Easter season

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Bunny biscuit.png

Easter is a seasonal event in Cookie Clicker. The big cookie will have a nest under it during this time (However, the nest does not appear if the "Particles" setting is off). It was added on May 18, 2014, with the 1.0464 update. Since the 1.0466 update, Easter starts automatically and lasts from 7 days before Easter (Palm Sunday) to Easter itself (Resurrection Sunday).

2024 event period: March 24th-March 31st. (Note that if Easter season overlaps with Business Day season, the latter takes precedence, temporarily halting Easter season.)

After purchasing the heavenly upgrade Season Switcher, Easter can also be activated for 24 hours by purchasing Bunny biscuit. The upgrade is repeatable, but it gets more expensive each time it is bought, similar to buildings.


There are 20 Upgrades that are from the Easter Season. All upgrades are egg/larvae based in theme and can be unlocked randomly when clicking a Golden Cookie, Wrath Cookie, or popping a wrinkler. The price of purchasing each egg goes up based on the number of eggs purchased so far (E in the chart below).

Easter Egg upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Chicken egg.png Chicken egg "Common" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 2E Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"The egg. The egg came first. Get over it."
Duck egg.png Duck egg "Common" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 2E Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"Then he waddled away."
Turkey egg.png Turkey egg "Common" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 2E Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"These hatch into strange, hand-shaped creatures."
Quail egg.png Quail egg "Common" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 2E Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"These eggs are positively tiny. I mean look at them. How does this happen? Whose idea was that?"
Robin egg.png Robin egg "Common" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 2E Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"Holy azure-hued shelled embryos!"
Ostrich egg.png Ostrich egg "Common" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 2E Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"One of the largest eggs in the world. More like ostrouch, am I right?
Cassowary egg.png Cassowary egg "Common" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 2E Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"The cassowary is taller than you, possesses murderous claws and can easily outrun you.
You'd do well to be casso-wary of them."
Salmon roe.png Salmon roe "Common" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 2E Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"Do the impossible, see the invisible.
Roe roe, fight the power?"
Frogspawn.png Frogspawn "Common" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 2E Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"I was going to make a pun about how these "toadally look like eyeballs", but froget it."
Shark egg.png Shark egg "Common" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 2E Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
Turtle egg.png Turtle egg "Common" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 2E Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"Turtles, right? Hatch from shells. Grow into shells. What's up with that?
Now for my skit about airplane food."
Ant larva.png Ant larva "Common" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 2E Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"These are a delicacy in some countries, I swear. You will let these invade your digestive tract, and you will derive great pleasure from it.
And all will be well"
Golden goose egg.png Golden goose egg "Rare" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 3E Golden cookies appear 5% more often.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"The sole vestige of a tragic tale involving misguided investments."
Faberge egg.png Faberge egg "Rare" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 3E All buildings and upgrades are 1% cheaper. [note 1]
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"This outrageous egg is definitely fab."
Wrinklerspawn.png Wrinklerspawn "Rare" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 3E Wrinklers explode into 5% more cookies.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"Look at this little guy! It's going to be a big boy someday! Yes it is!"
Cookie egg.png Cookie egg "Rare" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 3E Clicking is 10% more powerful.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"The shell appears to be chipped.
I wonder what's inside this one!"
Omelette.png Omelette "Rare" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 3E Other eggs appear 10% more frequently.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"Fromage not included."
Chocolate egg.png Chocolate egg "Rare" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 3E Contains a lot of cookies[note 2].
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"Laid by the elusive cocoa bird. There's a surprise inside!"
Century egg.png Century egg "Rare" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 3E You continually gain more CpS the longer you've played[note 3] in the current session.
Cost scales with how many eggs you own.
"Actually not centuries-old. This one isn't a day over 86!"
"egg".png "egg"[note 4] "Rare" egg
(see Probabilities)
Money.png 999 x 3E +9 CpS
"hey, it's "egg""

Unlocking Eggs

Eggs are unlocked randomly during the Easter season by either popping wrinklers or clicking Golden/Wrath Cookies. The base fail rate to unlock an egg from a Golden/Wrath Cookie is 90% (0.9), while the base fail rate for a wrinkler is 98% (0.98). There are many modifiers that can reduce the fail rate.

