Seasonal upgrade guide

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This page's content was derived from another Guide.


Seasonal upgrades are an important part of every Ascension in Late game and beyond. This page will show how to get every upgrade as fast as possible.


  • Selebrak is in the Ruby slot for combos later
  • Use the Auras Dragon Orbs and Mind over Matter and prepare to swap Dragon Orbs to Supreme Intellect[1] whenever a Reindeer, Golden Cookie, or Wrinkler spawns
  • For Halloween, use Dragon Guts and Mind over Matter until a Wrinkler spawns; when the Wrinkler has reached the Big Cookie, switch Dragon Guts to Supreme Intellect and pop it. Switch back afterwards.
  • When there are no buffs active, use Dragon Orbs unless if Easter is completed.
  • Do NOT buy the third golden cookie upgrade (doubles effect duration) for more Dragon Orb opportunities.
  • There are 8 rare eggs[2]. The most important ones are the Golden goose egg, Chocolate egg, and Cookie egg. The chocolate egg may be obtained after comboing and the rest are skippable[3].
  • If scumming, exporting and then re-importing after buying a new Valentine's upgrade or when switching to Christmas saves up to 5 seconds each time because the game doesn't need to wait to check for new upgrades. This also works with Golden Cookie frequency and Reindeer frequency upgrades because the timer is updated after clicking another natural Reindeer or Golden Cookie or reloading.
  • If scumming, export during a Cookie Storm and import if all useful eggs aren't unlocked

General Season grinding

  • Start in Valentine's day for all of the upgrades.
  • Switch to Christmas to collect every Festive Hat upgrade.
  • When a Cookie Storm starts, switch to Easter and click storm drops until all of the storm drops are gone[4]. Return to Christmas.
  • When the Wrinkler cap is reached, switch to Halloween and pop all wrinklers[5]. Return to Christmas.
  • Repeat until every single Christmas, Halloween, and non-skippable Easter upgrade is obtained.
  • Switch to Halloween for comboing

Assuming that every single Season boosting achievement has been done before this point, it should take around an hour to obtain every upgrade.


  1. The boost from Reality Bending is weaker than the boost from temporarily setting Selebrak to the Diamond slot
  2. Golden goose egg, Faberge egg, Wrinklerspawn, Cookie egg, Omelette, Chocolate egg, Century egg, and "egg"
  3. Wrinklerspawn, Omelette, and "egg" are effectively cosmetic
  4. If Halloween has been finished before Easter, pop all wrinklers too
  5. While pledging is more convenient, popping all wrinklers manually will not force the Grandmapocalypse to take time to return to stage 3