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The Garden as of v2.052
This is the general page for the minigame. For strategies, see the Garden Strategies page.

The Garden is a minigame in Cookie Clicker based on the farm building, offering many unlockable plants that provide various positive and/or negative effects.

Unlocking the Garden requires leveling up the farm building to at least level 1 with a sugar lump, with each later level unlocking more planting plots until level 9 (6x6).

Ascending will not reset unlocked seed types, however it will clear the garden of all current crops. The garden will not be accessible again until at least 1 farm is purchased.

Garden Size

When first unlocked, the Garden's size starts as a 2×2 grid. It can be further expanded by continuing to upgrade the farm level with sugar lumps. The maximum plot size of 6×6 is unlocked at level 9.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+
Size 2×2 3×2 3×3 4×3 4×4 5×4 5×5 6×5 6×6
Plots 4 6 9 12 16 20 25 30 36


Currently, there are four tools in the minigame. Sacrifice Garden is only unlocked when all seeds have been discovered.

Icon Name Description Notes
Garden Information.png
  • "You can cross-breed plants by planting them close to each other; new plants will grow in the empty tiles next to them."
  • "Unlock new seeds by harvesting mature plants."
  • "When you ascend, your garden plants are reset, but you keep all the seeds you've unlocked."
  • "Your garden has no effect and does not grow while the game is closed."
Also displays the combined effects of all of the plants in your garden above the instructions.
Harvest all.png
Harvest All
"Instantly harvest all plants in your garden.[note 1]"Shift+Ctrl+Click to harvest only mature, mortal plants. Seeds are also collected from mature plants.
Attempts to unearth every tile twice in quick succession, causing any spores from Meddleweed to also be destroyed
"Cryogenically preserve your garden.
Plants no longer grow, spread or die; they provide no benefits.
Soil cannot be changed.
Using this will effectively pause your garden."
Tick countdown continues until it reaches zero, where it is paused until unfreezing. Planting and harvesting is still available.

Useful when there is no time to stay on the screen while the end of growth periods will need attention.

Sacrifice garden.png
"A swarm of sugar hornets comes down on your garden, destroying every plant as well as every seed you've unlocked - leaving only a Baker's wheat seed.
In exchange, they will grant you 10 sugar lumps.
This action is only available with a complete seed log."
The first time this tool is used, it also awards the "Seedless to nay" achievement, which makes seeds 5% cheaper, plants mature 5% sooner, and plant upgrades drop 5% more.

Sacrifice Garden

With efficient gardening, this tool can be a great source of additional Sugar Lumps, as it can be repeated every time the seed log is completed.


In Cookie Clicker's garden minigame, different types of soil can be selected to alter the time per tick, as well as providing other effects. They are unlocked by obtaining a certain amount of farms at least once in the current ascension.

Switching soil will incur a 10 minute cooldown, after which the next can be chosen.

Icon Name Farms
Tick Speed
Passive Plant
Other Effect(s) Description
DirtSoil.png Dirt 1 5 N/A N/A N/A "Simple, regular old dirt that you'd find in nature."
FertilizerSoil.png Fertilizer 50 3 +20% -25% N/A "Soil with a healthy helping of fresh manure.
Plants grow faster but are less efficient."
ClaySoil.png Clay 100 15 N/A +25% N/A "Rich soil with very good water retention.
Plants grow slower but are more efficient."
PebbleSoil.png Pebbles 200 5 -90% -75% 35% chance of harvesting seeds automatically when plants expire "Dry soil made of small rocks tightly packed together.
Not very conductive to plant health, but whatever falls off your crops will be easy to retrieve.
Useful if you're one of those farmers who just want to find new seeds without having to tend to their garden too much."
WoodchipSoil.png Wood Chips 300 5 -90% -75% Plants spread and mutate 3 times more[note 2] "Soil made of bits and pieces of bark and sawdust.
Helpful for young sprouts to develop, not so much for mature plants."

