Template:Fortune upgrades

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Fortune upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Fortune cursor.png Fortune #001 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 1.167 nonillion Cursors are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"Fingers are not the only thing you can count on."
Fortune grandma.png Fortune #002 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 7.778 nonillion Grandmas are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"A wrinkle is a crack in a mundane facade."
Fortune farm.png Fortune #003 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 85.556 nonillion Farms are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"The seeds of tomorrow already lie within the seeds of today."
Fortune mine.png Fortune #004 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 933,333 nonillion Mines are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"Riches from deep under elevate you all the same."
Fortune factory.png Fortune #005 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 10.111 decillion Factories are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"True worth is not in what you find, but in what you make."
Fortune bank.png Fortune #006 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 108.889 decillion Banks are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"The value of money means nothing to a pocket."
Fortune temple.png Fortune #007 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 1.556 undecillion Temples are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"Not all guides deserve worship."
Fortune wizard tower.png Fortune #008 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 25.667 undecillion Wizard towers are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"Magic is about two things - showmanship, and rabbits."
Fortune shipment.png Fortune #009 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 396.667 undecillion Shipments are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"Every mile travelled expands the mind by just as much."
Fortune alchemy lab.png Fortune #010 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 5.833 duodecillion Alchemy labs are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"Change what you cannot accept. Furthermore: accept nothing."
Fortune portal.png Fortune #011 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 77.778 duodecillion Portals are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"Every doorway is a gamble. Tread with care."
Fortune time machine.png Fortune #012 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 1.089 tredecillion Time machines are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"Do your future self a favor; they'll thank you for it."
Fortune antimatter condenser.png Fortune #013 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 13.222 tredecillion Antimatter condensers are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"The world is made of what we put into it."
Fortune prism.png Fortune #014 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 163.333 tredecillion Prisms are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"Staring at a dazzling light can blind you back to darkness."
Fortune chancemaker.png Fortune #015 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 2.022 quattuordecillion Chancemakers are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"Don't leave to blind chance what you could accomplish with deaf skill."
Fortune fractal engine.png Fortune #016 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 24.111 quattuordecillion Fractal engines are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"It's good to see yourself in others. Remember to see yourself in yourself, too."
Fortune javascript console.png Fortune #017 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 5.522 quindecillion Javascript consoles are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"If things aren't working out for you, rewrite the rules."
Fortune idleverse.png Fortune #018 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 933.333 quindecillion Idleverses are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"There's plenty of everyone, but only one of you."
Fortune cortex baker.png Fortune #019 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 147.778 sexdecillion Cortex bakers are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"The smartest way to think is not to think at all."
Fortune you.png Fortune #020 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 42 septendecillion You are 7% more efficient and 7% cheaper.
"No matter how hard you try, you're never truly alone."
Fortune! cookie.png Fortune #100 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 86,400 x CpS
(Max: 7.778 decillion)
Upgrades and buildings cost -1%; you gain +1% CpS.
"True wealth is counted in gifts."
Fortune! cookie.png Fortune #101 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 86,400 x CpS
(Max: 7.778 undecillion)
You gain +7% CpS.
"Some people dream of fortunes; others dream of cookies."
Fortune! cookie.png Fortune #102 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 86,400 x CpS
(Max: 7.778 duodecillion)
You gain another +1% of your regular CpS while the game is closed. (Must own the Twin Gates of Transcendence upgrade.)
"Help, I'm trapped in a browser game!"
Fortune kitten.png Fortune #103 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 86,400 x CpS
(Max: 7.778 tredecillion)
You gain more CpS the more milk you have.[note 1]
"Don't believe the superstitions; all cats are good luck."
Fortune mouse.png Fortune #104 Random fortune from news ticker Money.png 86,400 x CpS
(Max: 7.778 duodecillion)
Clicking gains +1% of your CpS.
"Remember to stay in touch."


Articles on which this template is placed must include <references group="note" /> below the template if Fortune #103 is included without the milk factor column.

It will appear like this:

  1. Milk factor: 0.05


By default, all upgrades are displayed. If an invalid name is given as the module, no upgrades will display.

The primary module names are the full names of the buildings associated with Fortune #001-019 (singular form), in all lowercase with no spaces. There are also some non-building modules, listed below.

offline: Display only Fortune #102
kitten: Display only Fortune #103
mouse: Display only Fortune #104