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After the first ascension.

Ascension is a mechanic in Cookie Clicker, which allows the player to reset progress but grants extra benefits on the next run, substantially speeding it up. The ascension screen can be accessed by the Legacy button, under the Info button.

Each ascension grants the difference between the old prestige and (x/1trillion)(1/3) where x is the amount of cookies baked all time, or in other words, the cube root of cookies baked all time in terms of trillions.

A prestige level grants a +1% boost to CpS. This stacks additively for every prestige level.

Reincarnating will return to the main game with ascension upgrades, though Challenge Mode may be turned on beforehand, starting the ascension as though a new game had begun (upon ascending again, everything returns to normal).

Heavenly Chips

Heavenly Chips is the currency used to buy Heavenly Upgrades. These upgrades cost a varying number of Heavenly Chips, and are retained all subsequent ascensions. The ratio between Prestige Levels gained and Heavenly Chips gained is 1:1.

Upgrade Tree

These are the heavenly upgrades available to purchase. The upgrades purchased here will never be deleted (unless the save file is wiped, or through cheating).

Prestige Map.png

Angel and Demon Upgrades

The regular upgrades Fortune #102 (1%), Fern tea (3%), and Ichor syrup (7%) also affect offline production. With all upgrades, offline production is 91% for 7 days, 8 hours. During offline cookie production, wrinklers are dormant and CpS is not withered.

For Synergies Vol. I, at least 227,824 Heavenly chips are required.
For Synergies Vol. II, at least 2,718,958 Heavenly chips are required.
For Chimera, at least 44,719,651 Heavenly chips are required.

Angel & Demon heavenly upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Twin Gates of Transcendence.png Twin Gates of Transcendence "Legacy" purchased MoneyHC.png 1
You now keep making cookies while the game is closed, at the rate of 5% of your regular CpS and up to 1 hour after the game is closed.
(Beyond 1 hour, this is reduced by a further 90% - you rate goes down to 0.5% of your CpS.)
"This is one occasion you're always underdressed for. Don't worry, just rush in past the bouncer and pretend you know people."
Angels.png Angels "Twin Gates of Transcendence" purchased MoneyHC.png 7
You gain another +10% of your regular CpS while the game is closed, for a total of 15%.
"Lowest-ranking at the first sphere of pastry heaven, angels are tasked with delivering new recipes to the mortals they deem worthy."
Archangels.png Archangels "Angels" purchased MoneyHC.png 49
You gain another +10% of your regular CpS while the game is closed, for a total of 25%.
"Members of the first sphere of pastry heaven, archangels are responsible for the smooth functioning of the world's largest bakeries."
Virtues.png Virtues "Archangels" purchased MoneyHC.png 343
You gain another +10% of your regular CpS while the game is closed, for a total of 35%.
"Found at the second sphere of pastry heaven, virtues make use of their heavenly strength to push and drag the stars of the cosmos."
Dominions.png Dominions "Virtues" purchased MoneyHC.png 2,401
You gain another +10% of your regular CpS while the game is closed, for a total of 45%.
"Ruling over the second sphere of pastry heaven, dominions hold a managerial position and are in charge of accounting and regulating schedules."
Cherubim.png Cherubim "Dominions" purchased MoneyHC.png 16,807
You gain another +10% of your regular CpS while the game is closed, for a total of 55%.
"Sieging at the first sphere of pastry heaven, the four-faced cherubim serve as heavenly bouncers and bodyguards."
Kitten angels.png Kitten angels "Dominions" purchased MoneyHC.png 9,000 You gain more CpS the more milk you have.[note 1]
"All cats go to heaven."
Kitten wages.png Kitten wages "Kitten angels" purchased MoneyHC.png 9 billion Through clever accounting, this actually makes kitten upgrades 10% cheaper.
"Cats can have little a salary.
Cats are expert hagglers and have a keen sense of bargaining, especially in the case of cash."
Cat ladies.png Cat ladies "Kitten angels" purchased MoneyHC.png 9 billion Each kitten upgrade boosts grandma CpS by 29%.[note 2]
"Oh no. Oh no no no. Ohh this isn't right at all."
Milkhelp(R) lactose intolerance relief tablets.png Milkhelp® lactose intolerance relief tablets "Cat ladies" purchased MoneyHC.png 900 billion Each rank of milk boosts grandma CpS by 5%.[note 3]
"Aged like milk."
Seraphim.png Seraphim "Cherubim" purchased MoneyHC.png 117,649
You gain another +10% of your regular CpS while the game is closed, for a total of 65%.
"Leading the first sphere of pastry heaven, seraphim possess ultimate knowledge of everything pertaining to baking."
God.png God "Seraphim" purchased MoneyHC.png 823,543
You gain another +10% of your regular CpS while the game is closed, for a total of 75%.
"Like Santa, but less fun."
Belphegor.png Belphegor "Twin Gates of Transcendence" purchased MoneyHC.png 7
You retain optimal cookie production while the game is closed for twice as long, for a total of 2 hours.
"A demon of shortcuts and laziness, Belphegor commands machines to do work in his stead."
Mammon.png Mammon "Belphegor" purchased MoneyHC.png 49
You retain optimal cookie production while the game is closed for twice as long, for a total of 4 hours.
"The demonic embodiment of wealth, Mammon requests a tithe of blood and gold from all his worshippers."
Abaddon.png Abaddon "Mammon" purchased MoneyHC.png 343
You retain optimal cookie production while the game is closed for twice as long, for a total of 8 hours.
"Master of overindulgence, Abaddon governs the wrinkler brood and inspires their insatiability."
Satan.png Satan "Abaddon" purchased MoneyHC.png 2,401
You retain optimal cookie production while the game is closed for twice as long, for a total of 16 hours.
"The counterpoint to everything righteous, this demon represents the nefarious influence of deceit and temptation."
Asmodeus.png Asmodeus "Satan" purchased MoneyHC.png 16,807
You retain optimal cookie production while the game is closed for twice as long, for a total of 1 day and 8 hours.
"This demon with three monstrous heads draws his power from the all-consuming desire for cookies and all things sweet."
Beelzebub.png Beelzebub "Asmodeus" purchased MoneyHC.png 117,649
You retain optimal cookie production while the game is closed for twice as long, for a total of 2 days and 16 hours.
"The festering incarnation of blight and disease, Beelzebub rules over the vast armies of pastry inferno."
Lucifer.png Lucifer "Beelzebub" purchased MoneyHC.png 823,543
You retain optimal cookie production while the game is closed for twice as long, for a total of 5 days and 8 hours.
"Also known as the Lightbringer, this infernal prince's tremendous ego caused him to be cast down from pastry heaven."
Synergies Vol. I.png Synergies Vol. I "Dominions" and "Satan" purchased MoneyHC.png 222,222 Unlocks a new tier of upgrades that affect 2 buildings at the same time.
Synergies appear once you have 15 of both buildings.
"The many beats the few."
Synergies Vol. II.png Synergies Vol. II "Synergies Vol. I", "Seraphim" and "Beelzebub" purchased MoneyHC.png 2.222 million Unlocks a new tier of upgrades that affect 2 buildings at the same time.
Synergies appear once you have 75 of both buildings.
"The several beats the many."
Chimera.png Chimera "Synergies Vol. II", "God" and "Lucifer" purchased MoneyHC.png 40.354 million
Synergy upgrades are 2% cheaper.
You gain another +5% of your regular CpS while the game is closed.
You retain optimal cookie production while the game is closed for 2 more days.
"More than the sum of its parts."