Garden update process

Each tick, the garden checks and performs several actions. Here is the actions:

  • Compute the amount of time for next tick according to current soil
  • Compute the effects of all tiles according to any effect-spreading plants that may be present (Tidygrass, Nursetulip, etc.)
  • Calculates base amount of time (in terms of age) for any plant to mature according to whether or not have the Seedless to nay achievement
  • Determines the boost from Supreme Intellect and Reality Bending (1, 1.05, 1.005, or 1.055) and the amount of runs it will do according to the dragon aura boosts, current soil, and whether a sugar lump has been used to boost the garden: default 1, 3 if wood chips, multiplied by the dragon aura boost, randomFloor-ed, then multiplied by 3 if a lump has been used to boost the garden
    • randomFloor is a function that takes in a number, and rounds it to an integer according to randomness. The part after the decimal point serves as the chance to round up, and otherwise rounds down. (For example, 3.3 would have a 0.3 (or 30%) chance to be rounded up and a 70% chance to be rounded down)
  • For each tile, from left to right then from top to bottom:
    • If the tile has some plant on it:
      • Ages the plant according to the randomFloor of the values associated with its type, the current aging effects of that tile, and the dragon auras present[note 3], and kills the plant if it is too old
        • There are two values associated with the aging of every plant: ageTick and ageTickR. "ageTick" is always added directly, and then a random value between 0 and "ageTickR" is added.
      • Calculates possible contamination from orthogonal neighbors, then contaminates the plant if it is not immortal, not immune, and that the random check succeeds.
    • If the tile is empty:
      • Calculates possible mutations from its cardinal neighbors, adding a mutation to a pool according to the base chance for said mutation, then chooses one mutation from the pool to plant onto said tile (if the pool is not empty)
  • Computes the cumulative effect from all plants in the garden

This update order example goes into early/late ticks (how some plants may mutate the tick they mature/decay) with more detail.

Plant Overview

Growing or mutating plants, as well as other effects, are based on ticks. Spanning from 3 to 15 minutes depending on the chosen soil.

When a tick is complete, the following processes will occur for each plant from left plot to right plot, top row to bottom row:

  • The plant will age (or may not[note 4]) according to their specified range
  • The plant (where applicable) will roll the dice to mutate according to other plants in a 3x3 area centered on the plant
  • The plant will roll the dice to contaminate other plants that are orthogonally adjacent and capable of being contaminated


All plants have 4 stages, with their effects scaling respectively:

Growth Progress (in percent) to mature Effectiveness
Bud 0% 10%
Sprout 33% 25%
Bloom 66% 50%
Mature - 100%

Mutating/Getting New Seeds

Plants can be cross-bred by planting them close to each other, growing new plants in the plots that both plants occupy adjacently (orthogonally and diagonally). Some plants do not need to be mature to mutate.

New plants will always grant their seed (unless already obtained) if harvested when mature. There is a 35% chance of plants dropping their seed when they decay with the Pebbles soil.

Daydun's (improved by CursedSliver) Cookie Garden may be used to fiddle with combinations for mutation chances without in-game intervention.


Some plants are able to 'contaminate', or spread seeds to other plots that are either empty or have plants that can be contaminated. Unlike breeding, contamination can only occur orthogonally.

If a plant that can be contaminated is affected, it will be replaced entirely.

Mutation Tree

Garden Tree Neat .png


Species Details


  • CC - Cookie Cost in minutes of CpS (MC - Minimum Cost)
  • AT - Age per Tick[note 5], MA - Mature Age value
  • MT - Maturation in average Ticks, LT - Lifespan in average Ticks
  • CV - Contamination Value, IC - Is Contaminable?
Growth Stages
Effects Seed Description Mutation Recipes
(base chance per tile per tick)
Type Cost
Baker's Wheat
Baker's wheat bud.pngBaker's wheat sprout.pngBaker's wheat bloom.pngBaker's wheat mature.png
+1% CpS Baker's wheat seed.png "A plentiful crop whose hardy grain is used to make flour for pastries." 2x Baker's Wheat (20%)
2x Thumbcorn (5%)
Plant 1 (30) 7-9, 35 5, 13 None, Yes
Thumbcorn bud.pngThumbcorn sprout.pngThumbcorn bloom.pngThumbcorn mature.png
+2% cookies/click Thumbcorn seed.png "A strangely-shaped variant of corn. The amount of strands that can sprout from one seed is usually in the single digits." 2x Baker's Wheat (5%)
2x Thumbcorn (10%)
2x Cronerice (2%)
Plant 5 (100) 6-8, 20 3, 15 None, Yes
Cronerice bud.pngCronerice sprout.pngCronerice bloom.pngCronerice mature.png
+3% grandma CpS Cronerice seed.png "Not only does this wrinkly bulb look nothing like rice, it's not even related to it either; its closest extant relative is the weeping willow." 1x Baker's Wheat, 1x Thumbcorn (1%) Plant 15 (250) 0.4-1.1, 55

