Template:Alchemy Lab upgrades

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Alchemy Lab upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Plain alchemy lab.png Antimony Own 1 alchemy lab Money.png 750 billion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"Actually worth a lot of mony."
Berrylium alchemy lab.png Essence of dough Own 5 alchemy labs Money.png 3.75 trillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"Extracted through the 5 ancient steps of alchemical baking."
Blueberrylium alchemy lab.png True chocolate Own 25 alchemy labs Money.png 37.5 trillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"The purest form of cacao."
Chalcedhoney alchemy lab.png Ambrosia Own 50 alchemy labs Money.png 3.75 quadrillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"Adding this to the cookie mix is sure to make them even more addictive!
Perhaps dangerously so.
Let's hope you can keep selling these legally."
Buttergold alchemy lab.png Aqua crustulae Own 100 alchemy labs Money.png 375 quadrillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"Careful with the dosing - one drop too much and you get muffins.
And nobody likes muffins."
Sugarmuck alchemy lab.png Origin crucible Own 150 alchemy labs Money.png 37.5 quintillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"Built from the rarest of earths and located at the very deepest of the largest mountain, this legendary crucible is said to retain properties from the big-bang itself."
Jetmint alchemy lab.png Theory of atomic fluidity Own 200 alchemy labs Money.png 37.5 sextillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"Pushing alchemy to its most extreme limits, you find that everything is transmutable into anything else - lead to gold, mercury to water; more importantly, you realize that anything can -and should- be converted to cookies."
Cherrysilver alchemy lab.png Beige goo Own 250 alchemy labs Money.png 37.5 septillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"Well now you've done it. Good job. Very nice. That's 3 galaxies you've just converted into cookies. Good thing you can hop from universe to universe."
Hazelrald alchemy lab.png The advent of chemistry Own 300 alchemy labs Money.png 37.5 octillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"You know what? That whole alchemy nonsense was a load of baseless rubbish. Dear god, what were you thinking?"
Mooncandy alchemy lab.png On second thought Own 350 alchemy labs Money.png 37.5 nonillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"Disregard that last upgrade, alchemy is where it's at! Your eggheads just found a way to transmute children's nightmares into rare metals!"
Astrofudge alchemy lab.png Public betterment Own 400 alchemy labs Money.png 375 decillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"Why do we keep trying to change useless matter into cookies, or cookies into even better cookies? Clearly, the way of the future is to change the people who eat the cookies into people with a greater understanding, appreciation and respect for the cookies they're eating. Into the vat you go!"
Alabascream alchemy lab.png Hermetic reconciliation Own 450 alchemy labs Money.png 3.75 duodecillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"It's time for modern science and the mystical domains of the occult to work together at last. What do gravitons transmute into? What if alkahest is pH-neutral? Should a homunculus have the right to vote? And other exciting questions coming to you soon, whether you like it or not."
Iridyum alchemy lab.png Chromatic cycling Own 500 alchemy labs Money.png 37.5 tredecillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"All states of matter exist in a continuous loop. Having learned how to cycle through them, all you have to do is to freeze matter right on the state you need. For reference, the cookie state of matter is situated at precisely 163.719°, right between lamellar gas and metaplasma."
Glucosmium alchemy lab.png Arcanized glassware Own 550 alchemy labs Money.png 375 quattuordecillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"You think your lab equipment enjoys taking part in these experiments violating all sorts of modern scientific precepts? Of course not. Thankfully, you've finalized the design of specialized beakers and flasks, recycled from the same glass used by the ancients to perform primeval alchemy, and therefore much less picky about the nature of the physical world."
Glimmeringue alchemy lab.png The dose makes the poison Own 600 alchemy labs Money.png 3.75 sexdecillion Alchemy labs are twice as efficient.
"Iterative recipe refinement is a noble pursuit but maybe your cookies have come to contain, well, perhaps a bit too much cookie per cookie. Tweaking it down by a couple percents has helped reduce the amount of complaints to your toxicity call centers to almost nil!"