Mobile Version

Power clicks and its upgrades replace the offline production branch of Heavenly Upgrades on PC as the mobile version has 100% offline production with no time limit by default.

Power Clicks heavenly upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description
PowerClicks.webp Power clicks "Legacy" purchased MoneyHC.png 1
Unlocks the power clicks toggle.

Passive power clicks income:

  • you now build up power clicks while the game is closed at a rate of one every 30 minutes
  • maximum storage capacity: 5 power clicks

Toggle effect:

  • use up 1 power click whenever you click the big cookie while the toggle is active
  • these clicks produce 2 times more cookies
  • these clicks boost all cookie production by +5% for 10 seconds (duration stacks)
  • cannot use power clicks during click frenzies

"There's plenty of knowledgeable people up here, and you've been given some excellent pointers."

Angels.png Angels "Power clicks" purchased MoneyHC.png 7
Power click production while the game is closed sped up to one every 28 minutes
Maximum power click capacity increased to 10.
"Lowest-ranking at the first sphere of pastry heaven, angels are tasked with delivering new recipes to the mortals they deem worthy."
Archangels.png Archangels "Angels" purchased MoneyHC.png 49
Power click production while the game is closed sped up to one every 26 minutes
Maximum power click capacity increased to 15.
"Members of the first sphere of pastry heaven, archangels are responsible for the smooth functioning of the world's largest bakeries."
Virtues.png Virtues "Archangels" purchased MoneyHC.png 343
Power click production while the game is closed sped up to one every 24 minutes
Maximum power click capacity increased to 20.
"Found at the second sphere of pastry heaven, virtues make use of their heavenly strength to push and drag the stars of the cosmos."
Dominions.png Dominions "Virtues" purchased MoneyHC.png 2,401
Power click production while the game is closed sped up to one every 22 minutes
Maximum power click capacity increased to 25.
"Ruling over the second sphere of pastry heaven, dominions hold a managerial position and are in charge of accounting and regulating schedules."
Cherubim.png Cherubim "Dominions" purchased MoneyHC.png 16,807
Power click production while the game is closed sped up to one every 20 minutes
Maximum power click capacity increased to 30.
"Sieging at the first sphere of pastry heaven, the four-faced cherubim serve as heavenly bouncers and bodyguards."
Seraphim.png Seraphim "Cherubim" purchased MoneyHC.png 117,649
Power click production while the game is closed sped up to one every 18 minutes
Maximum power click capacity increased to 35.
"Leading the first sphere of pastry heaven, seraphim possess ultimate knowledge of everything pertaining to baking."
God.png God "Seraphim" purchased MoneyHC.png 823,543
Power click production while the game is closed sped up to one every 16 minutes
Maximum power click capacity increased to 40.
"Like Santa, but less fun."
Belphegor.png Belphegor "Power clicks" purchased MoneyHC.png 7
Power click effects increased to 3 times more cookies per click and +6% cookie production for 15 seconds.
"A demon of shortcuts and laziness, Belphegor commands machines to do work in his stead."
Mammon.png Mammon "Belphegor" purchased MoneyHC.png 49
Power click effects increased to 4 times more cookies per click and +7% cookie production for 20 seconds.
"The demonic embodiment of wealth, Mammon requests a tithe of blood and gold from all his worshippers."
Abaddon.png Abaddon "Mammon" purchased MoneyHC.png 343
Power click effects increased to 5 times more cookies per click and +8% cookie production for 25 seconds.
"Master of overindulgence, Abaddon governs the wrinkler brood and inspires their insatiability."
Satan.png Satan "Abaddon" purchased MoneyHC.png 2,401
Power click effects increased to 6 times more cookies per click and +9% cookie production for 30 seconds.
"The counterpoint to everything righteous, this demon represents the nefarious influence of deceit and temptation."
Asmodeus.png Asmodeus "Satan" purchased MoneyHC.png 16,807
Power click effects increased to 7 times more cookies per click and +10% cookie production for 35 seconds.
"This demon with three monstrous heads draws his power from the all-consuming desire for cookies and all things sweet."
Beelzebub.png Beelzebub "Asmodeus" purchased MoneyHC.png 117,649
Power click effects increased to 8 times more cookies per click and +11% cookie production for 40 seconds.
"The festering incarnation of blight and disease, Beelzebub rules over the vast armies of pastry inferno."
Lucifer.png Lucifer "Beelzebub" purchased MoneyHC.png 823,543
Power click effects increased to 9 times more cookies per click and +12% cookie production for 45 seconds.
"Also known as the Lightbringer, this infernal prince's tremendous ego caused him to be cast down from pastry heaven."
Chimera.png Chimera "Synergies Vol. II", "God" and "Lucifer" purchased MoneyHC.png 40.354 million
Synergy upgrades are 2% cheaper.
+3% cookie production from power click buffs.
Power clicks accumulate 1 minute faster.
"More than the sum of its parts."

Quality-of-Life upgrades

Permanent upgrade slots cannot hold research upgrades, heavenly chips upgrades, or switches. In addition to permanent upgrade slots, this branch contains quality-of-life improvements to the store.

Quality-of-Life heavenly upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Upgrader.png Persistent memory "Legacy" purchased MoneyHC.png 500 Subsequent research will be 10 times as fast.
"It's all making sense!
I.png Permanent upgrade slot I "Legacy" purchased MoneyHC.png 100 Placing an upgrade in this slot will make its effects permanent across all playthroughs.
Click to activate.
II.png Permanent upgrade slot II "Permanent upgrade slot I" purchased MoneyHC.png 20,000 265
III.png Permanent upgrade slot III "Permanent upgrade slot II" purchased MoneyHC.png 3 million 266
IV.png Permanent upgrade slot IV "Permanent upgrade slot III" purchased MoneyHC.png 400 million 267
V.png Permanent upgrade slot V "Permanent upgrade slot IV" purchased MoneyHC.png 50 billion 268
Inspired checklist.png Inspired checklist "Persistent memory" and "Permanent upgrade slot II" purchased MoneyHC.png 900,000 Unlocks the Buy all feature, which lets you instantly purchase every upgrade in your store (starting from the cheapest one).
Also unlocks the Vault, a store section where you can place upgrades you do not wish to auto-buy.
"Snazzy grandma accessories? Check. Transdimensional abominations? Check. A bunch of eggs for some reason? Check. Machine that goes "ping"? Check and check."
Genius accounting.png Genius accounting "Inspired checklist" purchased MoneyHC.png 2 million Unlocks extra price information.
Each displayed cost now specifies how long it'll take you to afford it, and how much of your bank it represents.
"There's no accounting for taste, and yet here we are."
Label printer.png Label printer "Genius accounting" purchased MoneyHC.png 5 million Mouse over an upgrade to see its tier.
Note : only some upgrades have tiers. Tiers are purely cosmetic and have no effect on gameplay.
"Also comes in real handy when you want to tell catsup apart from ketchup."

