Template:Factory upgrades

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Factory upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain factory.png Sturdier conveyor belts Own 1 factory Money.png 1.3 million Factories are twice as efficient.
"You're going places."
Berrylium factory.png Child labor Own 5 factories Money.png 6.5 million Factories are twice as efficient.
"Cheaper, healthier workforce."
Blueberrylium factory.png Sweatshop Own 25 factories Money.png 65 million Factories are twice as efficient.
"Slackers will be terminated."
Chalcedhoney factory.png Radium reactors Own 50 factories Money.png 6.5 billion Factories are twice as efficient.
"Gives your cookies a healthy glow."
Buttergold factory.png Recombobulators Own 100 factories Money.png 650 billion Factories are twice as efficient.
"A major part of cookie recombobulation."
Sugarmuck factory.png Deep-bake process Own 150 factories Money.png 65 trillion Factories are twice as efficient.
"A patented process increasing cookie yield two-fold for the same amount of ingredients. Don't ask how, don't take pictures, and be sure to wear your protective suit."
Jetmint factory.png Cyborg workforce Own 200 factories Money.png 65 quadrillion Factories are twice as efficient.
"Semi-synthetic organisms don't slack off, don't unionize, and have 20% shorter lunch breaks, making them ideal labor fodder."
Cherrysilver factory.png 78-hour days Own 250 factories Money.png 65 quintillion Factories are twice as efficient.
"Why didn't we think of this earlier?"
Hazelrald factory.png Machine learning Own 300 factories Money.png 65 sextillion Factories are twice as efficient.
"You figured you might get better productivity if you actually told your workers to learn how to work the machines. Sometimes, it's the little things..."
Mooncandy factory.png Brownie point system Own 350 factories Money.png 65 septillion Factories are twice as efficient.
"Oh, these are lovely! You can now reward your factory employees for good behavior, such as working overtime or snitching on coworkers. 58 brownie points gets you a little picture of a brownie, and 178 of those pictures gets you an actual brownie piece for you to do with as you please! Infantilizing? Maybe. Oodles of fun? You betcha!"
Astrofudge factory.png "Volunteer" interns Own 400 factories Money.png 650 octillion Factories are twice as efficient.
"If you're bad at something, always do it for free."
Alabascream factory.png Behavioral reframing Own 450 factories Money.png 6.5 decillion Factories are twice as efficient.
"Through careful social engineering you've convinced your workers that "union" is a slur that only the most vile and repugnant filth among us would ever dare utter! Sometimes progress isn't in the big machines, it's in the little lies!"
Iridyum factory.png The infinity engine Own 500 factories Money.png 65 undecillion Factories are twice as efficient.
"In this house, I guess we don't care much for the laws of thermodynamics."
Glucosmium factory.png N-dimensional assembly lines Own 550 factories Money.png 650 duodecillion Factories are twice as efficient.
"Lines are depressingly 1-dimensional. Beyond assembly lines, we posit the existence of higher-order assembly entities, such as assembly squares, assembly cubes - perhaps even assembly tesseracts. Any deeper than that and we doubt we'll be able to write manuals your workers can read."
Glimmeringue factory.png Universal automation Own 600 factories Money.png 6.5 quattuordecillion Factories are twice as efficient.
"It's simple common sense; the more automation, the less work you have to do! Maybe one day you'll even automate yourself out of your own job. Exciting!"