  • 0 (25.7%)
  • 1 (73.6%)
  • 2 (0.7%)

74, 134 None, Yes
Gildmillet bud.pngGildmillet sprout.pngGildmillet bloom.pngGildmillet mature.png
+1% golden cookie gains
+0.1% golden cookie effect duration
Gildmillet seed.png "An ancient staple crop, famed for its golden sheen. Was once used to bake birthday cakes for kings and queens of old." 1x Cronerice, 1x Thumbcorn (3%) Plant 15 (1,500) 2-3.5, 40

  • 2 (33.3%)
  • 3 (58.3%)
  • 4 (8.3%)

15, 37 None, Yes
Ordinary Clover
Ordinary Clover bud.pngOrdinary Clover sprout.pngOrdinary Clover bloom.pngOrdinary Clover mature.png
+1% golden cookie frequency[note 6] Ordinary Clover seed.png "Trifolium repens, a fairly mundane variety of clover with a tendency to produce four leaves. Such instances are considered lucky by some." 1x Baker's Wheat, 1x Gildmillet (3%)
2x mature Ordinary Clover, less than 5x total Ordinary Clover (0.7%)
Plant 25 (77,777) 1-2.5, 35

  • 1 (33.3%)
  • 2 (58.3%)
  • 3 (8.3%)

20, 58 None, Yes
Golden Clover
Golden clover bud.pngGolden clover sprout.pngGolden clover bloom.pngGolden clover mature.png
+3% golden cookie frequency[note 6] Golden clover seed.png "A variant of the ordinary clover that traded its chlorophyll for pure organic gold. Tragically short-lived, this herb is an evolutionary dead-end - but at least it looks pretty." 1x Baker's Wheat, 1x Gildmillet (0.07%)
2x mature Ordinary Clover, less than 5x total Ordinary Clover (0.01%)
4x or more Ordinary Clover (0.07%)[note 7]
Plant 125 (777.778 billion) 4-16, 50 5, 10 None, Yes
Shimmerlily bud.pngShimmerlily sprout.pngShimmerlily bloom.pngShimmerlily mature.png
+1% golden cookie gains
+1% golden cookie frequency[note 6]
+1% random drops
Shimmerlily seed.png "These little flowers are easiest to find at dawn, as the sunlight refracting in dew drops draws attention to their pure-white petals." 1x Ordinary Clover, 1x Gildmillet (2%) Plant 60 (777,777) 5-11, 70 9, 13 None, Yes
Elderwort bud.pngElderwort sprout.pngElderwort bloom.pngElderwort mature.png
+1% wrath cookie gains
+1% wrath cookie frequency[note 6]
+1% grandma CpS
Surrounding plants (3x3) age 3% faster
Elderwort seed.png "A very old, long-forgotten subspecies of edelweiss that emits a strange, heady scent. There is some anecdotal evidence that these do not undergo molecular aging." 1x Shimmerlily, 1x Cronerice (1%)
1x Wrinklegill, 1x Cronerice (0.2%)
Plant 180 (100 million) 0.3-0.8, 90

  • 0 (45%)
  • 1 (55%)