Unshackled flavor upgrades

Unshackled flavor heavenly upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Chocolate chip cookie.png Unshackled flavor "Label printer" purchased MoneyHC.png 10 million Unshackles all Plain-tier upgrades, making them more powerful.
Only applies to unshackled buildings.
"While the absence of flavoring may seem underwhelming, it allows innate aromas to be expressed at their most unadulterated."
Berrylium cookie.png Unshackled berrylium "Unshackled flavor" purchased MoneyHC.png 1.810 billion Unshackles all Berrylium-tier upgrades, making them more powerful.
Only applies to unshackled buildings.
"Berrylium is a synthetic gem with a simple shine to it. Sticky to the touch and susceptible to melting in high heat, it is frequently used in the food industry rather that as adornment, as its atomic structure imparts it a vaguely fruity flavor."
Blueberrylium cookie.png Unshackled blueberrylium "Unshackled berrylium" purchased MoneyHC.png 37.880 billion Unshackles all Blueberrylium-tier upgrades, making them more powerful.
Only applies to unshackled buildings.
"Blueberrylium is a refinement of berrylium, sharing nearly the same chemical makeup save for a few supplemental esters. These affect its flavor as well as its visual spectrum resonance."
Chalcedhoney cookie.png Unshackled chalcedhoney "Unshackled blueberrylium" purchased MoneyHC.png 327.68 billion Unshackles all Chalcedhoney-tier upgrades, making them more powerful.
Only applies to unshackled buildings.
"Raw chalcedhoney is found in complex nodules within the fossilized remains of ancient forests. Once purified, it becomes a semi-valuable stone with a pleasant, waxy smell."
Buttergold cookie.png Unshackled buttergold "Unshackled chalcedhoney" purchased MoneyHC.png 1.746 trillion Unshackles all Buttergold-tier upgrades, making them more powerful.
Only applies to unshackled buildings.
"Buttergold was famously invented by the chef son of two molecular physicists. Neither closely related to butter nor to gold, yet similar in nutritional value, this glimmering substance can be frozen and preserve its hardness at room temperature, only regaining its malleability when heated up."
Sugarmuck cookie.png Unshackled sugarmuck "Unshackled buttergold" purchased MoneyHC.png 6.857 trillion Unshackles all Sugarmuck-tier upgrades, making them more powerful.
Only applies to unshackled buildings.
"Sugarmuck refers to the gradual crust that seems to form spontaneously in the vicinity of candy-making equipment. Long ignored by confectioners, its harvesting process was discovered simultaneously in multiple countries during a global beet shortage."
Jetmint cookie.png Unshackled jetmint "Unshackled sugarmuck" purchased MoneyHC.png 21.789 trillion Unshackles all Jetmint-tier upgrades, making them more powerful.
Only applies to unshackled buildings.
"The striking taste of jetmint made it popular in the manufacture of various kinds of coffee-side treats until the awareness of its mild radioactivity became widespread. Today, its main uses are in cosmetics, owing to the refreshing sensation it produces on contact."
Cherrysilver cookie.png Unshackled cherrysilver "Unshackled jetmint" purchased MoneyHC.png 59.316 trillion Unshackles all Cherrysilver-tier upgrades, making them more powerful.
Only applies to unshackled buildings.
"Cherrysilver is a patented alloy with peculiar aromatic properties; it is non-edible, but produces strong flavor responses while losing very little of its mass when licked, though this also leaves a harmless red tinge upon the tongue."
Hazelrald cookie.png Unshackled hazelrald "Unshackled cherrysilver" purchased MoneyHC.png 143.489 trillion Unshackles all Hazelrald-tier upgrades, making them more powerful.
Only applies to unshackled buildings.
"Hazelrald is a friable gemstone with complex green-brown inner reflections. It is considered ornamental in some cultures; in others, it may be consumed in small quantities as an upper-scale sweet."
Mooncandy cookie.png Unshackled mooncandy "Unshackled hazelrald" purchased MoneyHC.png 316.228 trillion Unshackles all Mooncandy-tier upgrades, making them more powerful.
Only applies to unshackled buildings.
"While many get it mixed up with the trademarked snack of the same name made popular following its discovery, mooncandy is a very real mineral, first isolated within the space dust underneath astronaut boots. Left to its own devices in open air, a mooncandy crystal naturally spreads out and grows."
Astrofudge cookie.png Unshackled astrofudge "Unshackled mooncandy" purchased MoneyHC.png 646.316 trillion Unshackles all Astrofudge-tier upgrades, making them more powerful.
Only applies to unshackled buildings.
"When you heat up the shimmering syrup oozing from mooncandy using a special caramelization process, you get astrofudge. Astrofudge is delicious and safe for humanoid consumption in certain quantities. Consult your local food safety agency for more details."
Alabascream cookie.png Unshackled alabascream "Unshackled astrofudge" purchased MoneyHC.png 1.241 quadrillion Unshackles all Alabascream-tier upgrades, making them more powerful.
Only applies to unshackled buildings.
"Molecularly related to dairy, alabascream occurs naturally at high altitudes, forming in wispy filaments which were long indistinguishable from clouds. An expensive delight, it is also known as "pilots' bane"."
Iridyum cookie.png Unshackled iridyum "Unshackled alabascream" purchased MoneyHC.png 2.262 quadrillion Unshackles all Iridyum-tier upgrades, making them more powerful.
Only applies to unshackled buildings.
"Iridyum shares little in common with any other material known to mankind. Rather than simply smelled, it can be tasted from a distance, though remaining in its presence too long is ill-advised. Some high-end underground megacomputers may incorporate iridyum as part of their electronic components."
Glucosmium cookie.png Unshackled glucosmium "Unshackled iridyum" purchased MoneyHC.png 3.944 quadrillion Unshackles all Glucosmium-tier upgrades, making them more powerful.
Only applies to unshackled buildings.
"Glucosmium is a glossy metal whose flavor matrix is bound to its current subjective chroma; in other words, its taste depends on which colors it's currently reflecting. Impractical to consume safely, its industrial applications range from transcontinental ballistics to paint varnish."
Glimmeringue cookie.png Unshackled glimmeringue "Unshackled glucosmium" purchased MoneyHC.png 6.617 quadrillion Unshackles all Glimmeringue-tier upgrades, making them more powerful.
Only applies to unshackled buildings.
"Lightweight, digestible, and endlessly fragile, glimmeringue not only enjoys a privileged place in the "spectacle cooking" industry - it also shares most of its other properties with asbestos, save for thermal insulation."

