Sugar Lumps

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A sugar lump.
Sugar lump message
The message that appears upon unlocking sugar lumps.

Sugar Lumps are a resource in Cookie Clicker that can be spent on various things, notably leveling up buildings. Sugar Lumps naturally grow, mature, ripen, and fall over a period of time, but additional ways to obtain them exist.

Unlocking Sugar Lumps requires baking 1 billion cookies. Once unlocked, they persist through ascensions, but the challenge mode "Born Again" will temporarily disable their associated effects. However, their other effects (such as gaining cookies from golden sugar lumps) still work.


Sugar Lumps grow without player input once unlocked and grow at the same rate while offline. Only one Sugar Lump can grow at a time. At base values, a sugar lump takes 20 hours to mature, then 3 hours to ripen, then 1 hour to finally fall, with the natural cycle lasting 24 hours.

Sugar Lumps can be harvested as soon as they are mature, but attempting to harvest a mature Lump has a 50% chance to fail and yield no Lumps at all. When a Sugar Lump is ripe, it is guaranteed to be harvested successfully. When a Lump falls 1 hour after ripening, it is harvested automatically.

The moment a Sugar Lump is harvested, whether manually or automatically, a new lump starts growing in its place.

Sugar Lumps also be obtained through the following methods:

  • The "Sweet" effect from Golden Cookies or Wrath Cookies rewards 1 Sugar Lump
  • Harvesting a mature Juicy Queenbeet in the Garden yields 1 Sugar Lump
  • Sacrificing the Garden after obtaining every seed yields 10 Sugar Lumps

Lump Types

Aside from the regular Sugar Lump, there are four other Sugar Lump types that can grow:

  • Bifurcated Sugar Lump:
    • Drops 1 to 2 Sugar Lumps
  • Meaty Sugar Lump (Grandmapocalypse only):
    • Drops 0 to 2 Sugar Lumps
  • Caramelized Sugar Lump:
    • Drops 1 to 3 Sugar Lumps
    • Refills cooldowns that cost Sugar Lumps
  • Golden Sugar Lump:
    • Drops 2 to 7 Sugar Lumps
    • Cookies in bank doubled (capped at 24 hours of CpS)
    • Grants the "Sugar Blessing" effect: Golden Cookies appear 10% more often for the next 24 hours

The type is determined as soon as a new Sugar Lump starts growing. Upon reopening a closed game, only the previously saved Sugar Lump and the newly growing one will be subject to type selection. Any auto-harvested Lumps grown between the last and current ones will not be subject to type selection and thus default to normal Sugar Lumps, yielding 1 Sugar Lump each.

Icon Name Lumps Gained Secondary effects ID
Sugar lump.png Normal Sugar Lump 1 None 0
Bifurcated sugar lump.png Bifurcated Sugar Lump 50/50 chance of 1-2
With Sucralosia Inutilis:
47.5% chance of 1
52.5% chance of 2
None 1
Golden sugar lump.png Golden Sugar Lump Equal chance of 2-7
  • Cookies banked doubled (capped at 24 hours of CpS)
  • Golden Cookies appear 10% more often for the next 24 hours
Meaty sugar lump.png Meaty Sugar Lump 40% chance of 0
20% chance of 1
40% chance of 2
None 3
Caramelized sugar lump.png Caramelized Sugar Lump Equal chance of 1-3 Refills Sugar Lump cooldowns 4

The ID column in the above table is used in the back-end of the game. When using console, writing Game.lumpCurrentType will return the type of currently growing Sugar Lump.

Type Selection

Main article: Random list mechanism#Sugar Lump

The type selection of Sugar Lump follows random list mechanism. See the main article for the full selection process. The following table has the chance of every single lump in every single circumstance.


Growth Stages

Prior to stage 5, all sugar lump types look identical. Past stage 5, meaty, caramelized, and golden lumps appear different. Bifurcated lumps appear different at stage 7.

When hovering over a stage 4-7 sugar lump, the tooltip will still include what type of lump it is even if it does not appear distinct.

Type Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7
Normal Sugar lump s1.png Sugar lump s2.png Sugar lump s3.png Sugar lump s4.png Sugar lump s5.png Sugar lump s6.png Sugar lump.png
Bifurcated Bifurcated sugar lump.png
Golden Golden sugar lump s5.png Golden sugar lump s6.png Golden sugar lump.png
Meaty Meaty sugar lump s5.png Meaty sugar lump s6.png Meaty sugar lump.png
Caramelized Caramelized sugar lump s5.png Caramelized sugar lump s6.png Caramelized sugar lump.png

Growth and Maturation Times

At base values, Sugar Lumps take a total of 24 hours to fall, or 23 if harvested as soon as they ripen.