164, None, No
Bakeberry bud.pngBakeberry sprout.pngBakeberry bloom.pngBakeberry mature.png
+1% CpS
Harvest when mature for +30 minutes of CpS (max. 3% of bank)
Bakeberry seed.png "A favorite among cooks, this large berry has a crunchy brown exterior and a creamy red center. Excellent in pies or chicken stews." 2x Baker's Wheat (0.1%) Plant 45 (100 million) 1-2, 50 34, 67 None, Yes
Chocoroot bud.pngChocoroot sprout.pngChocoroot bloom.pngChocoroot mature.png
+1% CpS
Harvest when mature for +3 minutes of CpS (max. 3% of bank)
Predictable growth
Chocoroot seed.png "A tangly bramble coated in a sticky, sweet substance. Unknown genetic ancestry. Children often pick these from fields as-is as a snack." 1x Baker's Wheat, 1x Brown Mold of any age (10%) Plant 15 (100,000) 4, 25 7, 25 None, Yes
White Chocoroot
White Chocoroot bud.pngWhite Chocoroot sprout.pngWhite Chocoroot bloom.pngWhite Chocoroot mature.png
+1% golden cookie gains
Harvest when mature for +3 minutes of CpS (max. 3% of bank)
Predictable growth
White Chocoroot seed.png "A pale, even sweeter variant of the chocoroot. Often impedes travelers with its twisty branches." 1x Chocoroot, 1x White Mildew of any age (10%) Plant 15 (100,000) 4, 25 7, 25 None, Yes
White Mildew
Browhite Moldew buds.pngWhite mildew sprout.pngWhite mildew bloom.pngWhite mildew mature.png
+1% CpS
May spread as brown mold
White mildew seed.png "A common rot that infests shady plots of earth. Grows in little creamy capsules. Smells sweet, but sadly wilts quickly." 1x Brown Mold, 1x or less White Mildew (50%) Fungus 20 (9,999) 8-20, 70 5, 8 None, Yes
Brown Mold
Browhite Moldew buds.pngBrown mold sprout.pngBrown mold bloom.pngBrown mold mature.png
-1% CpS
May spread as white mildew
Brown mold seed.png "A common rot that infests shady plots of earth. Grows in odd reddish clumps. Smells bitter, but thankfully wilts quickly." 1x White Mildew, 1x or less Brown Mold (50%)
Harvest Meddleweed manually (age-based (age*0.2%); max 19.8% at age 99; ignores Wood Chips)
Fungus 20 (9,999) 8-20, 70 5, 8 None, Yes
Meddleweed bud.pngMeddleweed sprout.pngMeddleweed bloom.pngMeddleweed mature.png
No effects
May overtake nearby plants
May drop spores when uprooted
Meddleweed seed.png "The sign of a neglected farmland, this annoying weed spawns from unused dirt and may sometimes spread to other plants, killing them in the process." 1x mature Meddleweed, less than 4x total Meddleweed (15%)
0x any plants (0.2% * weed multiplier from current soil)
Plant 1 (10) 10-16, 50 4, 8 0.05, Yes
Whiskerbloom bud.pngWhiskerbloom sprout.pngWhiskerbloom bloom.pngWhiskerbloom mature.png
+0.2% effects from milk Whiskerbloom seed.png "Squeezing the translucent pods makes them excrete a milky liquid, while producing a faint squeak akin to a cat's meow." 1x Shimmerlily, 1x White Chocoroot (1%) Plant 20 (1 million) 2-4, 60 20, 34 None, Yes
Chimerose bud.pngChimerose sprout.pngChimerose bloom.pngChimerose mature.png
+1% reindeer gains
+1% reindeer frequency
Chimerose seed.png "Originating in the greener flanks of polar mountains, this beautiful flower with golden accents is fragrant enough to make any room feel a little bit more festive." 1x Shimmerlily, 1x Whiskerbloom (5%)
2x Chimerose (0.5%)
Plant 15 (242,424) 1-2.5, 30

  • 1 (33.3%)
  • 2 (58.3%)
  • 3 (8.3%)

18, 58 None, Yes
Nursetulip bud.pngNursetulip sprout.pngNursetulip bloom.pngNursetulip mature.png
Surrounding plants (3x3) are 20% more efficient[note 8]
-2% CpS
Nursetulip seed.png "This flower grows an intricate root network that distributes nutrients throughout the surrounding soil. The reason for this seemingly altruistic behavior is still unknown." 2x Whiskerbloom (5%) Plant 40 (1 billion) 0.5-2.5, 60

  • 0 (6.25%)
  • 1 (43.75%)
  • 2 (43.75%)
  • 3 (6.25%)

40, 67 None, Yes
Drowsyfern bud.pngDrowsyfern sprout.pngDrowsyfern bloom.pngDrowsyfern mature.png
+3% CpS
-5% cookies per click
-10% golden cookie frequency[note 6]
Drowsyfern seed.png "Traditionally used to brew a tea that guarantees a good night of sleep." 1x Chocoroot, 1x Keenmoss (0.5%) Plant 90 (100,000) 0.05-0.15, 30

  • 0 (90%)
  • 1 (10%)