Unshackled building upgrades

Unshackled building heavenly upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Unshackled cursor.png Unshackled cursors "Unshackled flavor" purchased MoneyHC.png 15 million Multiplies the gain from Thousand fingers by 25.
"These hands tell a story."
Unshackled grandma.png Unshackled grandmas "Unshackled cursors" purchased MoneyHC.png 1.92 billion Tiered upgrades for Grandmas provide an extra +50% production.
Only works with unshackled upgrade tiers.
"Never too old."
Unshackled farm.png Unshackled farms "Unshackled grandmas" purchased MoneyHC.png 32.805 billion Tiered upgrades for Farms provide an extra +180% production.
Only works with unshackled upgrade tiers.
"Till the universe."
Unshackled mine.png Unshackled mines "Unshackled farms" purchased MoneyHC.png 245.76 billion Tiered upgrades for Mines provide an extra +170% production.
Only works with unshackled upgrade tiers.
"Redefine the meaning of "depth"."
Unshackled factory.png Unshackled factories "Unshackled mines" purchased MoneyHC.png 1.172 trillion Tiered upgrades for Factories provide an extra +160% production.
Only works with unshackled upgrade tiers.
"Nothing to lose but your production chains."
Unshackled bank.png Unshackled banks "Unshackled factories" purchased MoneyHC.png 4.199 trillion Tiered upgrades for Banks provide an extra +150% production.
Only works with unshackled upgrade tiers.
"All-time highs, all the time."
Unshackled temple.png Unshackled temples "Unshackled banks" purchased MoneyHC.png 12.353 trillion Tiered upgrades for Temples provide an extra +140% production.
Only works with unshackled upgrade tiers.
"You can make a religion out of this."
Unshackled wizard tower.png Unshackled wizard towers "Unshackled temples" purchased MoneyHC.png 31.457 trillion Tiered upgrades for Wizard towers provide an extra +130% production.
Only works with unshackled upgrade tiers.
"There's a spell for everything."
Unshackled shipment.png Unshackled shipments "Unshackled wizard towers" purchased MoneyHC.png 71.745 trillion Tiered upgrades for Shipments provide an extra +120% production.
Only works with unshackled upgrade tiers.
"Everywhere at once."
Unshackled alchemy lab.png Unshackled alchemy labs "Unshackled shipments" purchased MoneyHC.png 150 trillion Tiered upgrades for Alchemy labs provide an extra +110% production.
Only works with unshackled upgrade tiers.
"Anything you see, you can make."
Unshackled portal.png Unshackled portals "Unshackled alchemy labs" purchased MoneyHC.png 292.308 trillion Tiered upgrades for Portals provide an extra +100% production.
Only works with unshackled upgrade tiers.
"Parallels unparalleled."
Unshackled time machine.png Unshackled time machines "Unshackled portals" purchased MoneyHC.png 537.477 trillion Tiered upgrades for Time machines provide an extra +90% production.
Only works with unshackled upgrade tiers.
"All the time in the world."
Unshackled antimatter condenser.png Unshackled antimatter condensers "Unshackled time machines" purchased MoneyHC.png 941.228 trillion Tiered upgrades for Antimatter condensers provide an extra +80% production.
Only works with unshackled upgrade tiers.
"No scale too large or too little."
Unshackled prism.png Unshackled prisms "Unshackled antimatter condensers"" purchased MoneyHC.png 1.581 quadrillion Tiered upgrades for Prisms provide an extra +70% production.
Only works with unshackled upgrade tiers.
"Brilliance has no upper limit."
Unshackled chancemaker.png Unshackled chancemakers "Unshackled prisms" purchased MoneyHC.png 2.563 quadrillion Tiered upgrades for Chancemakers provide an extra +60% production.
Only works with unshackled upgrade tiers.
"You make the rules."
Unshackled fractal engine.png Unshackled fractal engine "Unshackled chancemakers" purchased MoneyHC.png 4.027 quadrillion Tiered upgrades for Fractal engines provide an extra +50% production.
Only works with unshackled upgrade tiers.
Unshackled javascript console.png Unshackled javascript consoles "Unshackled fractal engine" purchased MoneyHC.png 6.155 quadrillion Tiered upgrades for Javascript consoles provide an extra +40% production.
Only works with unshackled upgrade tiers.
"Rewrite your reality."
Unshackled idleverse.png Unshackled idleverses "Unshackled javascript consoles" purchased MoneyHC.png 9.183 quadrillion Tiered upgrades for Idleverses provide an extra +30% production.
Only works with unshackled upgrade tiers.
"Wait even faster."
Unshackled cortex baker.png Unshackled cortex bakers "Unshackled idleverses" purchased MoneyHC.png 13.408 quadrillion Tiered upgrades for Cortex bakers provide an extra +20% production.
Only works with unshackled upgrade tiers.
"Nothing is real. Everything is permitted."
Unshackled you.png Unshackled You "Unshackled cortex bakers" purchased MoneyHC.png 19.2 quadrillion Tiered upgrades for You provide an extra +10% production.
Only works with unshackled upgrade tiers.
"Guess who?"

Golden Cookie upgrades

Golden Cookie heavenly upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Small buttergold cookies.png Heavenly luck "Legacy" purchased MoneyHC.png 77 Golden cookies appear 5% more often.
"Someone up there likes you."
Medium buttergold cookies.png Lasting fortune "Heavenly luck" purchased MoneyHC.png 777 Golden cookies effects last 10% longer.
"This isn't your average everyday luck. This is... advanced luck."
Golden switch.png Golden switch "Heavenly luck" purchased MoneyHC.png 999 Unlocks the golden switch, which passively boosts your CpS by 50% but disables golden cookies.
"Less clicking, more idling."
Lucky trinity.png Lucky Digit "Heavenly luck" purchased, current prestige level contains at least one instance of "7" MoneyHC.png 777 +1% Prestige level on CpS.
+1% golden cookie effect duration.
+1% golden cookie lifespan.
"This upgrade is a little bit shy and only appears when your prestige level contains a 7." [note 4]
Lucky trinity.png Lucky Number "Lucky Digit" and "Lasting fortune" purchased, current prestige level contains at least two instances of "7" MoneyHC.png 77,777 +1% Prestige level on CpS.
+1% golden cookie effect duration.
+1% golden cookie lifespan.
"This upgrade is a reclusive hermit and only appears when your prestige level contains two 7's." [note 4]
Lucky trinity.png Lucky Payout "Lucky Number" and "Decisive fate" purchased, current prestige level contains at least four instances of "7" MoneyHC.png 77.778 million +1% Prestige level on CpS.
+1% golden cookie effect duration.
+1% golden cookie lifespan.
"This upgrade took an oath of complete seclusion from the rest of the world and only appears when your prestige level contains four 7's." [note 4]
Lucky golden clover.png Residual luck "Golden switch" purchased MoneyHC.png 99,999 While the golden switch is on, you gain an additional +10% CpS per golden cookie upgrade owned. [note 5]
"Fortune comes in many flavors."
Buttergold cookie.png Decisive fate "Lasting fortune" purchased MoneyHC.png 7,777 Golden cookies stay 5% longer.
"Life just got a bit more intense."
Golden cookie sound.png Golden cookie alert sound "Residual luck" purchased MoneyHC.png 999,999 Unlocks the golden cookie sound selector, which lets you pick whether golden cookies emit a sound when appearing or not.
"A sound decision."
Distilled essence of redoubled luck.png Distilled essence of redoubled luck "Divine bakeries" and "Residual luck" purchased MoneyHC.png 7.778 million Golden Cookies have a 1% chance of being doubled. [note 6]
"Tastes glittery. The empty phial makes for a great pencil holder."