The fastest Sugar Lumps take 18 hours, 57 minutes and 26 seconds to fall, or 1 hour sooner if harvested.

Growth is based on system clock. Turning it ahead speeds up Lump growth, while turning it back regresses it.

Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Ichor syrup.png Ichor syrup 0.5% chance of dropping after harvesting a mature ichorpuff [note 1] Money.png 7,200 x CpS [note 2] You gain another +7% of your regular CpS while the game is closed.
(Must own the Twin Gates of Transcendence upgrade.).
Sugar lumps mature 7 minutes sooner.
Dropped by ichorpuff plants.
Cost scales with CpS.
"Tastes like candy. The smell is another story."
Stevia Caelestis.png Stevia Caelestis
(heavenly upgrade)
"Wrinkly Cookies" purchased MoneyHC.png 100 million Sugar lumps ripen an hour sooner.
"A plant of supernatural sweetness grown by angels in heavenly gardens."
Sugar baking.png Sugar baking
(heavenly upgrade)
"Stevia Caelestis" purchased MoneyHC.png 200 million Each unspent sugar lump (up to 100) gives +1% CpS.
Note : this means that spending sugar lumps will decrease your CpS until they grow back.
"To bake with the sugary essence of eons themselves, you must first learn to take your sweet time"
Diabetica Daemonicus.png Diabetica Daemonicus
(heavenly upgrade)
"Stevia Caelestis" and "Lucifer" purchased MoneyHC.png 300 million Sugar lumps mature an hour sooner.
"A malevolent, if delicious herb that is said to grow on the cliffs of the darkest abyss of the underworld."
Sugar craving.png Sugar craving
(heavenly upgrade)
"Sugar baking" purchased MoneyHC.png 400 million Once an ascension, you may use the "Sugar frenzy" switch to triple your CpS for 1 hour, at the cost of 1 sugar lump.
"Just a little kick to sweeten the deal."
Sugar aging process.png Sugar aging process
(heavenly upgrade)
"Sugar craving" and "Diabetica Daemonicus" purchased MoneyHC.png 600 million Each grandma (up to 600) makes sugar lumps ripen 6 seconds sooner.
"Aren't they just the sweetest?"
Sucralosia Inutilis.png Sucralosia Inutilis
(heavenly upgrade)
"Diabetica Daemonicus" purchased MoneyHC.png 1 billion Bifurcated sugar lumps appear 5% more often and are 5% more likely to drop 2 lumps.
"A rare berry of uninteresting flavor that is as elusive as its uses are limited; only sought-after by the most avid collectors with too much wealth on their hands."

Other factors may also boost lump production, including:

Factor Boost
Auras: Reality Bending
/ Dragon's Curve / Both
Maturing time is 0.5% / 5% / 5.5% faster
Ripening time is 0.5% / 5% / 5.5% faster
Rigidel: Diamond / Ruby / Jade Ripening time is 60 / 40 / 20 minutes faster


To get level 10 achievements, one needs 55 Sugar Lumps, so 55 * 20 = 1,100 for all of them. You additionally need 12 levels instead of 10 for cursors in order to upgrade the Stock Market headquarters to max, and 20 levels to receive the max effect from aura gloves and luminous gloves, requiring 155 additional lumps (1,200 + 155 = 1,355).

You can harvest ~1.09 mature Sugar Lumps every 17 hours 54 minutes with all relevant upgrades, save scumming, and appeased grandmas.

The lump type may be scummed. Check Save Scumming for more information.

Sacrificing the garden may reduce the time to 50% or more, which depends on how active you play. Harvesting Juicy Queenbeets also helps. Harvesting Juicy Queenbeets requires save scumming to be more efficient than noscum sacrificing garden, and if savescumming, sacrificing garden is still faster. If you want to harvest a Golden Sugar Lump and get the All-natural cane sugar shadow achievement, you need to pop 690 Sugar Lumps on average. The "Sweet" Golden Cookies, sacrificing garden and harvesting Juicy Queenbeets will not help since these methods only produce normal Sugar Lumps. That means it takes you around a year and a half on average.

"Sweet" Golden Cookies can be gained quite easily due to the Force the Hand of Fate spell in the Grimoire. Using a planner, finding Sweets from Force the Hand of Fate, and using Gambler's Fever Dream skip Skip yields 6 sugar lumps an hour.