Modifier Factor
Green yeast digestives 1/1.03=0.970874
Dragon teddy bear 1/1.03=0.970874
Santa's Bottomless Bag 1/1.1=0.909091
Hide & seek champion 0.7
Omelette 0.9
Starspawn 0.9
Selebrak, Spirit of Festivities 0.9/0.95/0.97 (Diamond/Ruby/Jade)
Mind Over Matter, Reality Bending, both 1/(1.25, 1.025, 1.275) = 0.8, 0.9756, 0.7843
Cosmic Beginner's Luck 0.2
Garden plants (mature, dirt) 1/(1+0.01G+0.01S+0.03K)
G = # of Green Rot
S = # of Shimmerlily
K = # of Keenmoss

For example, if you click a Golden cookie and you have Omelette, Starspawn, Santa's Bottomless Bag and Mind Over Matter, the fail rate is


You can also easily scum when farming eggs drops (and other rare wrinkler's drops). If you pop a wrinkler and reload the page without saving, the wrinkler will come back. Therefore, you can save the game, pop your wrinklers, and if they drop nothing, reload the page, then simply repeat until they drop something. Golden/Wrath cookies from a Cookie Storm or Cookie Chain also can unlock eggs. Thus, summoning Cookie Storms with Dragon Orbs in Grandmapocalypse are by far one of the fastest ways to get eggs (as Wrath Cookies have a higher chance of giving Cookie Storm and Cookie Chain as compared to Golden Cookies). It is also possible to export during a Cookie Storm and import if not all useful eggs are unlocked.

Egg Unlock Probabilities

When an egg is generated, there is a 10% chance for it to be a rare egg, otherwise it is a common egg.

If the generated egg has already been unlocked, then a second egg is generated. This reduces, but does not nullify, the effect the number of already unlocked eggs has on your chances of finding new eggs. Having more eggs reduces the chance of you finding other eggs quadratically.

The probabilities of generating a new egg, a common egg, any rare egg, or a specific rare egg (e.g. omelette) can be calculated using the following formulas, where n is the number of normal eggs already unlocked, and r is the number of rare eggs already unlocked:

  • Pr(new egg)=1(6n+r80)2=19n216003nr1600r26400=10.005625n20.001875nr0.00015625r2

Exact values may be calculated here.

  • Pr(common)=726n80(1+6n+r80)=9103n4009n21600+9r8003nr3200=0.90.0075n0.005625n2+0.01125r0.0009375nr

Exact values may be calculated here.

  • Pr(any rare)=8r80(1+6n+r80)=110+3n4009r8003nr3200r26400=0.1+0.0075n0.01125r0.0009375nr0.00015625r2

Exact values may be calculated here.

  • Pr(specific rare)=180(1+6n+r80)=0.0125+0.0009375n+0.00015625r

Exact values may be calculated here.

Average Unlock Time

If we unlock easter eggs using only Golden Cookies, the average number of Golden Cookie clicks required to unlock all easter eggs can be calculated. The calculation includes the effects of unlocking the Omelette egg (whenever it spawns naturally). Therefore, please ignore omelette factor when calculate the fail rate in this section.

The result curve is very similar to Log-normal distribution. For each fail rate we may fit the probability curve to Log-normal distribution to find the parameter μ and σ. Then we can use the formula on Wikipedia to obtain the probability we want.

For example, at fail rate 0.9, if you clicked or popped 753 objects, then there is 50% chance to collect all Easter eggs.