Discount and Luck upgrades

Discounts and Luck heavenly upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Divine discount.png Divine discount "Decisive fate" purchased MoneyHC.png 99,999 Buildings are 1% cheaper.
"Someone special deserves a special price."
Heavenly cookie stand.png Divine sales "Decisive fate" purchased MoneyHC.png 99,999 Upgrades are 1% cheaper.
"Everything must go!"
Heavenly bakery.png Divine bakeries "Divine discount" and "Divine sales" purchased MoneyHC.png 399,999 Cookie upgrades are 5 times cheaper.
"They sure know what they're doing."
Shimmering veil.png Shimmering veil "Distilled essence of redoubled luck" purchased MoneyHC.png 1 billion Unlocks the shimmering veil, a switch that passively boosts your CpS by 50%.
You start with the veil turned on; however, it is very fragile, and clicking the big cookie or any golden cookie or reindeer will turn it off, requiring 24 hours of CpS to turn back on.
"Hands off!"
Cosmic beginner's luck.png Cosmic beginner's luck "Shimmering veil" purchased MoneyHC.png 15 billion Prior to purchasing the Heavenly chip secret upgrade in a run, random drops are 5 times more common.
"Oh! A penny!
Oh! A priceless heirloom!
Oh! Another penny!"
Reinforced membrane.png Reinforced membrane "Shimmering veil" purchased MoneyHC.png 15 billion The shimmering veil is more resistant, and has a 10% chance not to break. It also gives +10% more CPS.
"A consistency between jellyfish and cling wrap."
Membrane shield.png Delicate touch "Reinforced membrane" purchased MoneyHC.png 150 billion The shimmering veil is more resistant, and has a 10% chance not to break. It also gives +5% more CpS.
"It breaks so easily."
Membrane shield.png Steadfast murmur "Delicate touch" purchased MoneyHC.png 15 trillion The shimmering veil is more resistant, and has a 10% chance not to break. It also gives +5% more CpS.
"Lend an ear and listen."
Membrane shield.png Glittering edge "Steadfast murmur" purchased MoneyHC.png 1.5 quadrillion The shimmering veil is more resistant, and has a 10% chance not to break. It also gives +5% more CpS.
"Just within reach, yet at what cost?"
Fortune cookies.png Fortune cookies "Distilled essence of redoubled luck" purchased MoneyHC.png 77.778 billion The news ticker may occasionally have fortunes, which may be clicked for something good.
"These don't taste all that great but that's not really the point, is it?"

Season upgrades

Season heavenly upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Season switcher.png Season switcher "Heralds" purchased MoneyHC.png 1,111 Allows you to trigger seasonal events at will, for a price.
"There will always be time."
Bunny biscuit.png Starspawn "Season switcher" purchased MoneyHC.png 111,111 Eggs drop 10% more often.
Golden cookies appear 2% more often during Easter.
Reindeer icon.png Starsnow "Season switcher" purchased MoneyHC.png 111,111 Christmas cookies drop 5% more often.
Reindeer appear 5% more often.
Ghost cookies.png Starterror "Season switcher" purchased MoneyHC.png 111,111 Spooky cookies drop 10% more often.
Golden cookies appear 2% more often during Halloween.
Ardent heart biscuits.png Starlove "Season switcher" purchased MoneyHC.png 111,111 Heart cookies are 50% more powerful.
Golden cookies appear 2% more often during Valentines.
Fool's biscuit.png Startrade "Season switcher" purchased MoneyHC.png 111,111 Golden cookies appear 5% more often during Business day. 273
Keepsakes.png Keepsakes "Starspawn", "Starsnow", "Starterror", "Starlove" and "Startrade" purchased MoneyHC.png 1.111 billion Seasonal random drops have a 1/5 chance to carry over through ascensions.
"Cherish the memories."

Cookie flavor upgrades

Cookie heavenly upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Heavenly cookies.png Heavenly cookies "Legacy" purchased MoneyHC.png 3 Cookie production multiplier +10% permanently.
"Baked with heavenly chips. An otherworldly flavor that transcends time and space."
Tin of british tea biscuits.png Tin of british tea biscuits "Heavenly cookies" purchased MoneyHC.png 25 Contains an assortment of biscuits.
"Every time is tea time."
Box of macarons.png Box of macarons "Heavenly cookies" purchased MoneyHC.png 25 Contains an assortment of macarons.
"Multicolored delicacies filled with various kinds of jam.
Not to be confused with macaroons, macaroni, macarena or any of that nonsense."
Box of brand biscuits.png Box of brand biscuits "Heavenly cookies" purchased MoneyHC.png 25 Contains an assortment of popular biscuits.
"They're brand new!"
Tin of butter cookies.png Tin of butter cookies "Heavenly cookies" purchased MoneyHC.png 25 Contains an assortment of rich butter cookies.
"Five varieties of danish cookies.
Complete with little paper cups."
Wrinkly cookies.png Wrinkly cookies "Sacrilegious corruption" and "Elder spice" purchased MoneyHC.png 6.666 million Cookie production multiplier +10% permanently.
"The result of regular cookies left to age for countless eons in a place where time and space are meaningless."
Sugar crystal cookies.png Sugar crystal cookies "Sugar baking" purchased MoneyHC.png 1 billion Cookie production multiplier +5% permanently, and +1% for every building level 10 or higher.
"Infused with cosmic sweetness. It gives off a faint shimmery sound when you hold it up to your ear."
Box of maybe cookies.png Box of maybe cookies "Sugar crystal cookies" purchased MoneyHC.png 333 billion Contains an assortment of...something.
"These may or may not be considered cookies."
Box of not cookies.png Box of not cookies "Sugar crystal cookies" purchased MoneyHC.png 333 billion Contains an assortment of...something.
"These are strictly, definitely not cookies."
Box of pastries.png Box of pastries "Sugar crystal cookies" purchased MoneyHC.png 333 billion Contains an assortment of delicious pastries.
"These are a damn slippery slope is what they are!"

Other production upgrades

Production heavenly upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Buttergold cursor.png Starter kit "Tin of British tea biscuits", "Box of macarons", "Box of brand biscuits" and "Tin of butter cookies" purchased MoneyHC.png 50 You start with 10 cursors.
"This can come in handy."
Buttergold grandma.png Starter kitchen "Starter kit" purchased MoneyHC.png 5,000 You start with 5 grandmas.
"Where did these come from?"
Wrinklerspawn.png Unholy bait "Starter kitchen" purchased MoneyHC.png 44,444 Wrinklers appear 5 times as fast.
"No wrinkler can resist the scent of worm biscuits."
Wrinkler icon.png Sacrilegious corruption "Unholy bait" purchased MoneyHC.png 444,444 Wrinklers regurgitate 5% more cookies.
"Unique in the animal kingdom, the wrinkler digestive tract is able to withstand an incredible degree of dilatation - provided you prod them appropriately."
Wrinkler icon.png Elder spice "Unholy bait" purchased MoneyHC.png 444,444 You can attract 2 more wrinklers.
"The cookie your cookie could smell like."
Eye of the wrinkler.png Eye of the wrinkler "Wrinkly cookies" purchased MoneyHC.png 100 million Mouse over a wrinkler to see how many cookies are in its stomach.
"Just a wrinkler and its will to survive.
Hangin' tough, stayin' hungry."
Halo gloves.png Halo gloves "Starter kit" purchased MoneyHC.png 55,555 Clicks are 10% more powerful.
"Smite that cookie."
Aura gloves.png Aura gloves "Halo gloves" purchased MoneyHC.png 555.556 million Cursor levels boost clicks by 5% each (up to level 10)
"Try not to high-five anyone wearing these. You don't want that mess on your hands."
Luminous gloves.png Luminous gloves "Aura gloves" purchased MoneyHC.png 55.556 billion Aura gloves are now effective up to cursor level 20.
"These help power your clicks to absurd levels, but they're also quite handy when you want to light up darkness on your way back from Glove World."
Five-finger discount.png Five-finger discount "Halo gloves" and "Abaddon" purchased MoneyHC.png 555,555 All upgrades are 1% cheaper per 100 cursors.[note 7]
"Stick it to the man."

