Template:Chancemaker upgrades

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Chancemaker upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain chancemaker.png Your lucky cookie Own 1 chancemaker Money.png 260 quadrillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"This is the first cookie you've ever baked. It holds a deep sentimental value and, after all this time, an interesting smell. "
Berrylium chancemaker.png "All Bets Are Off" magic coin Own 5 chancemakers Money.png 1.3 quintillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"A coin that always lands on the other side when flipped. Not heads, not tails, not the edge. The other side."
Blueberrylium chancemaker.png Winning lottery ticket Own 25 chancemakers Money.png 13 quintillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"What lottery? THE lottery, that's what lottery! Only lottery that matters!"
Chalcedhoney chancemaker.png Four-leaf clover field Own 50 chancemakers Money.png 1.3 sextillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"No giant monsters here, just a whole lot of lucky grass."
Buttergold chancemaker.png A recipe book about books Own 100 chancemakers Money.png 130 sextillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"Tip the scales in your favor with 28 creative new ways to cook the book"
Sugarmuck chancemaker.png Leprechaun village Own 150 chancemakers Money.png 13 septillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"You've finally become accepted among the local leprechauns, who lend you their mythical luck as a sign of friendship (as well as some rather foul-tasting tea)."
Jetmint chancemaker.png Improbability drive Own 200 chancemakers Money.png 13 octillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"A strange engine that turns statistics on their head. Recommended by the Grandmother's Guide to the Bakery."
Cherrysilver chancemaker.png Antisuperstistronics Own 250 chancemakers Money.png 13 nonillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"An exciting new field of research that makes unlucky things lucky. No mirror unbroken, no ladder unwalked under!"
Hazelrald chancemaker.png Bunnypedes Own 300 chancemakers Money.png 13 decillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"You've taken to breeding rabbits with hundreds of paws, which makes them intrinsically very lucky and thus a very handy (if very disturbing) pet."
Mooncandy chancemaker.png Revised probabilistics Own 350 chancemakers Money.png 13 undecillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"Either something happens or it doesn't. That's a 50% chance! This suddenly makes a lot of unlikely things very possible."
Astrofudge chancemaker.png 0-sided dice Own 400 chancemakers Money.png 130 duodecillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"The advent of the 0-sided dice has had unexpected and tumultuous effects on the gambling community, and saw experts around the world calling you both a genius and an imbecile."
Alabascream chancemaker.png A touch of determinism Own 450 chancemakers Money.png 1.3 quattuordecillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"By knowing the exact position and movement of every particle in the universe, you're able to predict everything that can ever happen, leaving nothing to chance. This was a doozy to pull off mind you, but it's helped you win 50 bucks at the horse races so you could say it's already paying off."
Iridyum chancemaker.png On a streak Own 500 chancemakers Money.png 13 quindecillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"Take a moment to appreciate how far you've come. How lucky you've been so far. It doesn't take a genius statistician to extrapolate a trend from this. There's no way anything bad could happen to you now. Right?"
Glucosmium chancemaker.png Silver lining maximization Own 550 chancemakers Money.png 130 sexdecillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"Sometimes luck is a matter of perspective. Broke your ankle? What do you know, that cute nurse fixing you up might just be your future spouse. Lost your job? You were meant for greater things anyway! Developed a cookie allergy? There's no upshot to that, you sick monster."
Glimmeringue chancemaker.png Gambler's fallacy fallacy Own 600 chancemakers Money.png 1.3 octodecillion Chancemakers are twice as efficient.
"Yes, just because you've been on a losing streak doesn't mean the next one is bound to be the win you've been hoping for, but then again, it doesn't statistically have less of a chance either, does it now?"