Ascension guide

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Throughout the guide, all ascensions will include the following stats:

  • Heavenly chips - how many heavenly chips are needed to purchase all recommended upgrades for this ascension
  • Prestige level - the needed prestige level, until and including, this ascension
  • Cookies baked all time needed - how many cookies baked all time is required to reach the needed heavenly chips and prestige level
  • Total upgrades - how many prestige upgrades should have been bought, until and including, this ascension

Note that these are ascension minimums, and may be overshot with golden cookie combos. This will not result in slower progress, as long as the upgrades from two or more consecutive ascensions, or at least the most important upgrades, are bought in one ascension.

This guide assumes a somewhat active playstyle, where golden cookie effects are the primary method of gaining cookies. However, this guide acknowledges idle playstyles as well. The costs for the extra upgrades are not factored into the heavenly chip gain.

The upgrades in each ascension are listed from most to least important, with upgrades required to get an important upgrade in the Prerequisites column.

See Ascension for more info on heavenly upgrades.

See the Permanent upgrade slots guide for more info on permaslots.

Ascension 1

Heavenly chips: 365

Prestige level: 365

Cookies baked all time needed: 48.627 quintillion

Total upgrades: 9/129

Icon Name Cost New Prerequisites
Legacy.png Legacy 1 -
Heavenly cookies.png Heavenly Cookies 3 Legacy
How to bake your dragon.png How to Bake Your Dragon 9 Legacy
Box of brand biscuits.png Box of Brand Biscuits 25 Heavenly Cookies
Tin of british tea biscuits.png Tin of British Tea Biscuits 25 Heavenly Cookies
Box of macarons.png Box of Macarons 25 Heavenly Cookies
Small buttergold cookies.png Heavenly Luck[note 1] 77 Legacy
I.png Permanent Upgrade Slot 1 100 Legacy
Heralds.png Heralds 100 Legacy

Ascension 2

Heavenly chips: 2185

Total Heavenly chips: 2550

Cookies baked needed: 16.581 sextillion

Total upgrades: 13/129

Icon Upgrade Cost New Prerequisites
Season switcher.png Season Switcher 1 111 -
Golden switch.png Golden Switch 999 Heavenly Luck
Tin of butter cookies.png Tin of Butter Cookies 25 -
Buttergold cursor.png Starter Kit 50 Tin of Butter Cookies

Ascension 3

Heavenly chips: 12 301

Total Heavenly chips: 14 851

Cookies baked needed: 3.275 septillion

Total upgrades: 20/129

Icon Upgrade Cost New Prerequisites
Kitten angels.png Kitten Angels 9 000 Dominions
Dominions.png Dominions 2 401 Virtues
Virtues.png Virtues 343 Archangels
Archangels.png Archangels 49 Angels
Angels.png Angels 7 Twin Gates of Transcendence
Twin Gates of Transcendence.png Twin Gates of Transcendence 1 -
Upgrader.png Persistent memory 500 -

Ascension 4

Heavenly chips: 62 217

Total Heavenly chips: 77 068

Cookies baked needed: 457.744 septillion

Total upgrades: 26/129

Icon Upgrade Cost New Prerequisites
Halo gloves.png Halo Gloves 55 555 -
Medium buttergold cookies.png Lasting Fortune 777 -
Lucky trinity.png Lucky Digit[note 2] 777 -
Buttergold grandma.png Starter Kitchen 5 000 -
Plain milk.png Classic dairy selection (cosmetic) 9 -
CP24 - Basic wallpaper.png Basic wallpaper assortment (cosmetic) 99 Classic dairy selection

Ascension 5

Heavenly chips: 127 776

Total Heavenly chips: 204 844

Cookies baked needed: 8.595 octillion

Total upgrades: 29/129

Icon Upgrade Cost New Prerequisites
Lucky golden clover.png Residual Luck 99 999 -
II.png Permanent Upgrade Slot 2 20 000 -
Buttergold cookie.png Decisive Fate 7 777 -