Sugar Lump upgrades

Sugar Lump heavenly upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Stevia Caelestis.png Stevia Caelestis "Wrinkly Cookies" purchased MoneyHC.png 100 million Sugar lumps ripen an hour sooner.
"A plant of supernatural sweetness grown by angels in heavenly gardens."
Sugar baking.png Sugar baking "Stevia Caelestis" purchased MoneyHC.png 200 million Each unspent sugar lump (up to 100) gives +1% CpS.
Note : this means that spending sugar lumps will decrease your CpS until they grow back.
"To bake with the sugary essence of eons themselves, you must first learn to take your sweet time"
Diabetica Daemonicus.png Diabetica Daemonicus "Stevia Caelestis" and "Lucifer" purchased MoneyHC.png 300 million Sugar lumps mature an hour sooner.
"A malevolent, if delicious herb that is said to grow on the cliffs of the darkest abyss of the underworld."
Sugar craving.png Sugar craving "Sugar baking" purchased MoneyHC.png 400 million Once an ascension, you may use the "Sugar frenzy" switch to triple your CpS for 1 hour, at the cost of 1 sugar lump.
"Just a little kick to sweeten the deal."
Sugar aging process.png Sugar aging process "Sugar craving" and "Diabetica Daemonicus" purchased MoneyHC.png 600 million Each grandma (up to 600) makes sugar lumps ripen 6 seconds sooner.
"Aren't they just the sweetest?"
Sucralosia Inutilis.png Sucralosia Inutilis "Diabetica Daemonicus" purchased MoneyHC.png 1 billion Bifurcated sugar lumps appear 5% more often and are 5% more likely to drop 2 lumps.
"A rare berry of uninteresting flavor that is as elusive as its uses are limited; only sought-after by the most avid collectors with too much wealth on their hands."


Miscellaneous heavenly upgrades
Icon Name Unlock condition Base price Description ID
Legacy.png Legacy Available on first ascension MoneyHC.png 1 This is the first heavenly upgrade; it unlocks the Heavenly chips system.
Each time you ascend, the cookies you made in your previous life are turned into heavenly chips and prestige.
Heavenly chips can be spent on a variety of permanent transcendental upgrades.
Your prestige level also gives you a permanent +1% CpS per level.
"We've all been waiting for you."
How to bake your dragon.png How to bake your dragon "Legacy" purchased MoneyHC.png 9 Allows you to purchase a crumbly egg once you have earned 1 million cookies.
"A tome full of helpful tips such as 'oh god, stay away from it', 'why did we buy this thing, it's not even house-broken' and 'groom twice a week in the direction of the scales'."
Plain milk.png Classic dairy selection "Legacy" purchased MoneyHC.png 9 Unlocks the milk selector, letting you pick which milk is displayed under your cookie. Comes with a variety of basic flavors.
"Don't have a cow, man."
CP24 - Basic wallpaper.png Basic wallpaper assortment "Classic dairy selection" purchased MoneyHC.png 99 Unlocks the background selector, letting you select the game's background.
Comes with a variety of basic flavors.
"Prioritizing aesthetics over crucial utilitarian upgrades? Color me impressed."
Heralds.png Heralds "Legacy" purchased MoneyHC.png 100 You now benefit from the boost provided by heralds.
Each herald gives you +1% CpS.
Look on the purple flag at the top to see how many heralds are active at any given time.
Default flavor text:
"Be excellent to each other.
And Patreon, dudes!"

Steam flavor text:
"It's getting steamy."
Red Gift.png Wrapping paper "Heralds" purchased MoneyHC.png 999,999 You may now send and receive gifts with other players through buttons in the top-right of the Options menu.
"Of course, you could've done this all along, but what kind of maniac sends presents without wrapping them first?"
Cosmic milk.png Fanciful dairy selection "Classic dairy selection" purchased MoneyHC.png 1 million Contains more exotic flavors for your milk selector.
"Strong bones for the skeleton army."
CP22 - Distinguished wallpaper.png Distinguished wallpaper assortment "Basic wallpaper assortment" purchased MoneyHC.png 10 million Contains more wallpapers for your background selector.
"Do you ever think about the physicality of this place? Are you putting up these wallpapers in your office or something? Where are you, anyway?"
Jukebox.png Sound test "Fanciful dairy selection", "Golden cookie alert sound" and "Distinguished wallpaper assortment" purchased MoneyHC.png 100 billion Unlocks the jukebox, which allows you to play through every sound file in the game.
"One two, one two. Is this thing on?"
Pet the dragon.png Pet the dragon "How to bake your dragon" and "Residual luck" purchased MoneyHC.png 100 billion Unlocks the ability to pet your dragon by clicking on it once hatched.
"Dragons do not purr. If your dragon starts purring, vacate the area immediately."


There are 61 Achievements related to ascension, two of which are Shadow Achievements:

Cookies Baked in One Ascension

Icon Name Description ID
CP1 - Tiny cookie.png Wake and bake Bake 1 cookie in one ascension. 0
CookieProduction2.png Making some dough Bake 1,000 cookies in one ascension. 1
CookieProduction3.png So baked right now Bake 100,000 cookies in one ascension. 2
CookieProduction4.png Fledgling bakery Bake 1 million cookies in one ascension. 3
CookieProduction5.png Affluent bakery Bake 100 million cookies in one ascension. 4
CookieProduction6.png World-famous bakery Bake 1 billion cookies in one ascension. 5
CookieProduction7.png Cosmic bakery Bake 100 billion cookies in one ascension. 6
CookieProduction8.png Galactic bakery Bake 1 trillion cookies in one ascension. 7
CookieProduction9.png Universal bakery Bake 100 trillion cookies in one ascension. 8
CookieProduction10.png Timeless bakery Bake 1 quadrillion cookies in one ascension. 9
CookieProduction11.png Infinite bakery Bake 100 quadrillion cookies in one ascension. 10
CookieProduction12.png Immortal bakery Bake 1 quintillion cookies in one ascension. 11
CookieProduction13.png Don't stop me now Bake 100 quintillion cookies in one ascension. 12
CookieProduction14.png You can stop now Bake 1 sextillion cookies in one ascension. 13
CookieProduction15.png Cookies all the way down Bake 100 sextillion cookies in one ascension. 14
CookieProduction16.png Overdose Bake 1 septillion cookies in one ascension. 15
CookieProduction17.png How? Bake 100 septillion cookies in one ascension. 223
CookieProduction18.png The land of milk and cookies Bake 1 octillion cookies in one ascension. 224
CookieProduction19.png He who controls the cookies controls the universe Bake 100 octillion cookies in one ascension.
"The milk must flow!"
CookieProduction20.png Tonight on Hoarders Bake 1 nonillion cookies in one ascension. 226
CookieProduction21.png Are you gonna eat all that? Bake 100 nonillion cookies in one ascension. 227
CP22 - Distinguished wallpaper.png We're gonna need a bigger bakery Bake 1 decillion cookies in one ascension. 228
CookieProduction23.png In the mouth of madness Bake 100 decillion cookies in one ascension.
"A cookie is just what we tell each other it is."
CP24 - Basic wallpaper.png Brought to you by the letter Money.png Bake 1 undecillion cookies in one ascension. 230
CookieProduction25.png The dreams in which I'm baking are the best I've ever had Bake 100 undecillion cookies in one ascension. 279
CookieProduction26.png Set for life Bake 1 duodecillion cookies in one ascension. 280
CookieProduction27.png Panic! at Nabisco Bake 100 duodecillion cookies in one ascension. 372
CookieProduction28.png Bursting at the seams Bake 1 tredecillion cookies in one ascension. 373
CookieProduction29.png Just about full Bake 100 tredecillion cookies in one ascension. 374
CookieProduction30.png Hungry for more Bake 1 quattuordecillion cookies in one ascension. 375
CookieProduction31.png Feed me, Orteil Bake 100 quattuordecillion cookies in one ascension. 390
CookieProduction32.png And then what? Bake 1 quindecillion cookies in one ascension. 391
CookieProduction33.png I think it's safe to say you've got it made Bake 100 quindecillion cookies in one ascension. 429
CookieProduction34.png A sometimes food Bake 1 sexdecillion cookies in one ascension. 451
CookieProduction35.png Not enough of a good thing Bake 100 sexdecillion cookies in one ascension. 452
CookieProduction36.png Horn of plenty Bake 1 septendecillion cookies in one ascension. 453
CookieProduction37.png Large and in charge Bake 100 septendecillion cookies in one ascension. 470
CookieProduction38.png Absolutely stuffed Bake 1 octodecillion cookies in one ascension. 471
CookieProduction39.png It's only wafer-thin Bake 100 octodecillion cookies in one ascension.
"Just the one!"
CookieProduction40.png Think big Bake 1 novemdecillion cookies in one ascension. 534
CookieProduction41.png Hypersize me Bake 100 novemdecillion cookies in one ascension. 535
CookieProduction42.png Max capacity Bake 1 vigintillion cookies in one ascension. 536
CookieProduction43.png Fake it till you bake it Bake 100 vigintillion cookies in one ascension. 578
CookieProduction44.png History in the baking Bake 1 unvigintillion cookies in one ascension. 579
CookieProduction45.png What do you get for the baker who has everything Bake 100 unvigintillion cookies in one ascension. 586
CookieProduction46.png Bottomless pit Bake 1 duovigintillion cookies in one ascension. 587
CookieProduction47.png Rainy day fund Bake 100 duovigintillion cookies in one ascension. 592
CookieProduction48.png And a little extra Bake 1 trevigintillion cookies in one ascension. 593

Times Ascended and Cookies Sacrificed

Icon Name Description ID
Legacy.png Rebirth [note 8] Ascend at least once. 203
Legacy.png Resurrection [note 8] Ascend 10 times. 205
Legacy.png Reincarnation [note 8] Ascend 100 times. 206
Transcendent cookie.png Endless cycle [note 8]
(shadow achievement)
Ascend 1,000 times.
"Oh hey, it's you again."
RedSkull1.png Sacrifice Ascend with 1 million cookies baked.
"Easy come, easy go."
RedSkull1.png Oblivion Ascend with 1 billion cookies baked.
"Back to square one."
RedSkull1.png From scratch Ascend with 1 trillion cookies baked.
"It's been fun."
RedSkull2.png Nihilism Ascend with 1 quadrillion cookies baked.
"There are many things
that need to be erased"
RedSkull2.png Dematerialize Ascend with 1 quintillion cookies baked.
...where'd the cookies go?"
RedSkull2.png Nil zero zilch Ascend with 1 sextillion cookies baked.
"To summarize : really not very much at all."
RedSkull3.png Transcendence Ascend with 1 septillion cookies baked.
"Your cookies are now on a higher plane of being."
RedSkull3.png Obliterate Ascend with 1 octillion cookies baked.
"Resistance is futile, albeit entertaining."
RedSkull3.png Negative void Ascend with 1 nonillion cookies baked.
"You now have so few cookies that it's almost like you have a negative amount of them."
RedSkull4.png To crumbs, you say? Ascend with 1 decillion cookies baked.
"Very well then."
RedSkull4.png You get nothing Ascend with 1 undecillion cookies baked.
"Good day sir!"
RedSkull4.png Humble rebeginnings Ascend with 1 duodecillion cookies baked.
"Started from the bottom, now we're here."
RedSkull5.png The end of the world Ascend with 1 tredecillion cookies baked.
"(as we know it)"
RedSkull5.png Oh, you're back Ascend with 1 quattuordecillion cookies baked.
"Missed us?"
RedSkull5.png Lazarus Ascend with 1 quindecillion cookies baked.
"All rise."
RedSkull6.png Smurf account Ascend with 1 sexdecillion cookies baked.
"It's like you just appeared out of the blue!"
RedSkull6.png If at first you don't succeed Ascend with 1 septendecillion cookies baked.
"If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again.
But isn't that the definition of insanity?"
RedSkull6.png No more room in hell Ascend with 1 octodecillion cookies baked.
"That is not dead which can eternal click."
Rainbow cookie.png When the cookies ascend just right [note 9]
(shadow achievement)
Ascend with exactly 1 trillion cookies. 397

Additional Information

  1. Milk factor: 0.1
  2. For each upgrade (including heavenly upgrades) that has "purrchased" replacing the usual "purchased" text, it gives a multiplicative bonus of 1.29× to Grandma's CpS.
  3. For each achievement completed, it gives an additive bonus of 0.2% to Grandma's CpS.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 This requires the total prestige level to be exact (current prestige level + ascension prestige). Remember to turn off "Short Numbers" in the options to see the last few digits of the prestige level.
  5. The upgrades which affect Residual Luck are:
    • Lucky Digit
    • Lucky Number
    • Lucky Payout
    • Heavenly Luck
    • Lasting Fortune
    • Decisive Fate
    • Get Lucky (non-heavenly)
    • Lucky Day (non-heavenly)
    • Serendipity (non-heavenly)
    • Golden Goose Egg (non-heavenly)
  6. Specifically, this means that two separate Golden/Wrath Cookies or Reindeer (during Christmas Season) will spawn at the same time. Note that this can happen during a Cookie Chain, and that missing either will break the chain.
  7. The discount stacks multiplicatively, as 100(10.99ncursors100)%. That comes out as less discount than if it stacked additively, as ncursors100%. For example, with 300 cursors, the discount will be 2.9701%, rather than 3%.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 All ascensions require at least +1 prestige gained to count.
  9. This refers to 1 trillion cookies in bank, not 1 trillion cookies baked this ascension. According to the source code, "this achievement is shadow because it is only achievable through blind luck or reading external guides; this may change in the future".