Number of object needed to unlock all Easter Eggs
fail rate 50% 75% 95% 98% Log-normal distribution
μ σ
0.98 2351 3524 6310 8066 7.7625 0.6003
0.97 1755 2515 4218 5245 7.4704 0.5330
0.96 1437 2005 3241 3967 7.2700 0.4946
0.95 1231 1691 2670 3236 7.1157 0.4706
0.94 1085 1474 2291 2759 6.9890 0.4546
0.93 973 1313 2019 2420 6.8808 0.4435
0.92 885 1188 1812 2166 6.7858 0.4356
0.91 813 1087 1649 1966 6.7009 0.4298
0.9 753 1003 1516 1804 6.6240 0.4254
0.875 637 845 1269 1506 6.4575 0.4185
0.85 554 733 1096 1299 6.3176 0.4148
0.825 491 649 968 1146 6.1965 0.4128
0.8 441 582 868 1027 6.0895 0.4116
0.75 367 485 722 854 5.9062 0.4108
0.7 315 416 619 732 5.7526 0.4106
0.6 246 324 483 571 5.5034 0.4110
0.5 201 266 396 469 5.3050 0.4113
0.3 148 196 291 345 4.9982 0.4112


Icon Name Description ID
Chicken egg.png The hunt is on [note 5] Unlock 1 egg. 166
Quail egg.png Egging on [note 5] Unlock 7 eggs. 167
Cassowary egg.png Mass Easteria [note 5] Unlock 14 eggs. 168
Golden goose egg.png Hide & seek champion [note 5] Unlock all the eggs.
Owning this achievement makes eggs drop more frequently in future playthroughs.



  1. Upgrades which lower the cost of upgrades stack multiplicatively, not additively. For example, having 3 of them which reduce the cost of upgrades by 5%, 2% and 1% causes the cost of the upgrade to be (original cost) * 0.95 * 0.98 * 0.99.
  2. Multiplies bank by 1.05, cost activates before cookie gain. To optimize, save this upgrade until the end of a run then sell all buildings with Earth Shatterer and Reality Bending before buying this upgrade.
  3. The formula for CpS boost is:
    where f=min{days100,1}, and "days" is the current session's length.
    Days can be fractional, with up to 10 seconds of precision. This Desmos graph shows CpS multiplier over time in hundreds of days. The maximum buff is 10%.
  4. "egg" is the only upgrade in the game that gives a flat CpS increase (only upgrade that doesn't increase CpS by a percentage.)
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 The eggs only need to be found for the achievements to be earned, they do not need to be purchased. This allows the Chocolate Egg to count towards progress without having to purchase it for its one-time effect, such that it can be saved for later.


  • The description of the upgrade "Duck Egg" is a reference to a popular YouTube video, "The Duck Song."
  • The Chicken Egg's flavor text references the classic dilemma of whether the chicken or the egg came first.
  • The omelette's flavor text is a reference to the "omelette du fromage" episode of Dexter's Laboratory.
  • The salmon roe flavor text is a reference to a song in the anime Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
  • The Century egg is an ingredient in Chinese cuisine, while the flavour text is a reference to the Discworld novel Interesting Times.
  • The Shark egg's description is from the thoughts of sharks in one of Orteil's other games, Nested. It is possibly also a reference to the sharks from the Pixar film "Finding Nemo".
  • The Bunny Grandma bears a striking resemblance to Frank, a character from the 2001 film 'Donnie Darko'.
  • The robin egg's flavor text is a reference to the catchphrase of Robin from the 1960s Batman TV Series.
  • The Golden Goose Egg's flavor text is a reference to Jack and the Beanstalk, as well as a related idiom: "killing the goose that laid the golden eggs."
  • The Bunny biscuit text is a reference to one of the rabbit myths told in Watership Down.
  • The "egg" bears a strong resemblance to Yoshi's eggs from Super Mario World and a normal Pokémon egg from the game series "Pokémon". This pattern is also similar to a default Spawn Egg from Minecraft. However, this is contradicted by Orteil stating that the "egg" is not a reference to anything, as listed below.
  • Orteil said that the flavor text for "egg" is neither a pun nor a reference. However, in French, "an egg" is pronounced "un œuf" which sounds exactly like "neuf" = 9.
  • Mass Easteria is probably a reference to mass hysteria, also called mass psychogenic illness.