Ascension 6

Heavenly chips: 825 019

Total Heavenly chips: 1 029 863 (1.03 million) [note 3]

Cookies baked needed: 1.092 nonillion

Total upgrades: 37/129

Icon Upgrade Cost New Prerequisites
Synergies Vol. I.png Synergies Vol 1 222 222 Satan
Satan.png Satan 2 401 Abaddon
Abaddon.png Abaddon 343 Mammon
Mammon.png Mammon 49 Belphegor
Belphegor.png Belphegor 7 -
Heavenly bakery.png Divine bakeries 399 999 Divine sales, Divine discounts
Heavenly cookie stand.png Divine sales 99 999 -
Divine discount.png Divine discounts 99 999 -

Ascension 7

Heavenly chips: 2 568 911 (2.569 million)

Total Heavenly chips: 3 598 774 (3.599 million)[note 4]

Cookies baked needed: 46.608 nonillion

Total upgrades: 43/129

Icon Upgrade Cost New Prerequisites
Synergies Vol. II.png Synergies Vol 2 2 222 222 Beelzebub, Seraphim
Beelzebub.png Beelzebub 117 649 Asmodeus
Seraphim.png Seraphim 117 649 Cherubim
Asmodeus.png Asmodeus 16 807 -
Cherubim.png Cherubim 16 807 -
Lucky trinity.png Lucky Number 77 777[note 5] -

Ascension 8

Heavenly chips: 32 900 000 (32.9 million)

Total Heavenly chips: 36 498 774 (36.499 million)[note 6]

Cookies baked needed: 48.622 decillion

Total upgrades: 48/129

Icon Upgrade Cost New Prerequisites
Unshackled cursor.png Unshackled cursors 15 000 000 Unshackled Flavor
Chocolate chip cookie.png Unshackled Flavor 10 000 000 Label Printer
Label printer.png Label printer (QoL) 5 000 000 Genius Accounting
Genius accounting.png Genius Accounting (QoL) 2 000 000 Inspired Checklist
Inspired checklist.png Inspired Checklist (QoL) 900 000 -

Ascension 9

Heavenly chips: 210 266 660 (210.267 million)

Total Heavenly chips: 246 765 434 (246.765 million)

Cookies baked needed: 15.026 undecillion

Total upgrades: 66/129

Icon Upgrade Cost New Prerequisites
Ardent heart biscuits.png Starlove 111 111 -
Reindeer icon.png Starsnow 111 111 -
Bunny biscuit.png Starspawn 111 111 -
Fool's biscuit.png Startrade 111 111 -
Ghost cookies.png Starterror 111 111 -
Wrinkly cookies.png Wrinkly Cookies 6 666 666 Elder Spice, Sacrilegious Corruption
Wrinkler icon.png Elder Spice 444 444 Unholy bait
Wrinkler icon.png Sacrilegious Corruption 444 444 Unholy bait
Wrinklerspawn.png Unholy bait 44 444 -
III.png Permanent Upgrade Slot 3 3 000 000 -
Five-finger discount.png Five Finger Discount 555 555 -
Golden cookie sound.png Golden Cookie Alert Sound (QoL) 999 999 -
Red Gift.png Wrapping Paper 999 999 -
Distilled essence of redoubled luck.png Distilled Essence of Redoubled Luck 7 777 777 -
Lucky trinity.png Lucky Payout [note 7] 77 777 777 -
Stevia Caelestis.png Stevia Caelestis 100 000 000 -
Cosmic milk.png Fanciful Dairy Selection (cosmetic) 1 000 000 -
CP22 - Distinguished wallpaper.png Distinguished Wallpaper Assortment (cosmetic) 10 000 000 -

Ascension 10

Heavenly chips: 1 600 000 000 (1.6 billion)

Total Heavenly chips: 1 846 765 434 (1.847 billion)[note 8]