Spending guide

What to do with sugar lumps:

  1. Spend 1 lump on wizard towers to unlock the Grimoire.
  2. Spend 1 lump on temples to unlock the Pantheon.
  3. Spend 1 lump on farms to unlock the Garden.
  4. Spend 1 lump on banks to unlock the Stock Market.
  5. Spend the next 44 lumps to get farms to level 9, unlocking the maximum size of the garden.
  6. Spend a total of 78 lumps to level cursors up to level 12, which will allow you to get the maximum office level for the achievement and also get bonuses from aura gloves and luminous gloves.
  7. *Note: Save up the lumps you need to get the next loan before using lumps, loans unlock at cursor levels 4, 10 and 12 requiring 10, 45 and 23 lumps from the last one respectively.
  8. Stockpile 100 lumps to get the maximum bonus of Sugar Baking.
  9. Do 9.1 or 9.2 based on your preference.
    1. Level farms up to 10 for the sugar crystal cookies boost and the achievement (You can drop to 94). Then level up cursors to 20 for the remaining luminous gloves boost (You can drop to 94 lumps when going to level 13, then to 95 on the rest). This is more efficient for pure cookie count (assuming you are doing click combos) but is slower in getting all the achievements than option 2.
    2. Spend any lumps above 100 to level your buildings up to level 10 and no more (Can drop to 94 on the final level). Picking this first will get you all the achievements faster and suit playing the game idly more than option 1.
  10. *A suggested order would be level 10 Farms and continue with the building with the highest percentage of CpS to be optimal.

Building Level

Sugar lumps can be spent to level up buildings. Each level boosts the corresponding building's CpS by 1%.

Certain buildings unlock minigames at building level 1, with some minigames having effects for higher levels.

Building Flavor Text (ends with "granting +X% [Building] CpS.")
Cursor X extra finger(s)
Grandma Grandmas are X year(s) older
Farm X more acre(s)
Mine X mile(s) deeper
Factory X additional patent(s)
Bank Interest rates X% better
Temple X sacred artifact(s) retrieved
Wizard Tower Incantations have X more syllable(s)
Shipment X galaxy(galaxies) fully explored
Alchemy Lab X primordial element(s) mastered
Portal X dimension(s) enslaved
Time Machine X century(centuries) secured
Antimatter Condenser X extra quark flavor(s)
Prism X new color(s) discovered
Chancemaker Chancemakers are powered by X-leaf clovers
Fractal Engine X iteration(s) deep
Javascript Console Equipped with X external library(libraries)
Idleverse X manifold(s)
Cortex Baker X extra IQ point(s)
You X optimized gene(s)


Icon Name Description ID
Sugar lump s2.png Dude, sweet Harvest 7 coalescing sugar lumps. 266
Sugar lump s4.png Sugar rush Harvest 30 coalescing sugar lumps. 267
Sugar lump.png Year's worth of cavities Harvest 365 coalescing sugar lumps.
"My lumps my lumps my lumps."
Sugar lump s6.png Hand-picked Successfully harvest a coalescing sugar lump before it's ripe. 269
Bifurcated sugar lump.png Sugar sugar Harvest a bifurcated sugar lump. 270
Meaty sugar lump.png Sweetmeats Harvest a meaty sugar lump. 272
Caramelized sugar lump.png Maillard reaction Harvest a caramelized sugar lump. 396
Golden sugar lump.png All-natural cane sugar
(shadow achievement)
Harvest a golden sugar lump. 271


  1. Once this upgrade is unlocked, all future ascensions will have it immediately available for purchase from the store.
  2. Based on current cookies per second, including buffs.


  • The lump's changed appearance.
    By changing the time on one's computer forward, the player can harvest all the sugar lumps in those time differences. However, setting it back to the normal time or backwards will make the next sugar lump to grow extremely slowly as the time to mature and ripen does not change. When this happens, the game will say that the sugar lump has been exposed to time travel shenanigans and will take as long as how far back you have set in time plus the remaining time to for the current one to mature or ripen. This also changes the sugar lump's appearance to an icon of Orteil's head, indicating the player has messed with the system clock. This may be fixed on the web version of Cookie Clicker by inputting into the browser's debug console (changing the date back and reloading the game also works).
  • The Grandmas' ages increase by 1 year per level they are upgraded.


  • The achievement "Maillard reaction" is named after the chemical reaction that causes sugar to caramelize.
  • The achievement "Sugar sugar" may be a reference to the song "Sugar, Sugar".
    • It may also may also be a reference to the browser game "Sugar, Sugar".
  • The heavenly upgrade "Stevia Caelestis" is a reference to stevia, a sugar substitute roughly 30 times as sweet as sugar.
  • The heavenly upgrade "Diabetica Daemonicus" is a reference to diabetes, a medical condition characterized by abnormally high blood sugar levels.
  • The heavenly upgrade "Sucralosia Inutilis" is a reference sucralose, a sugar substitute roughly 600 times as sweet as sugar.