's flavor text may be a reference to Mokalsium.
  • Part of the flavor text for the Prism upgrade Gem Polish ("Truly, truly outrageous.") is a reference to the 1980s cartoon series Jem, specifically the opening theme.
    • Some believe that it may also be a reference to the League of Legends champion, Taric, but this too is a reference to the theme from "Jem."
  • The quote for the cookie upgrade "Eclipse Cookies" ("Look to the cookie.") is from a Seinfeld episode, "The Dinner Party", where Jerry orders an eclipse cookie. He explains to Elaine that they must 'look to the cookie' and all our race problems will be solved (this is referring to the black and white colors on the cookie, in harmony). It may also refer to a Mortal Kombat easter egg, "Look to la luna."
  • The quote for the cookie upgrade "Madeleines" ("Unforgettable!") is a reference to the book In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust, in which madeleines are used to contrast involuntary memory with voluntary memory.
  • The 4 cookies added in 1.036 - Madeleines, Palets, Palmiers and Sablés - are types of French biscuits, which may be a form of cheeky patriotism on Orteil's part.
  • The 4 new cookie upgrades added in version 1.075, Caramoas, Sagalongs, Shortfoils and Win Mints, are based on Girl Scout cookies, referring to Samoas, Tagalongs, Trefoils, and Thin Mints respectively.
  • The prices of the Kitten upgrades may be a reference to the common myth that cats have nine lives.
  • The flavor text for the Kitten upgrades (starting with Kitten engineers and the [text], sir) may be references to the movie "Fight Club".
  • The Mouse upgrade "Adamantium Mouse" is in reference to the fictitious metal of the same name in the Marvel Comics Universe and other popular media.
  • The Mouse upgrade "Unobtainium mouse" references a hypothetical material.
  • The title of the "Get Lucky" upgrade is a reference to the Daft Punk song of the same name. The flavor text even makes a reference to a section of the song's lyrics: "We're up all night to get lucky."
  • The upgrade "Neuromancy" is most likely a reference to the novel Neuromancer by William Gibson, while it's flavor text could be a reference to the grandmas of the Grandmapocalypse.
  • The description of the upgrade Jaffa Cakes is a reference to a product of the same name introduced by the company McVitie's, and is a reference to Carl Sagan's quote "If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe" from his book Cosmos. It could also be a reference to the YouTube channel "The Yogscast" where in a modded version of Minecraft called Tekkit, they created a factory to automatically make jaffa cakes.
  • The flavor text of the "Heavenly chip secret" upgrade may be a reference to a quote from the original Legend of Zelda game for the NES- "It's a secret to everybody.'
  • The name and flavor text of the "Loreols" upgrade is a reference to the L'Oréal brand and their slogan: "Because you're worth it.".
    • Additionally, the name and appearance are based on Oreo brand cookies.
  • The name and flavor text of Grease's Cups is a reference to Reese's Peanut Butter Cups chocolate candy.
  • The name and flavor text of Zilla Wafers is a reference to the Japanese movie monster, Godzilla, as well as the snack Nilla Wafers.
  • The name and flavor text of Digits is a reference to Cadbury's Chocolate Fingers that come in the same flavors depicted in the sprite.
  • Lombardia cookies is a reference to Milano cookies from the Pepperidge Farm brand.
    • The flavor text of Lombardia cookies is a reference to the internet meme "Pepperidge Farm Remembers".
  • Bastenaken cookies is a reference to Bastogne cookies from French company Lefèvre-Utile (Bastenaken is Bastogne in Dutch).
  • Communal Brainsweep may be a reference to the Brainsweeper enemy from that other well known browser game, Kingdom of Loathing (which is an abomination created "For Science!", similar to a lot of the Research Center upgrades); alternatively, it may refer instead - or as well - to Brainsweeping from the Mysterious Benedict Society novels, a drastic form of brainwashing which erases almost all of the subject's memories. In either case, it ain't good.
  • The "Bat cookies" flavor text is a reference to the movie, "The Dark Knight" where Commissioner Gordon says that Batman is the hero that Gotham deserves.'.
  • The "Eyeball cookies" flavor text and the "Abysmal glimmer" upgrade are references to Nietzche's Beyond Good and Evil, aphorism 146.
    • The flavour text is a reference to the line "when you stare deep into the abyss, the abyss stares back"
  • The "Spider cookies" flavor text is a reference to the theme song of '60s television series cartoon, Spider-Man: The Animated Series.
