Template:Grandma upgrades

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Grandma upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain grandma.png Forwards from grandma Own 1 grandma Money.png 1,000 Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"RE:RE:thought you'd get a kick out of this ;))"
Berrylium grandma.png Steel-plated rolling pins Own 5 grandmas Money.png 5,000 Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"Just what you kneaded."
Blueberrylium grandma.png Lubricated dentures Own 25 grandmas Money.png 50,000 Grandmas are twice as efficient.
Chalcedhoney grandma.png Prune juice Own 50 grandmas Money.png 5 million Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"Gets me going."
Buttergold grandma.png Double-thick glasses Own 100 grandmas Money.png 500 million Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"Oh... so THAT's what I've been baking."
Sugarmuck grandma.png Aging agents Own 150 grandmas Money.png 50 billion Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"Counter-intuitively, grandmas have the uncanny ability to become more powerful the older they get."
Jetmint grandma.png Xtreme walkers Own 200 grandmas Money.png 50 trillion Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"Complete with flame decals and a little horn that goes "toot"."
Cherrysilver grandma.png The Unbridling Own 250 grandmas Money.png 50 quadrillion Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"It might be a classic tale of bad parenting, but let's see where grandma is going with this."
Hazelrald grandma.png Reverse dementia Own 300 grandmas Money.png 50 quintillion Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"Extremely unsettling, and somehow even worse than the regular kind."
Mooncandy grandma.png Timeproof hair dyes Own 350 grandmas Money.png 50 sextillion Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"Why do they always have those strange wispy pink dos? What do they know about candy floss that we don't?"
Astrofudge grandma.png Good manners Own 400 grandmas Money.png 500 septillion Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"Apparently these ladies are much more amiable if you take the time to learn their strange, ancient customs, which seem to involve saying "please" and "thank you" and staring at the sun with bulging eyes while muttering eldritch curses under your breath."
Alabascream grandma.png Generation degeneration Own 450 grandmas Money.png 5 nonillion Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"Genetic testing shows that most of your grandmas are infected with a strange degenerative disease that only seems to further their powers; the more time passes, the older they get. This should concern you."
Iridyum grandma.png Visits Own 500 grandmas Money.png 50 decillion Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"In an extensive double-blind study (sample size: 12 millions), your researchers have found evidence that grandmas are up to twice as productive if you just come by and say hi once in a while. It's nice to check up on your grans! (Do not under any circumstances ingest any tea or tea-like substances the grandmas may offer you.)."
Glucosmium grandma.png Kitchen cabinets Own 550 grandmas Money.png 500 undecillion Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"A grandma's kitchen cabinet is a befuddling place. Through lesser-studied aggregating instincts, grandmas will tend to gradually fill all nearby cabinets with various sorts of things, such as curious coconut snacks or dietetic powders. By contract, these are legally yours, which opens up exciting opportunities for your substance investigation department."
Glimmeringue grandma.png Foam-tipped canes Own 600 grandmas Money.png 5 tredecillion Grandmas are twice as efficient.
"Perhaps the result of prolonged service, your grandmas have developed all kinds of odd and aggressive hierarchies among themselves; these will help them not hurt each other as bad during their endless turf wars."