Cookies baked needed: 6.298 duodecillion

Total upgrades: 69/129

Icon Upgrade Cost New Prerequisites
Sugar crystal cookies.png Sugar Crystal Cookies 1 000 000 000 Sugar Baking
Sugar baking.png Sugar Baking 200 000 000 -
IV.png Permanent Upgrade Slot 4 400 000 000 -

Ascension 11

Heavenly chips: 6 838 860 718 (6.839 billion)

Total Heavenly chips: 8 685 626 152 (8.686 billion)

Cookies baked needed: 655.245 duodecillion

Total upgrades: 80/129

Icon Upgrade Cost New Prerequisites
Unshackled grandma.png Unshackled Grandmas 1 920 000 000 -
Berrylium cookie.png Unshackled Berrylium 1 810 193 360 -
Sugar aging process.png Sugar Aging Process 600 000 000 Sugar Craving
Sugar craving.png Sugar Craving 400 000 000 Diabetica Daemonicus
Diabetica Daemonicus.png Diabetica Daemonicus 300 000 000 Lucifer
Aura gloves.png Aura Gloves 555 555 555 -
Keepsakes.png Keepsakes 1 111 111 111 -
Eye of the wrinkler.png Eye of the Wrinkler (QoL) 99 999 999 -
Chimera.png Chimera 40 353 607 Lucifer, God
Lucifer.png Lucifer 823 543 -
God.png God 823 543 -

Ascension 12

Heavenly chips: 34 999 999 984 (35 billion)

Total Heavenly chips: 43 685 626 136 (43.686 billion)

Cookies baked needed: 83.371 tredecillion

Total upgrades: 85/129

Icon Upgrade Cost New Prerequisites
Cat ladies.png Cat Ladies 9 000 000 000 -
Kitten wages.png Kitten Wages 9 000 000 000 -
Reinforced membrane.png Reinforced Membrane 14 999 999 985 Shimmering Veil
Shimmering veil.png Shimmering Veil 999 999 999 -
Sucralosia Inutilis.png Sucralosia Inutilis[note 9] 1 000 000 000 -

Ascension 13

Heavenly chips: 227 777 777 776 (227.778 billion)

Total Heavenly chips: 271 463 403 912 (271.463 billion)

Cookies baked needed: 20.005 quattuordecillion

Total upgrades: 88/129

Icon Upgrade Cost New Prerequisites
Fortune cookies.png Fortune Cookies 77 777 777 777 -
V.png Permanent Upgrade Slot 5 50 000 000 000 -
Pet the dragon.png Pet the dragon 99 999 999 999 -

Ascension 14

Heavenly chips: 1 379 559 951 147 (1.38 trillion)

Total Heavenly chips: 1 651 023 355 059 (1.651 trillion)

Cookies baked needed: 4.5 quindecillion

Total upgrades: 94/129

Icon Upgrade Cost New Prerequisites
Box of pastries.png Box of Pastries 333 000 000 000 -
Box of maybe cookies.png Box of Maybe Cookies 333 000 000 000 -
Box of not cookies.png Box of Not Cookies 333 000 000 000 -
Chalcedhoney cookie.png Unshackled Chalcedhoney 327 680 000 000 Unshackled Blueberrylium
Blueberrylium cookie.png Unshackled Blueberrylium 37 879 951 162 -
Cosmic beginner's luck.png Cosmic Beginner's Luck 14 999 999 985 -

Ascension 15

Heavenly chips: 9 809 487 269 319 (9.809 trillion)

Total Heavenly chips: 11 460 510 624 378 (11.461 trillion)

Cookies baked needed: 1.505 sexdecillion

Total upgrades: 100/129

Icon Upgrade Cost New Prerequisites
Sugarmuck cookie.png Unshackled Sugarmuck 6 857 003 606 358 Unshackled Buttergold
Buttergold cookie.png Unshackled Buttergold 1 746 928 107 422 -
Luminous gloves.png Luminous Gloves 55 555 555 555 -
Milkhelp(R) lactose intolerance relief tablets.png Milkhelp® Lactose Intolerance Relief Tablets 900 000 000 000 -
Membrane shield.png Delicate Touch 149 999 999 985 -
Jukebox.png Sound Test (cosmetic) 99 999 999 999 -