300, 1000 None, Yes
Wardlichen bud.pngWardlichen sprout.pngWardlichen bloom.pngWardlichen mature.png
2% less wrath cookies
Wrinklers spawn 15% slower
Wardlichen seed.png "The metallic stench that emanates from this organism has been known to keep insects and slugs away." 1x Cronerice, 1x Keenmoss (0.5%)
1x Cronerice, 1x White Mildew (0.5%)
Exactly 1x mature Wardlichen, 0x other Wardlichen (5%)
Plant 10 (10,000) 5-9, 65 10, 15 None, Yes
Keenmoss bud.pngKeenmoss sprout.pngKeenmoss bloom.pngKeenmoss mature.png
+3% random drops Keenmoss seed.png "Fuzzy to the touch and of a vibrant green. In plant symbolism, keenmoss is associated with good luck for finding lost objects." 1x Green Rot, 1x Brown Mold (10%)
Exactly 1x mature Keenmoss, 0x other Keenmoss (5%)
Plant 50 (1 million) 4-9, 65 10, 16 None, Yes
Queenbeet buds.pngQueenbeet sprouts.pngQueenbeet bloom.pngQueenbeet mature.png
+0.3% golden cookie effect duration
-2% CpS
Harvest when mature for +1 hour of CpS (max. 4% of bank)
Queenbeet seed.png "A delicious taproot used to prepare high-grade white sugar. Entire countries once went to war over these." 1x Bakeberry, 1x Chocoroot (1%) Plant 90 (1 billion) 1-1.4, 80

  • 1 (80%)
  • 2 (20%)

67, 84 None, No
Juicy Queenbeet
Queenbeet buds.pngQueenbeet sprouts.pngJuicy queenbeet bloom.pngJuicy queenbeet mature.png
-10% CpS
Surrounding plants (3x3) are 20% less efficient[note 8]
+1 sugar lump if harvested while mature
Juicy queenbeet seed.png "A delicious taproot used to prepare high-grade white sugar. Entire countries once went to war over these.
It looks like this one has grown especially sweeter and juicier from growing in close proximity to other queenbeets."
8x Queenbeet (0.1%) Plant Can't be planted[note 9] 0.04-0.12, 85

  • 0 (92%)
  • 1 (8%)

1063, 1250 None, No
Duketater bud.pngDuketater sprout.pngDuketater bloom.pngDuketater mature.png
Harvest when mature for +2 hours of CpS (max. 8% of bank) Duketater seed.png "A rare, rich-tasting tuber fit for a whole meal, as long as its strict harvesting schedule is respected. Its starch has fascinating baking properties." 2x Queenbeet (0.1%) Plant 480 (1 trillion) 0.4-0.5, 95

  • 0 (55%)
  • 1 (45%)