  • The "Ghost cookies" flavor text is a reference to the Ghostbusters theme song.
  • The "Christmas Tree Biscuits" quote, "Whose pine is it anyway?" is a reference to the popular comedy-improvisation show "Whose line is it anyway?" that ran in the late 80's to early 90's with both English and American versions.
  • The flavor text of "Santa's Dominion" makes a reference to a poem of Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley. The poem's quote is "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
  • The Weighted Sleighs upgrade's flavor text may possibly be a reference to a saying from Gabe Newell.
  • It seems like even with upgrades that make other upgrades cheaper, the player still needs the original amount of cookies for upgrades to light up. This is only a visual bug, and the player can still buy the upgrade even if it isn't brightened.
  • When holding the cursor in the store and moving it quickly over the tooltip of an upgrade, the store window will minimize.
  • The flavor text for the Christmas upgrade 'Increased merriness' ,'The s'more the merrier', is a play on the quote, "The more the merrier". A s'more is a roasted marshmallow sandwiched between two graham crackers.
  • If the game is not in Christmas season, using the command 'Game.seasonPopup.spawn ()' will spawn a bouncing golden cookie instead of a reindeer.
  • The flavor text for the Ghostly biscuit upgrade "spooky scary skeletons will wake you with a boo" is a reference to the Andrew Gold song "Spooky Scary Skeletons"
  • The Prism upgrade Pure Cosmic Light was the only main building final upgrade to not have a blue sparkle in its sprite as of V1.0411 (fixed in 1.0418).
  • The flavor text for the prism upgrade Grainbow, "Remember the different grains using the handy Roy G. Biv mnemonic" refers to the mnemonic Roy G. Biv, which actually is used to remember the seven colors of the rainbow.
  • Вefore 1.0420, season updates couldn't be bought twice in a row (i.e. once the 24 hours are over, it becomes locked again, so the player needs to buy a different season before they can buy this one again).
  • Starting with the version 2, base cost of "Licorice macarons" upgrade increased 10 million times, from 1 quintillion to 10 septillion, which makes it most significant upgrade cost increase both in absolute and relative numbers at the moment. Next cost increase in absolute numbers to consider is "Brane transplant" — from 1.667 trillion to 5 quintillion (cost of efficiency increase upgrades for buildings is calculated based on building base price and tier multiplier common for all building types).
  • The flavor text for Bunny biscuit is a reference to Watership Down's El-Ahrairah being blessed with being hard to catch.
  • The flavor text for Duck Egg is a reference to the song, video, and book 'The Duck Song.'
  • The flavor text for Robin Egg is a reference to the superhero Robin from the 1960s Batman TV show as he would often make exclamations following the same format.
  • The flavor text for Salmon roe is a reference to the song 'Libera me from hell' from the anime 'Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.'
  • The flavor text for Omelette "Omelette du fromage" is a reference to an episode of the cartoon show 'Dexter's Laboratory', when the main character (Dexter) repeats the same phrase over and over again.
  • The "Aqua crustulae" upgrade name means "Water of cookie" in Latin, although in proper grammar this would be "Aqua crustuli" or "Aqua crustulorum". It's probably is a reference to Latin expression "Aqua vitae" that means "Water of life".
  • The "Ardent heart biscuits" upgrade's flavor text probably have a reference to Red Hot Chili Peppers band.
  • The "egg" bears a strong resemblance to a normal Pokémon egg from the game series "Pokémon".
  • The flavor text for "Shark Egg" is a reference to the thoughts of the sharks in one of Orteil's other games, Nested
  • If the player looks at the upgrades in the Stats screen after they are purchased, they will all say "[Purchased]". However, the kitten upgrades will say "[Purrchased]". This also applies to the upgrade when it is not purchased; on the bottom it says "Click to purrchase" instead of "Click to purchase."
  • The flavor text for the "Undecillion fingers" upgrade is a reference to the movie "The Year Without A Santa Claus"
  • Version 2 changed quite a few upgrades:
    • All upgrades that "added x base CpS" to the buildings were changed to another "doubles efficiency" upgrade, which was a buff because the base CpS increase was less than the original base CpS, and each upgrade stacks with all others (except the doubling efficiency of cursors and their -illion fingers)
    • Every -illion fingers upgrade for the cursors except "thousand fingers" and (maybe) "million fingers" were buffed, so now all of them except "thousand fingers" add 5x10x cookies per cursor. "Octillion fingers" now gives 5 million CpS per cursor instead of around 200,000 (needs correction).
