Template:Fractal Engine upgrades

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Fractal Engine upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain fractal engine.png Metabakeries Own 1 fractal engine Money.png 3.1 quintillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"They practically bake themselves!"
Berrylium fractal engine.png Mandelbrown sugar Own 5 fractal engines Money.png 15.5 quintillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"A substance that displays useful properties such as fractal sweetness and instant contact lethality."
Blueberrylium fractal engine.png Fractoids Own 25 fractal engines Money.png 155 quintillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"Here's a frun fract : all in all, these were a terrible idea."
Chalcedhoney fractal engine.png Nested universe theory Own 50 fractal engines Money.png 15.5 sextillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"Asserts that each subatomic particle is host to a whole new universe, and therefore, another limitless quantity of cookies.
This somehow stacks with the theory of nanocosmics, because physics."
Buttergold fractal engine.png Menger sponge cake Own 100 fractal engines Money.png 1.55 septillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"Frighteningly absorbent thanks to its virtually infinite surface area. Keep it isolated in a dry chamber, never handle it with an open wound, and do not ever let it touch a body of water."
Sugarmuck fractal engine.png One particularly good-humored cow Own 150 fractal engines Money.png 155 septillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"This unassuming bovine was excruciatingly expensive and it may seem at first like you were ripped off. On closer inspection however, you notice that its earrings (it's wearing earrings) are actually fully functional copies of itself, each of which also wearing their own cow earrings, and so on, infinitely. It appears your dairy concerns will be taken care of for a while, although you'll have to put up with the cow's annoying snickering."
Jetmint fractal engine.png Chocolate ouroboros Own 200 fractal engines Money.png 155 octillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"Forever eating its own tail and digesting itself, in a metabolically dubious tale of delicious tragedy."
Cherrysilver fractal engine.png Nested Own 250 fractal engines Money.png 155 nonillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"Clever self-reference or shameful cross-promotion? This upgrade apparently has the gall to advertise a link to orteil.dashnet.org/nested, in a tooltip you can't even click."
Hazelrald fractal engine.png Space-filling fibers Own 300 fractal engines Money.png 155 decillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"This special ingredient has the incredible ability to fill the local space perfectly, effectively eradicating hunger in those who consume it!
Knowing that no hunger means no need for cookies, your marketers urge you to repurpose this product into next-level packing peanuts."
Mooncandy fractal engine.png Endless book of prose Own 350 fractal engines Money.png 155 undecillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
" "There once was a baker named [bakeryName]. One day, there was a knock at the door; [bakeryName] opened it and was suddenly face-to-face with a strange and menacing old grandma. The grandma opened her mouth and, in a strange little voice, started reciting this strange little tale :" [note 1]
Astrofudge fractal engine.png The set of all sets Own 400 fractal engines Money.png 1.55 tredecillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"The answer, of course, is a definite maybe."
Alabascream fractal engine.png This upgrade Own 450 fractal engines Money.png 15 quattuordecillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"This upgrade's flavor text likes to refer to itself, as well as to the fact that it likes to refer to itself. You should really buy this upgrade before it starts doing anything more obnoxious."
Iridyum fractal engine.png A box Own 500 fractal engines Money.png 155 quindecillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"What's in that box? Why, it's a tiny replica of your office! And there's even a little you in there! And what's on the little desk... say - that's an even tinier box! And the little you is opening it, revealing an even tinier office! And in the tinier office there's- Hmm. You can think of a couple uses or this."
Glucosmium fractal engine.png Multiscale profiling Own 550 fractal engines Money.png 1.55 septendecillion Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"Did you know that eating a cookie means the intestinal flora inside you is eating it too? Trillions of tiny bacterial mouths to feed, each with their own preferences. Surely this is room for flavor optimization. And then, of course, there's also the much bigger things that, in turn, eat you."
Glimmeringue fractal engine.png The more they stay the same Own 600 fractal engines Money.png 15.5 octodecillion "Fractal engines are twice as efficient.
"Exhausted by your fractals department and its obsession with self-similarity, you've decided to take a break and seek things in life entirely disconnected from any other; alas! You find the task impossible, for all things in this world relate to all others - in each cookie, the structure of the universe; in each person, their fellow man. Cor blimey, you can't even look at broccoli in peace.""
  1. Shown as infinitely scrolling text displaying 35 characters at a time that wraps around to the beginning once it reaches the end (" strange little tale : "There once "). [bakeryName] is the name of your bakery.