212, 223 None, No
Crumbspore bud.pngCrumbspore sprout.pngCrumbspore bloom.pngCrumbspore mature.png
Explodes into up to 1 minute of CpS at the end of its lifecycle (max. 1% of bank)
May overtake nearby plants
Crumbspore seed.png "An archaic mold that spreads its spores to the surrounding dirt through simple pod explosion." Exactly 1x mature Crumbspore, 0x other Crumbspore (7%)
2x Doughshroom (0.5%)
Harvest Meddleweed manually (age-based (age*0.2%); max 19.8% at age 99; ignores Wood Chips)
Fungus 10 (999) 3-6, 65 15, 23 0.03, No
Doughshroom bud.pngDoughshroom sprout.pngDoughshroom bloom.pngDoughshroom mature.png
Explodes into up to 5 minutes of CpS at the end of its lifecycle (max. 3% of bank)
May overtake nearby plants
Doughshroom seed.png "Jammed full of warm spores; some forest walkers often describe the smell as similar to passing by a bakery." 2x Crumbspore (0.5%)
Exactly 1x mature Doughshroom, 0x other Doughshroom (7%)
Fungus 100 (100 million) 1-3, 85 43, 50 0.03, No
Glovemorel bud.pngGlovemorel sprout.pngGlovemorel bloom.pngGlovemorel mature.png
+4% cookies per click
+1% cursor CpS
-1% CpS
Glovemorel seed.png "Touching its waxy skin reveals that the interior is hollow and uncomfortably squishy." 1x Crumbspore, 1x Thumbcorn (2%) Fungus 30 (10,000) 3-21, 80 7, 9 None, Yes
Cheapcap bud.pngCheapcap sprout.pngCheapcap bloom.pngCheapcap mature.png
Buildings and upgrades are 0.2% cheaper
Cannot handle cold climates; 15% chance to die when frozen
Cheapcap seed.png "Small, tough, and good in omelettes. Some historians propose that the heads of dried cheapcaps were once used as currency in some bronze age societies." 1x Crumbspore, 1x Shimmerlily (4%) Fungus 40 (100,000) 6-22, 40 3, 8 None, Yes
Fool's Bolete
Fool's bolete bud.pngFool's bolete sprout.pngFool's bolete bloom.pngFool's bolete mature.png
+2% golden cookie frequency[note 6]
-5% golden cookie gains
-2% golden cookie duration
-2% golden cookie effect duration
Fool's bolete seed.png "Named for its ability to fool mushroom pickers. The fool's bolete is not actually poisonous, it's just extremely bland." 1x Doughshroom, 1x Green Rot (4%) Fungus 15 (10,000) 5-30, 50 3, 6 None, Yes
Wrinklegill bud.pngWrinklegill sprout.pngWrinklegill bloom.pngWrinklegill mature.png
Wrinklers spawn 2% faster
Wrinklers digest 1% more
Wrinklegill seed.png "This mushroom's odor resembles that of a well-done steak, and is said to whet the appetite - making one's stomach start gurgling within seconds." 1x Crumbspore, 1x Brown Mold (6%) Fungus 20 (1 million) 1-4, 65 26, 40 None, Yes
Green Rot
Green rot bud.pngGreen rot sprout.pngGreen rot bloom.pngGreen rot mature.png
+0.5% golden cookie duration
+1% golden cookie frequency[note 6]
+1% random drops
Green rot seed.png "This short-lived mold is also known as "emerald pebbles", and is considered by some as a pseudo-gem that symbolizes good fortune." 1x White Mildew, 1x Ordinary Clover (5%) Fungus 60 (1 million) 12-25, 65 4, 6 None, Yes
Shriekbulb bud.pngShriekbulb sprout.pngShriekbulb bloom.pngShriekbulb mature.png
-2% CpS
Surrounding plants (3x3) are 5% less efficient[note 8]
Shriekbulb seed.png "A nasty vegetable with a dreadful quirk : its flesh resonates with a high-pitched howl whenever it is hit at the right angle by sunlight, moonlight, or even a slight breeze." 1x Wrinklegill, 1x Elderwort (0.1%)
5x Elderwort (0.1%)
3x Duketater of any age (0.5%)
4x Doughshroom of any age (0.2%)
5x Queenbeet (0.1%)
Exactly 1x Shriekbulb of any age, 0x other Shriekbulb (0.5%)
Plant 60 (4.444 trillion) 3-4, 60 18, 29 None, No
Tidygrass bud.pngTidygrass sprout.pngTidygrass bloom.pngTidygrass mature.png
Surrounding tiles (5x5) develop no weeds or fungus Tidygrass seed.png "The molecules this grass emits are a natural weedkiller. Its stems grow following a predictable pattern, making it an interesting -if expensive- choice for a lawn grass." 1x Baker's Wheat, 1x White Chocoroot (0.2%) Plant 90 (100 trillion) 0.5, 40

  • 0 (50%)
  • 1 (50%)

80, 200 None, Yes
Everdaisy bud.pngEverdaisy sprout.pngEverdaisy bloom.pngEverdaisy mature.png
Surrounding tiles (3x3) develop no weeds or fungus
Everdaisy seed.png "While promoted by some as a superfood owing to its association with longevity and intriguing geometry, this elusive flower is actually mildly toxic." 3x Tidygrass, 3x Elderwort (0.2%) Plant 180 (100 quintillion) 0.3, 75

  • 0 (70%)
  • 1 (30%)

250, None, No
Ichorpuff bud.pngIchorpuff sprout.pngIchorpuff bloom.pngIchorpuff mature.png
Surrounding plants (3x3) age half as fast
Surrounding plants (3x3) are half as efficient[note 8]
Ichorpuff seed.png "This puffball mushroom contains sugary spores, but it never seems to mature to bursting on its own. Surrounding plants under its influence have a very slow metabolism, reducing their effects but lengthening their lifespan." 1x Elderwort, 1x Crumbspore (0.2%) Fungus 120 (987.654 million) 1-2.5, 35

  • 1 (33.3%)
  • 2 (58.3%)
  • 3 (8.3%)

20, 58 None, Yes


Various plants and fungi have a very low chance to unlock an upgrade, usually a flavored cookie, when harvested while mature. These upgrades unlock permanently, meaning there is no need to re-acquire them from the garden after every ascension. The chance of obtaining each upgrade is multiplied by the random drop chance.

Two of the flavored cookies have additional effects (Elderwort biscuits and Green yeast digestives), one of which, unlike all other flavored cookies, does not feature an increase to CpS at all.

Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Elderwort biscuits.png Elderwort biscuits 1% chance of dropping after harvesting a mature elderwort [note 10] Money.png 7,200 x CpS [note 11] Cookie production multiplier +2%.
Grandma production multiplier +2%.
Dropped by elderwort plants.
Cost scales with CpS.
"They taste incredibly stale, even when baked fresh."
Bakeberry cookies.png Bakeberry cookies 1.5% chance of dropping after harvesting a mature bakeberry [note 10] Money.png 3,600 x CpS [note 11] Cookie production multiplier +2%.
Dropped by bakeberry plants.
Cost scales with CpS.
"Really good dipped in hot chocolate."
Duketater cookies.png Duketater cookies 0.5% chance of dropping after harvesting a mature duketater [note 10] Money.png 10,800 x CpS [note 11] Cookie production multiplier +10%.
Dropped by duketater plants.
Cost scales with CpS.
"Fragrant and mealy, with a slight yellow aftertaste."
Green yeast digestives.png Green yeast digestives 0.5% chance of dropping after harvesting a mature green rot [note 10] Money.png 10,800 x CpS [note 11] +1% golden cookie gains and effect duration.
+1% golden cookie frequency.
+3% random drops.
Dropped by green rot plants.
Cost scales with CpS.
"These are tastier than you'd expect, but not by much."
Wheat slims.png Wheat slims 0.1% chance of dropping after harvesting a mature baker's wheat [note 10] Money.png 1,800 x CpS [note 11] Cookie production multiplier +1%.
Dropped by baker's wheat plants.
Cost scales with CpS.
"The only reason you'd consider these cookies is because you feel slightly sorry for them."
Fern tea.png Fern tea 1% chance of dropping after harvesting a mature drowsyfern [note 10] Money.png 3,600 x CpS [note 11] You gain another +3% of your regular CpS while the game is closed.
(Must own the Twin Gates of Transcendence upgrade.).
Dropped by drowsyfern plants.
Cost scales with CpS.
"A chemically complex natural beverage, this soothing concoction has been used by mathematicians to solve equations in their sleep."
Ichor syrup.png Ichor syrup 0.5% chance of dropping after harvesting a mature ichorpuff [note 10] Money.png 7,200 x CpS [note 11] You gain another +7% of your regular CpS while the game is closed.
(Must own the Twin Gates of Transcendence upgrade.).
Sugar lumps mature 7 minutes sooner.
Dropped by ichorpuff plants.
Cost scales with CpS.
"Tastes like candy. The smell is another story."


Icon Name Description ID
Botany enthusiast.png Botany enthusiast Harvest 100 mature garden plants. 378
Green, aching thumb.png Green, aching thumb Harvest 1000 mature garden plants. 379
In the garden of Eden (baby).png In the garden of Eden (baby) Fill every tile of the biggest garden plot with plants.
"Isn't tending to those precious little plants just so rock and/or roll?"
Keeper of the conservatory.png Keeper of the conservatory Unlock every garden seed. 381
Seedless to nay.png Seedless to nay Convert a complete seed log into sugar lumps by sacrificing your garden to the sugar hornets.
Owning this achievement makes seeds 5% cheaper, plants mature 5% sooner, and plant upgrades drop 5% more.


  1. Using this tool does not update the passive plant effects after each plant's death.
  2. Actually just runs the code for adding possible mutations to pool three times.
  3. Because of this, Supreme Intellect also increases aging variance
  4. Some plants have 0 as part of the range, so they may not age at all for a tick.
  5. Integer ranges imply equal chance among all numbers within. Decimal numbers and ranges with decimal numbers include bulletpoint lists of possible outcomes.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Golden Cookie Frequency and Wrath Cookie Frequency only affect their respective cookie by changing time required for next natural spawn only upon clicking on the right type.
  7. Golden Clover is slightly more likely to mutate with exactly 4 Ordinary Clovers surrounding it (~0.08%) Compared to 2 or 3 Ordinary Clovers (~0.01%) and 5+ Ordinary Clovers (~0.07%). This is because Golden Clover is included twice in the Random list mechanism.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 This does not include aura effects like Elderwort's and Ichorpuff's age multiplier
  9. If Juicy Queenbeet could be planted, its assigned costs in the code are 120 minutes of CpS, minimum 1 trillion cookies.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 Once this upgrade is unlocked, all future ascensions will have it immediately available for purchase from the store.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 Based on current cookies per second, including buffs.