Endless Cycle Note

This is the optimal time to do Endless Cycle (shadow achievement for ascending 1000 times whilst gaining at least 1 prestige each time). This window lasts until ~1 quadrillion prestige. For a guide on optimizing the grind, see Shadow Achievement Strategies. From here on, all ascends will be written as normal ascend/ascends if doing Endless Cycle (it's possible to stop ascending a bit earlier to get Endless Cycle on the way to Trevigintillion or more).

Ascension 16/993

Heavenly chips: 39 791 524 719 681 (39.792 trillion)

Total Heavenly chips: 51 252 035 344 059 (51.252 trillion)

Cookies baked needed: 134.627 sexdecillion

Total upgrades: 106/129

Icon Upgrade Cost New Prerequisites
Jetmint cookie.png Unshackled Jetmint [note 10] 21 788 899 719 681 -
Unshackled farm.png Unshackled Farms 32 805 000 000 -
Unshackled mine.png Unshackled Mines 245 760 000 000 -
Unshackled factory.png Unshackled Factories 1 171 875 000 000 -
Unshackled bank.png Unshackled Banks 4 199 040 000 000 -
Unshackled temple.png Unshackled Temples 12 353 145 000 000 -

Ascension 17/994

Heavenly chips: 202 805 486 015 158 (202.805 trillion)

Total Heavenly chips: 254 057 521 359 217 (254.058 trillion)

Cookies baked needed: 16.398 septdecillion

Total upgrades: 108/129

Icon Upgrade Cost New Prerequisites
Hazelrald cookie.png Unshackled Hazelrald 143 489 070 000 000 Unshackled Cherrysilver
Cherrysilver cookie.png Unshackled Cherrysilver 59 316 416 015 158 -

Ascension 18/995

Heavenly chips: 977 594 110 341 772 (977.594 trillion)

Total Heavenly chips: 1 231 651 631 700 989 (1.232 quadrillion)

Cookies baked needed: 1.868 octodecillion

Total upgrades: 111/129

Icon Upgrade Cost New Prerequisites
Mooncandy cookie.png Unshackled Mooncandy 316 277 766 016 838 -
Astrofudge cookie.png Unshackled Astrofudge 646 316 344 324 949 Unshackled Mooncandy
Membrane shield.png Steadfast Murmur 14 999 999 999 985 -

Ascension 19/996

Heavenly chips: 3.5 036 801 946 893 E+15 (3.504 quadrillion)

Total Heavenly chips: 4.73 533 182 639 029 E+15 (4.735 quadrillion)

Cookies baked needed: 106.182 octodecillion

Total upgrades: 113/129

Icon Upgrade Cost New Prerequisites
Alabascream cookie.png Unshackled Alabascream 1 241 250 239 661 059 -
Iridyum cookie.png Unshackled Iridyum 2 262 429 955 028 239 Unshackled Alabascream

Ascension 20/997

Heavenly chips: 1.41 390 514 390 732 E+16 (14.139 quadrillion)

Total Heavenly chips: 1.88 743 832 654 635 E+16 (18.874 quadrillion)[note 11]