      • This is later changed again where each upgrade becomes multiplicative, from "Trillion fingers" onwards by 20 instead of the flat increase by 10 times. However, it also makes the highest "finger" upgrade no longer give an incredible flat amount of cookies per click at the start of a new ascension.
    • As stated above, Persistent Memory is no longer an actual upgrade, but now a legacy upgrade, costing 5 heavenly chips.
    • Upgrades that add to the cookie production multiplier (i.e. Santa's Dominion adds +20% cookie production) were buffed to be global, so the percentages were reduced. Cookie upgrades that added +5% made the percentage, for example, go from 1,000% go up to 1,005% production. Now, those +5% cookie upgrades give +1% cookie production, and would boost the percentage from 1,000% to 1,010%.
    • The description of certain research upgrades were changed to match how they really act. One Mind, for example, originally said "grandmas gain +1 base CpS per 50 grandmas," implying the player may need to get 50 grandmas for a CpS boost. Now, it says "grandmas gain +0.02 CpS per grandma," showing that each grandma boosts every other grandma by 0.02 base CpS, instead of requiring 50 to get the boost.
    • Some cookies/biscuits (i.e. Macarons) now require a Heavenly Upgrade to purchase.
  • The Cookie Upgrade "Pecan Sandies" flavor text is a reference to the It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia Season 3 Episode 9 "Sweet Dee's Dating a Retarded Person" where Frank wants the band to be called "The Pecan Sandies"
  • The flavor text for the "Molasses cookies" upgrade is a reference to the song "Potatoes and Molasses" from Episode 3 of the short cartoon series "Over the Garden Wall."
  • The stuff rationale's description is a reference to the Xavier: Renegade Angel episode "Vibracaust."
  • The flavor text for the "Butter pucks" upgrade is a reference to the character Puck from Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream, when Puck says, "Lord, what fools these mortals be!"
  • "Beardlier Beards" Wizard Upgrade flavor text "The beard is the word" is a reference to the song Surfin Bird by The Trashmen.
  • The Name and flavor text for "Rules of acquisition" is a refrence to the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition from the Start Trek series.
  • The "Havabreaks" upgrade is a reference to Kit Kat chocolate bars. The name is a reference to the Kit Kat slogan "Have a break", the icon looks similar to actual Kit Kat bars, and the flavor text describes the chocolate bar and brings up the 200+ Kit Kat flavors in Japan.
  • The "Dim Dams" upgrade references the popular snack Tim Tams.
  • The flavor text for Corn syrup cookies is likely a reference to the "Country girls make do" meme phrase.
  • Christmas Santa Upgrades:
    • The flavor text for "A festive hat, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse, is a direct quotation from the poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas"
    • The flavor text for "Reindeer baking grounds" is a reference to the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus by John Gray.
    • The flavor text for "Santa's legacy" is a reference to a quote from the movie Scarface: "In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women."
    • The flavor text for "Santa's dominion" is a reference to the poem Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley: 'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings; Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
  • Debug Upgrades:
    • The "Reindeer Season" flavor text Go, Cheater! Go, Hacker and Faker! is a reference the poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas" where santa calls his reindeer by name: And he whistled, and shouted, and call'd them by name: "Now! Dasher, now! Dancer, now! Prancer and Vixen, "On! Comet, on! Cupid, on! Donner and Blitzen"
    • The "Magic Shenanigans" flavor text "It's magic, I ain't gotta explain sh*t." is a reference to the meme of the same name.
    • The " Turbo-charged soil" flavor text "It's got electrolytes!" is a reference to the movie "Idiocracy"
    • "Steamed cookies" that are "localized entirely within this gaming platform" are references to the Steamed Hams scene between Seymour Skinner and Superintendent Chalmers, in an episode of the Simpsons named: "22 Short Films About Springfield".
    • The flavor text of the debug upgrade "Ultrascience" ("YEAH, SCIENCE!") may be a reference to a quote said by Jesse Pinkman in a Breaking Bad episode titled "A No-Rough-Stuff-Type Deal."
  • The upgrade "Forwards from grandma" is a reference to the subreddit r/forwardsfromgrandma.
  • The upgrade "Great Baker in the sky" might be a reference to either the Pink Floyd song "The Great Gig in the Sky" or Mao Zedong's propaganda song "Red Sun in the sky"
  • The icon for the upgrade "Plasmarble mouse" originally used a different color palette, before being changed to Alabascream: Plasmarble mouse.png