Before ascending, buy the Chocolate egg, and make sure to get as many achievements as possible (usually building achievements) for more milk next ascension. Keep in mind that the progress for popping wrinklers and reindeer aren't kept through ascensions.

  • Making the first ascension at 365 heavenly chips allows for the purchase of:
    • Legacy and How to Bake Your Dragon
    • Heavenly cookies and the four boxes of cookies except for the tin of butter cookies, as the butter cookies are too expensive to be purchased in the second ascension.
    • Heralds and Heavenly Luck
    • Permanent upgrade slot 1 (insert the highest Kitten upgrade)
    • Note: As soon as 1 grandma is purchased after ascending, there will be a great boost in CPS, making progression much easier and faster.
  • After the first ascension, make sure to ascend at 2185 (or 2550 total prestige) for:
    • Tin of Butter Cookies
    • Starter kit
    • Season Switcher
    • Golden Switch
  • A reliable guide for further optimal ascensions can be found here, though it is not as important to strictly follow ascension milestones at this point.
  • Some of the important upgrades to reach, in increasing prices, are:
    • Kitten Angels
    • Synergies Vol.I
    • Golden Cookie Alert Sound
    • Synergies Vol.II
    • Unshackled Cursors
    • Lucky Payout
    • Permanent Upgrade Slots
    • Fortune Cookies
    • Box of Not Cookies, Box of Maybe Cookies, Box of Pastries
    • Unshackled Glimmeringue
    • Unshackled You

  • Purchasing all heavenly upgrades costs a total of 74,938,145,064,647,592 heavenly chips, which requires 420,832 novemdecillion cookies baked.
  • Golden Switch is calculated using current CPS, so activating it during a Clot halves the price. Likewise, activating it during an Elder Frenzy multiplies the price by 666. Wrinklers do not have any effect on the price.
  • The flavor text for the Lasting Fortune upgrade is a reference to the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "Rock bottom". The original quote from SpongeBob was: "This isn't your average everyday darkness. This is... advanced darkness."
  • The flavor text for the "Obliterate" achievement, "Resistance is futile, albeit entertaining," is a reference to Star Trek.
  • The flavor text for the Classic Dairy Selection, "don't have a cow" is Bart Simpson's catchphrase in The Simpsons.
  • The Heavenly Upgrades 'Halo Gloves,' 'Aura Gloves,' 'Luminous Gloves,' 'And Five Finger Discount' all cost amounts of heavenly chips that are simply 5 repeating a certain number of times. This could be a reference to the number of fingers on one human hand, 5.
  • "How to bake your dragon" is a reference to Cressida Cowell's book and the subsequent animated movie, "How to Train Your Dragon".
  • Persistent memory was added in v1.0466 as a non-heavenly upgrade, but it was made into a prestige upgrade after Orteil had decided it was too overpowered (it was unlocked after only one research).
  • "Five-Fingered Discount" is American slang for the act of Shoplifting.
  • Beelzebub is a modern-day name for the devil. In some older Christian dictionaries, it is called the "Lord of the Flies", hence the strange icon that looks like the eyes of a fly. (Not to be confused with William Golding's book.)
  • "Elder Spice" is a reference to the product "Old Spice", and its description "The cookie your cookie could smell like", is a reference to a line spoken in one of their commercials.
  • "To crumbs you say?" and its flavor text is a reference to a popular line from Futurama, where Professor Farnsworth says "To shreds you say? Very well, then."
  • The flavor text for "Nihilism" is a reference to the YouTube series Ratboy Genius, specifically "RBG Dreams Minecraft Interlude - HAPPY FACTORY", in which the character Little King John sings the line "There are many things that need to be erased."
  • The flavor text of Kitten Angels ("All cats go to heaven.") is a reference to the animated series All Dogs Go to Heaven.
  • The flavor text of Golden switch ("Less clicking. More idling.") could possibly be a reference to Spirit Airlines' slogan ("Less money. More go.") Spirit Airlines is an American "ultra-low cost" carrier based in Fort Lauderdale. However, it may not be, as "less x, more y" is also found in other places.
  • The achievement, "He who controls the cookies controls the universe" is a reference to the famous line, "He who controls the spice controls the universe," in the book Dune.  The achievement's description is a reference to the line, "The spice must flow."
  • The achievement, "The dreams in which I'm baking are the best I've ever had." is a reference to the Tears for Fears song "Mad World", which contains the line "The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had."
  • The achievement "In the Mouth of Madness"  is also the title of the psychological Lovecraftian horror film from 1994 written by Michael De Luca, the achievement's description is also indirectly referencing the famous line "A reality is just what we tell each other it is." uttered by one of the movie's main characters.
  • The "The land of milk and cookies" achievement is a reference to the Bible, which refers to Israel as the land of milk and honey.
    • It may also be a reference to The Land of Milk and Cookies from Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
    • Another possible reference may be the webcomic Homestuck, in which a character trait involves 'Land of ___ and ___'
  • The achievement, "The end of the world" and the description, "(as we know it)" are a reference to a song by R.E.M. called "It's the End of the World as We Know It".
  • Clicking on the cookie as it breaks during ascension still makes the clicking sound until the ascension tree shows up (as of v 2.0106)
  • Display boxes for buffs and debuffs are still shown until the ascension tree shows up (as of v 2.0106).
  • The flavor text for the achievement "Endless cycle" could be a reference to the same line from the popular video game Portal 2, in which GLaDOS, a keynote character, is quoted saying the same line to the player character.
  • The flavor text for the "Heralds" upgrade is a reference to a quote from the movie Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure: "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"
  • The icon and description for the upgrade "Tin of butter cookies" are based on the Royal Dansk brand of cookies, whose cookies come in large tins, and are placed in small paper cups inside the tins. The five upgrades unlocked through "Tin of butter cookies" are all based on cookies made by Royal Dansk.
  • The flavor text of "Eye of the wrinkler" ("Just a wrinkler and its will to survive. Hangin' tough, stayin' hungry.") is a reference to the song Eye Of The Tiger, made by the rock band Survivor. The song contains the line: "Just a man and his will to survive." and "Hanging tough, staying hungry."
  • When "Kitten Angels" is bought, it shows as "Purrchased" instead of "Purchased".
  • Ascension clears the currently planted crops from the Garden, but does not reset the seed log or garden size.
  • The flavor text for "Kitten Wages" is a reference to the 'Cats Can Have Little a Salami' meme. The flavor text is a slightly altered version of the original meme; "Cats can have little a salami. Cats are expert hunters and have a keen sense of smell, especially in the case of meat."
  • The flavor text for "If at first you don't succeed" is a reference to "Far Cry 3", where the secondary antagonist of the game Vaas Montenegro describes to the player the definiton of insanity being "Doing the same thing, over and over again, expecting shit to change", this line has also become popular in meme culture.
  • The flavor text for the unshackled temples upgrade ("You can make a religion out of this") is likely a reference to a frequent quote from Bill Wurtz's "history of the entire world I guess."
  • The flavor text for the unshackled cortex bakers upgrade ("Nothing is real. Everything is permitted.") is a reference to the Assasins Creed's maxim and primary guideline: ("Nothing is true; everything is permitted").