Template:Santa upgrades

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Santa upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
A festive hat.png A festive hat 25 cookies baked during Christmas season Money.png 25 Unlocks... something.
"Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse."
A festive wreath.png Increased merriness Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S Cookie production multiplier +15%.
Cost scales with Santa level.
"It turns out that the key to increased merriness, strangely enough, happens to be a good campfire and some s'mores.
You know what they say, after all; the s'more, the merrier."
A festive wreath.png Improved jolliness Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S Cookie production multiplier +15%.
Cost scales with Santa level.
"A nice wobbly belly goes a long way.
You jolly?"
A lump of coal.png A lump of coal Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with Santa level.
"Some of the world's worst stocking stuffing.
I guess you could try starting your own little industrial revolution, or something?..."
An itchy sweater.png An itchy sweater Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Cost scales with Santa level.
"You don't know what's worse : the embarrassingly quaint "elf on reindeer" motif, or the fact that wearing it makes you feel like you're wrapped in a dead sasquatch.
Reindeer icon.png Reindeer baking grounds Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S Reindeer appear twice as frequently.
"Male reindeer are from Mars; female reindeer are from venison."
Reindeer icon.png Weighted sleighs Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S Reindeer are twice as slow.
Cost scales with Santa level.
"Hope it was worth the weight.
(Something something forced into cervidude)"
Reindeer icon.png Ho ho ho-flavored frosting Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S Reindeer give twice as much.
Cost scales with Santa level.
"It's time to up the antler."
Red Gift.png Season savings Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S All buildings are 1% cheaper.
Cost scales with Santa level.
"By Santa's beard, what savings!
But who will save us?"
Red Gift.png Toy workshop Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S All upgrades are 5% cheaper. [note 1]
Cost scales with Santa level.
"Watch yours-elf around elvesdroppers who might steal our production secrets.
Or elven worse!"
Naughty list.png Naughty list Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S Grandmas are twice as productive.
Cost scales with Santa level.
"This list contains every unholy deed perpetuated by grandmakind.
He won't be checking this one twice.
Once. Once is enough."
A festive hat.png Santa's bottomless bag Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S Random drops are 10% more common.
Cost scales with Santa level.
"This is one bottom you can't check out."
A festive hat.png Santa's helpers Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S Clicking is 10% more powerful.
Cost scales with Santa level.
"Some choose to help hamburger; some choose to help you.
To each their own, I guess."
A festive hat.png Santa's legacy Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S Cookie production multiplier +3% per Santa's levels.
Cost scales with Santa level.
"In the north pole, you gotta get the elves first. Then when you get the elves, you start making the toys. Then when you get the toys... then you get the cookies."
A festive hat.png Santa's milk and cookies Purchasing
"A festive hat" or evolving Santa
Money.png 2,525 × 3S Milk is 5% more powerful.
Cost scales with Santa level.
"Part of Santa's dreadfully unbalanced diet."
Santa's dominion.png Santa's dominion Reach the final stage of Santa Money.png 2.525 quadrillion Cookie production multiplier +20%.
All buildings are 1% cheaper.
All upgrades are 2% cheaper. [note 1]
"My name is Claus, king of kings;
Look on my toys, ye Mighty, and despair!"


Articles on which this template is placed must include <references group="note" /> below the template. If any module other than building is used, this is not needed.

It will appear like this:

  1. 1.0 1.1 Upgrades which lower the cost of upgrades stack multiplicatively, not additively. That is, if you have 3 of them which reduce the cost of upgrades by 5%, 2% and 1% then the final cost of an upgrade is (original cost) * 0.95 * 0.98 * 0.99.


By default, all upgrades are displayed. If an invalid name is given as the module, no upgrades will display.

reindeer: Display only reindeer-related upgrades
building: Display only building-related upgrades
grandma: Display only Naughty list
clicking: Display only Santa's helpers
milk: Display only Santa's milk and cookies