Cookies baked needed: 6.724 novemdecillion

Total upgrades: 123/129

Icon Upgrade Cost New Prerequisites
Glucosmium cookie.png Unshackled Glucosmium 3 944 212 159 073 245 -
Unshackled wizard tower.png Unshackled Wizard Towers 31 457 280 000 000 -
Unshackled shipment.png Unshackled Shipments 71 744 535 000 000 Unshackled Wizard Towers
Unshackled alchemy lab.png Unshackled Alchemy Labs 150 000 000 000 000 Unshackled Shipments
Unshackled portal.png Unshackled Portals 292 307 565 000 000 Unshackled Alchemy Labs
Unshackled time machine.png Unshackled Time Machines 537 477 120 000 000 Unshackled Portals
Unshackled antimatter condenser.png Unshackled Antimatter Condensers 941 227 755 000 000 Unshackled Time Machines
Unshackled prism.png Unshackled Prisms 1 581 202 560 000 000 Unshackled Antimatter Condensers
Unshackled chancemaker.png Unshackled Chancemakers 2 562 890 625 000 000 Unshackled Prisms
Unshackled fractal engine.png Unshackled Fractal Engines 4 026 531 840 000 000 Unshackled Chancemakers

Ascension 21/998

Heavenly chips: 1.27 724 352 341 841 E+16 (12.772 quadrillion)

Total Heavenly chips: 3.16 468 184 996 476 E+16 (31.647 quadrillion)

Cookies baked needed: 31.695 novemdecillion

Total upgrades: 125/129

Icon Upgrade Cost New Prerequisites
Glimmeringue cookie.png Unshackled Glimmeringue 6 617 355 139 184 079 -
Unshackled javascript console.png Unshackled Javascript Consoles 6 155 080 095 000 001 -

Ascension 22/999

Heavenly chips: 2.2 591 376 565 E+16 (22.591 quadrillion)

Total Heavenly chips: 5.42 381 950 646 476 E+16 (54.238 quadrillion)

Cookies baked needed: 159.557 novemdecillion

Total upgrades: 127/129

Icon Upgrade Cost New Prerequisites
Unshackled idleverse.png Unshackled Idleverses 9 183 300 480 000 000 -
Unshackled cortex baker.png Unshackled Cortex Bakers 13 408 076 085 000 000 Unshackled Idleverses

Ascension 23/1000

Heavenly chips: 2.07 E+16 (20.7 quadrillion)

Total Heavenly chips: 7.49 381 950 646 476 E+16 (74.938 quadrillion)

Cookies baked needed: 420.833 novemdecillion

Total upgrades: 129/129

Icon Upgrade Cost New Prerequisites
Unshackled you.png Unshackled You 19 200 000 000 000 000 -
Membrane shield.png Glittering Edge 1 499 999 999 999 985 -

Past here, aim to at least double your prestige per combo/ascend if you still wish to bother playing, there's still more 'cookies baked in one ascension' achievements to do.


  1. May be skipped for idle playstyles, as golden cookies require active attention.
  2. Your PRESTIGE LEVEL AFTER ASCENDING needs to contain at least 1 7 for Lucky Digit to appear.
  3. Purchase Unholy bait (44 444) here too if idle playstyle.
  4. Purchase Elder spice (444 444) here too if idle playstyle.
  5. Your PRESTIGE LEVEL AFTER ASCENDING needs to contain at least 2 7s for Lucky Numbers to appear.
  6. Purchase Sacrilegious Corruption (444 444) here too if idle playstyle.
  7. Your PRESTIGE LEVEL AFTER ASCENDING needs to contain at least 4 7s for Lucky Payout to appear.
  8. Purchase Aura Gloves (555 555 555) here too if your cursor level is any more than 0.
  9. Sucralosia Inutilis decreases the chance of all special sugar lumps except for bifurcated permanently, so you might not want to buy if you care about the achievements and don’t have it yet or want more Caramelized sugar lumps.
  10. Tiers are unshackled first because Elder Battalion (Grandma dragon aura) gets substantially stronger around this time, and tiers are the main contributor; note that Godzamok makes Elder Battalion very hard to use as they anti-synergizes. If you are not planning on using Elder Battalion, you can unshackle buildings, it’s just that unshackling buildings before Fractal Engines is not gonna do much at all.
  11. If playing completely idle, purchase Glittering Edge (1 499 999 999 999 985) here too; otherwise, you might not want to purchase it at all as the absence of the upgrade can have positive implications in advanced strategies. See Grimoire for more information.